Monday, September 10, 2007

Kate Hated Pete Doherty's Music

So let me get this straight. Pete Doherty is quite possible the most arrested drug abuser known to man, gets his cat hooked on crack mooched off Kate for years, cheated on Kate, is missing several teeth, never bathes, and she hated his music.

In an interview with Q Magazine, Pete was asked if the supermodel liked his songs he says: "No. It was always a bit of a choker." Pete went on to admit that, the people I thought I was in love with, they've never really been big fans of my music. It's sad."

Why exactly was she with him again?

My guess is that she just has a need to be with people who allow her to be co-dependent. She likes guys to be dependent on her and she on them. Her next boyfriend will be exactly like Johnny Depp was at the time they were together and Pete is now.

I always thought she respected Pete as an artist or something, but clearly, she has no respect for him at all, or for herself and now one has to wonder if her daughter is starting to process who mommy likes and what mommy's relationships are like and continue the cycle.


  1. And I thought Pete was hard to figure out!

  2. She's like any coke/crackhead. With the dewd for drugs and that's it. And he prob made her addiction look small so he was there for that too.

  3. It was probably good sex. Really good sex. Really, really good sex.

  4. Anonymous1:25 PM

    How good can sex with a drug abuser be? In my experience, not very.
    I always pray that the children of people like Kate somehow manage to escape relatively unscathed.

  5. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Kate seems like one of those girls that isn't too worried about the rock, she just likes rock stars.

    She's not quite as bad as Winona was, though. It got to the point where rockers didn't consider themselves as having "made it" in rock and roll till they'd "made it" with Winona.
