Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kevin Federline Has Early Birthday For Kids

While their mom was embarrassing herself on national television, Jayden who turns one on Wednesday and Sean who turns two on Friday were having an early birthday party courtesy of Dad and Britney's parents. Kevin who doesn't have custody of the kids on their actual birthdays threw a pool themed birthday with about 20 guests joining the kids.

Federline's assistants (yes, he has some which is crazy) were spotted buying cakes and balloons for the kids while also buying out a store's entire stock of Alize and Boone's Farm for the rest of the guests not in diapers.

The party was timed to make sure that Britney's performance wouldn't be a topic of conversation at the party or to divert any attention away from the kids and their special day. Of course how special could it be for them? The fact is that for the entire time they grow up they will be forced to have their birthday parties at the same time and will probably resent the world for this injustice. They will force to combine parties, friends, themes and will also get shafted in the present department because the parents will be buying for two kids instead of just one AND when they invite guests to their parties, the guest will be forced to buy a present for each kid making the total value less.


  1. They're going to need each other. Maybe the combined b'days will be a good thing?

  2. ^^^^ I think so too... especially if the custody remains 50/50 with KFed always not having them on their birthday...... hopefully in years to come the won't share their special with embarrassing news about their mum, from the horrible "performance" to flushing her va-jay-jay that same night....


  3. mmmmm Boone's Farm Strawberry hill! It's got "trailer park" written all over it. I'm just happy to see that they have clothes on. If i have to see one more naked picture of these 2 kids swimming (with thier mom smoking and drinking) I may have to turn my computer over to the FBI. ~stacey aka irishstayc

  4. lol, boone's farm.. hope they had some melon ball!

  5. Well at least Kfed did something (or his assistants). Some fathers out there wouldn't even know where to start to plan a party. And awww, they look totally adorable...in this photo.

  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    ent, it's almost as bad as being born at Christmas time (like myself). However my childhood friends have it worse: Twins born on 12/23.

  7. wow.
    Alize and Boones. Classy. lolol

  8. Two bits says he hired an event planner for this (that would explain the "assistants.")

    I just hope he had a lifeguard and/or (at least) a fence around the pool. Normally this wouldn't be a concern, but given this couple's joint and individual histories, well....

  9. Lainie--- the pic ENT has in this post is an old one, they were at Britney's house next to her swimming pool.

    NO pictures have ever been taken of them at Kevin's house other than when Brit's parents were babysitting for KFed one Friday when he went to shoot his The HIll episode. Even then the pics were of the kids and grand parents taking a walk with them, the kids were riding some toy bikes...

  10. Anonymous12:01 PM

    i'm actually glad to see k-fed didn't turn the party into a paid-for photo op, like a certain other recently turned 1 little girl's baby daddy did. he kept it focused in the kids and their special day.

  11. Hey at least someone rembered their birthdays...

    Lainie is this post were about Reese Witherspoon would your comment be the same about a fence?

  12. whodda thunk K-Fud could look like Father of the Year?

  13. Anonymous1:03 PM

    MTV is to blame for the Britney fiasco. Everyone knows she's a trainwreck. They CERTAINLY know she's a trainwreck. It was exploitation at its very worst and a former star with a huge mental problem was the entertainment, so everyone could get a good laugh.

    I'm sorry but that's just f'n wrong.

  14. Jax - I wouldn't be worried about Witherspoon. She had a stable childhood, is well-educated and has behaved normally elsewhere in life. For her kids, the odds are in favor of a safe environment!

  15. It's completely about ratings. K-Fed and Teen Choice awards anyone?

  16. The Boonesfarm was a joke. The entire Spears family was there...minus Brit of course. And Brit didn't know about her entire family being there until shortly before going on the VMA's....not defending her performance of course, but I think her mind was on other things.

  17. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Geez Ent, got some unresolved issues there?

  18. my brother, cousin and I have our birthdays all within the same week. It absolutely SUCKED as a kid to have the combined birthday party, especially since mine was the last of the three and was anti-climactic by the time it rolled around. Poor babies. :-(
