Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Like I Needed Another Reason To Love Foo Fighters

The one thing Dave Grohl hates more in this world other than Courtney Love is Paris Hilton. That's right the Foo Fighters frontman thinks "Paris is f**king lame."

Not holding anything back in a recent interview, Dave went on to say that Paris " is a total, raging, disgusting, rich, lazy party slut. I pray that my daughter will not turn out like her.”

Things were not always so frosty between the pair. At one point in time, Dave and Paris actually went out a few times, but the first time they went out alone, things changed.

"Paris was a spoiled bitch princess and refused to make eye contact with me. The entire time we were at dinner she looked around the rest of the restaurant and kept up a running commentary of who was a bitch and who she thought was cute."

"Even though she didn't eat, and barely drank she ordered the most expensive bottle of champagne in the place and the most expensive meal just so she could show off. I've never been more disgusted with a human in my life."

At the end of the night, Grohl got the feeling that even though they had barely communicated, that she was more than willing to seal the deal sexually speaking. He passed.


  1. smart thinking dave .. saved your self the cost of a valtrex prescprition!!

    love the foos ... rip kurt ...as I share dave's disdain for ms love too!

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Love Dave Grohl, Love Foo Fighters. Love him dishing on that Hilton ho.

  3. All that he said should come as no surprise to anyone. However, I dig what he had to say about her.

  4. Certainly no surprise but so glad someone spoke up. Love Foo Fighters!

  5. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I read this this morning and was all "Yay Dave!" but....what I didn't read was that he had been.....on a DATE with her?!?!?!

    Oh man, this taints everything. Now it could just be a scorned "ex" type of thing instead of a beautiful essay of well placed hatred...shit...:(

  6. Dave fuckin rocks it!

  7. whatever, he loses all credibility by admitting to have gone a date with her. seriously who dates paris hilton and expects her to be anything but a spoiled shallow twat?

  8. I don't care if he did go on a date with her. He's been married since 2003 meaning he went on a date with her a very long time ago. Before EVERYONE knew what a skank she is. I love what he said and every single word of it is true. I love how he can't be bothered to go along with the whole game and simply speaks his mind. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go clear a space on my mantle so I can put Dave Grohl up there with Clive Owen.

  9. Wow! Dave Grohl is my new hero! I loved every word of this.

  10. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I'm hoping Dave will write his biography one day and give us the full-on Courtney scoop.

  11. I love Dave. He is such a class act. He cares not two shits about celebrity, and is always very real.

    Go Dave!

  12. Dave isn't a big Bono fan either. They met back in 92 or so and he ended up being appalled by how obnoxious Bono was. Bono came away unimpressed as well and in Bill Flanagan's U2 book, said of Dave, "not the brains of the band." Boy, was he wrong. In light of recent behavior from Bono, I really can't fault Dave anymore. Never meet your heroes.

  13. God I love Dave. Like as close to celeb puppy love I've been since about the age of 16.

    total, raging, disgusting, rich, lazy party slut


    I've never been more disgusted with a human in my life

    Can we put that on her tombstone?

    I <3 DG!!! TLF!!!

    ...sigh... there goes my hero...

  14. I really hope Phil Spector gets off so he can invite Paris over and show her his gun collection.

  15. Yeah, he was my hero for a minute until I read about the date part of it. Plus the dude is 12 years older than her which meant he was probably early 30s versus her late teens/very early 20s when it happened. If he was jumping on her that young, I doubt he was after intellectual stimulation to begin with.

  16. I LOVE Dave Grohl! Thanks for another reason to do it.
