Kiefer Sutherland Weighs 150 Pounds
Yes, Keifer Sutherland was arrested for drunk driving, and by now I'm sure all of you have heard that the 40 year old drunkard failed a field sobriety test and blew almost a .16 with a legal blood alcohol limit being .08.
The actor was pulled over at about 1:10 a.m. in West Los Angeles after officers spotted him making an illegal U-turn, said Officer Kevin Maiberger.
He was released around 5 a.m. after posting $25,000 bail, according to Sheriff’s Department records. If Kiefer is convicted of DUI it would be his second conviction within the last five years and so would be looking at the five day rule which all celebrity blog readers know as well as anyone by now.
Maiberger said Sutherland was scheduled to appear in court Oct. 16.
But what wasn't said in all of this, but is available on the website of the LA Sheriff's Department is that Kiefer Sutherland is 5'10" and weighs 150 pounds. Do you know how freaking skinny that is? That's like Pete Doherty/heroin junkie skinny. I'm 5'5", sometimes 5'6" depending on the shoes and weigh close to 400 pounds, so I'm not a good judge of what is right and wrong when it comes to appropriate weight, and the government is all screwy when it comes to the correct body, but I'm sure most people in the US who are 5'10" weigh in about the 180 pound range. Kiefer must wear like a size 32 waist, maybe even a 30. To give you an idea just how freaking skinny Kiefer Sutherland is, he does not even weigh double what Nicole Richie weighed when she was arrested. 150 pounds? Seriously? Kiefer is 40 so presumably he has been gaining weight the past few years with all the drinking he does and bad food and metabolism and he still didn't weight more than 150 pounds. So what does that mean? When he was engaged to Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland weighed 130 pounds because we tend to gain about a pound a year as we age.
Damn I need to lose some weight.