Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lainey Blind Item

I got several requests to post this blind item because she doesn't have a comments section.

Primadonna bitch is shooting a movie in Toronto and amazing people with his demands. First he refused to be driven in a limo to the set an hour away and demanded to be helicoptered there instead by his production company. Then his coffee wasn’t made right so a poor intern received the tongue lashing of life. When she started tearing up, he told her to grow a thicker skin. The other day he wouldn’t come out of his trailer because he didn’t get his cappuccino. Word is he sulks for an hour if people don’t fall over themselves quickly or often enough over his sense of humour resulting in much prompting and reminding by assistants to overtly applaud his brilliance. And despite the fact that everyone was initially stoked to work with a local legend, he has, at one time or another, mistreated the entire crew so badly, they are eager to start selling him out.

Wonder how long it’ll take them to figure out he likes boys?


  1. Mike Myers? He likes the boys, and is from Toronto.

  2. it is Mike Myers. Trust

  3. And what a coincidence - he's shooting The Love Guru in Toronto at this very moment.

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    LOL - dimes, you beat me to it. Here's the Toronto filming list

  5. Yup. Mike Meyers. Final line helps to expain the divorce.

  6. Anonymous9:22 AM

    You guys are fast. I was going to confirm Mike Myers is fliming in Toronto right now.

  7. Thanks for posting Ent!

  8. + Myers is from Canada so he could be considered a "local legend" for Canadians


    I was going to say Don McKellar. It seems the consensus has it.

  10. I thought it was well known he liked the boys? I'm sure he's been one of ent's blinds as well - one of the ones who's divorced now because he couldn't keep his 'other side' on the down low anymore.

    Too bad about the pissy attitude though. Not getting any Mike?

  11. It's Mike Meyers baby, yeah!

    Ah, another tortured comedy soul. How my heart bleeds for him and his inner torment.

  12. Edward Norton is filming the Hulk there too. I believe.

  13. How annoying! I can't believe that people on the set have to fake laugh at his comments. Whata big baby.

  14. Mike Myers?

    Shut up!

  15. Nice to see the world is catching up -- I've been fake laughing at Mike Myers for years. Funny how all those denied, repressed desires come back in the form of Komedy Karma...

  16. Wow...Until I started frequenting this site I would have never pegged Mike Myers as a closeted gay, but the evidence is all there.

    Personally,I prefer 90's Mike Myers the the current one.

  17. I thought Myers had been at least semi-outed? By himself?

  18. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Pope-rah said...
    + Myers is from Canada so he could be considered a "local legend" for Canadians

    9:26 AM

    And specifically he's from Toronto (well, Scarborough) - ie the local part (because trust me, nothing in Canada is LOCAL unless you're in that exact specified location lol)

    And I agree with jlb - I thought it was already known that Mike Meyers loves the lads?

  19. Certainly puts that whole Dieter "Do you vant to touch my monkey?" thing in a new light.

  20. Anonymous10:40 AM

    per her update today:

    "PPS. The Unfunny Douche Unfunny Douche is not Jim Carrey. Jim is not gay. Jim is not green."

    Green = Shrek?

  21. I don't think it's common knowledge that Mike loves the lads. And he was an ass before the divorce. I worked on an event that he was honoured at and we were all excited until he arrived. It took us about 30 seconds to realize he was one of those miserable comedians. Whoever said "pissy attitude" was bang on. I refuse to pay money to see any of his films...

  22. Well, Jim was green in the grinch.

  23. Wow... I had not heard about MM being a total jackass... but I agree with this item being him. He really should be careful... he is a small man and getting mouthy with the wrong person ... he will end up with no teeth.

  24. Mike Meyers is such a yucky creeper. If he wore any more makeup and fake hair, I'd need to start calling him Mrs. John Travolta. bleh.

  25. Anonymous1:04 PM

    You know, after combing through so much old Hollywood stuff looking for Timmy, I've read about a whole lot of spoiled brats that blew it with their tantrums and demands. He's just another overrated pampered pooch in a whole history of pampered pooches.

  26. Thanks for posting this ENT! I go nuts on Lainey's BI's because of the lack of comments. And she's given you a shout out on a few occasions as well. I think she likes ya!

    I will never understand the need of the stars (so to speak) to be such bitches!!! Who the hell do they think put them where they are today? who buys the tickets and the movies>??? huh who??? US that's who - they work for us!

    Ok now i feel better - where the hell is my coffee coffee girl - get me my coffee!

  27. "where the hell is my coffee coffee girl - get me my coffee!"

  28. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Here's an older blind purportedly about Mike Myers:
    Which actor-comedian kept insisting on threesomes to "save the marriage" and then divorced his long-suffering wife anyway?

  29. Jim is not gay. Jim is not green. Jim does not eat green eggs and ham.

    MM was in The Cat in the Hat.

  30. Can't be Ed Norton; he was born in Boston. "Local legend" gives it away.

  31. Irishstayc,

    ITA with your comments about celebrities work for us, we made them so why do they treat their fans so bad?

    I first heard MM's gay rumors when he was getting divorced. One of blinds went something like this:

    What recently divorced green star of 2 trilologies is finally able to come out the closet now that his old fashion relative has passed?

  32. Anonymous6:45 PM

    This news saddens me. Mike seemed like a genuine person. I don't give a flip if he's gayer than Liberace, why the hell does he have to be a jackass??
