Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Life Is Short--Get A Divorce

In the fall issue of V Magazine, Brad Pitt was asked about his split with Jennifer Aniston and this is what he had to say.

"I don't know how better to have handled it. My view was, this is no one's business in the end — at least in matters of the heart. So you need to protect all involved as much as possible. I don't know if that cooled things off or exacerbated them, but it was a thing I felt justly about at the time. Again, the thing guiding me then was you don't know how many days you have and you need life to be everything you want it to be. … Jen and I still maintain a deep friendship and have a lot of life together that isn't erased in any way."

So, if I'm reading this right, Brad is basically saying he didn't know how many days of life he had left, and he sure as hell wasn't going to spend the remaining ones he had with Jennifer Aniston. After he finishes throwing Jen under the bus, he pretends to pick her up by claiming they have a deep friendship and that no matter how many drugs Brad takes, he can remember much of their time together.


  1. He is morphing into the biggest BS talking twat alive...
    I see he got Whorealinas date of birth tattooed on his stomach, whats the bets Whorealina held him down to get it down screaming "Take it and like it Beeeeeetttccchhhh"

  2. Wow. Bragging about your crappy behaviour in a previous relationship to get press to sell a movie and somehow justify your current relationship.

    This guy's class all the way...I wonder if he's instilling those values in his kids. He & Angie seem to have the same ideal that if you want it, you take it, no matter the fall out.

  3. Ahhhh but they're "Hollywood Royalty" they get what they want....someone should teach these people the merits of delayed gratification....
    oh and some class and respect for others, if he didn't think it was anyone elses business then why say that then proceed to talk about it....

  4. No wonder Angelina hates George Clooney.

    Hasn't he been saying the same thing for years?

  5. Ooh Brad, I hope Vagelina knows about the life together that you haven't erased. Cuz that bitch will cut away those memories with a dull serated knife...and then make love to you. That's how she do.

  6. Actually, I read into that he did the only thing that he could do to make himself happy and that was to leave poor poor jen .. who once again is making the news because of this breakup .. best thing that could have happened to her publicity wise ..anyway, having been in his shoes once, i understand where he is coming from and respect him for being honest .. and like most people who have been in a marriage that doesnt disolve due to abuse .. the in love may disappear, but you always have a place in your heart for them .. sorry for going all oprah and dr phil on y'all .. but i think brad is doing a fine job despite living in the public eye 24/7

  7. Seriously he is in the news more than Paris Hilton. So I find it odd he slams her... when he has spent just as much time courting the media. I never realize that he was such a media ho.

  8. I used to soooo love Brad Pitt...but ever since the split with Jen...I have been sooo turned off....I think Jen said it right in one of those interviews...he is missing a sensitivity chip.

  9. So is he part of the effed up threesome of friends? The two druggies and the cheat?

  10. I was wondering what was up with that drug reference too. I've read in a lot of places that he's a total pot head.

  11. I want to throw Jennifer Aniston under a bus too.

  12. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Libby, you read my mind!

    If Brad's on the smack, then Damon's cheating on his wife....which leaves George Clooney smoking the crack! LOLs for days!

  13. LOL @ your explanation.

  14. Hey aniston had fucked vince vaughn and the latest paul. Besides would you rather brad stayed with horse face aniston even if he doesn't love her anymore. If i was as ugly as aniston i would have pride and move on too.

  15. It is time for you aniston fans to just move on and pray that your horse face idol meet a horse faced guy to marry her and live horsely happily ever after idiots

  16. i can emphatize with brad...why would he punish himself to wake up every morning looking at someone whose chin is longer than her forhead. Can you imagine yourself living with someone you have fallen out of love with

  17. anisotn is the oldest ho in hollywood. fucking 2 guys in two years. angelina had only been with brad not like your fucking idol who had fucked several guys already fucking idiots

  18. That whole break-up screamed mid-life crisis to me. And now he confirmed it. Seems he was scared to spend the rest of his life with that one woman. Maybe she wasn't fulfilling/joining his need to be more altruistic. Maybe she wasn't as adventurous as Angie. That's understandable. But, outside looking in (where we all stand), it was all very insensitive from both Brad and Angie's part (in my opinion). The good thing is that they all seem very happy.

  19. By the way... I'm new here. I always visit this site to get the latest in gossip and for the music posts. Have never posted before. Hello everyone.
