Thursday, September 06, 2007

Jen Made Brad A Couch Potato

As Brad Pitt rolls through interview after interview promoting that western movie that no one is going to go see, details of his marriage to Jennifer Aniston slowly come out. Yesterday Brad basically threw Jen under a bus, and today he goes back to make sure the job was finished and that the bus messed her up real good.

In an interview with Details, Brad says that when he first thought of being with Angelina there was some cynicism, but that in the end he decided that it didn't matter if it worked out or not with Angelina because, he had to do something with his life other than just sitting on the couch with Jen waiting for life to end. He said he was going crazy just doing that night after night and he needed something more out of life.

Well maybe next time he should consider marrying someone who is not so head over heels in love with 420. Instead of lethargy, he's got the diet pills queen and all of her energy. You would think maybe he could find someone who just had a balance to them and not one extreme or the other.


  1. 420?
    Diet pills queen?

  2. Hey Brad .. I am balanced .. swear I am ..

  3. Hmmmmm......god he really is getting like Whorelina, dishing any dirt he can think of for publicity...
    So we can safely assume him and Whorelina don't shhot up sitting on the couch, while the kids get tucked up in bed with their personal nannies??

  4. Hey i love me some 420 too..but i dont sit on the couch everyday and all night...its all the person not the lifestyle.

    Having said that..Brad you're a tool and your wifey has a strange hobby of collecting kids. its kinda friggin creepy dude.

  5. I feel like Jen is always going to be victimized in the press but I think she put it best when she pointed out that Brad is "missing a sensitivity chip."

    As for the weed, worse things have happened.

  6. Oh - I didn't know 420 meant pot.

  7. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I guess that kills any notion Brad Pitt was happily married to Jennifer Aniston before Jolie came along. Dang, that's blunt.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Once again, who cares -Jen threw him under the bus on Oprah and in Vanity Fair, and Vogue.... There were rumors of problems in the relationship while he was filming Troy and she was wrapping Friends. He's got kids now, which he always wanted. I still believe that even if Angelina and he don't work out those 4, 5, 6 kids he going have far out weigh any of the bullshit and negativity he got for leaving Maniston. At the end of his life he may have some regrets, but being a dad probably wont be one of them.

  10. well said nl .. any one can be a father .. but not all can be a dad ..and brad seems to be reveling in this part of his life what if he appears to be dissing Jen .. the mourning period is over and the gloves are coming off ..

  11. As much as a father is to 4 kids who have their own personal nannies...

  12. she's a fucking lying whore. she said she never messed with him when she was married and now his dumb ass is saying he was.

  13. Jac, I know non-famous folks with nannies, who are still active parents. If you are a working parent, you need a nanny or a daycare. It's a part of life for millions of families in the US and Canada. The fact is they have the money to have multiple caregivers (my friend who's a lawyer with triplets, has two live-in nannies). doesn't make them any less of a parent than someone who drops their kid off at the school in the morning and picks them up at a daycare in the evening. You see Brangelina photographed more with the kids than without. And when they are not with them, they tend to be "working" or on a date night. Good for them, parenting isn't easy for anyone, I commend anyone who's at least putting in an effort, because there are too many kids out there who only have one parent in their life.

  14. It kills me to hear Angelina still being called a 'whore' and a 'slut' etc. etc. three years later. My God, they fell in love and started a family. The horrors. At least he didn't leave any other children behind. He married the wrong person, was unhappy, divorced her, and he's moved on. Everyone else should, too. It's not the first time in history it's happened, and it won't be the last.

  15. Maybe he was just tired of being married to someone who used abortion as a mean of birth control.

  16. To: she's a fucking lying whore. she said she never messed with him when she was married and now his dumb ass is saying he was.

    Maybe he meant after he separated from Jen. Also don't get so angry about this. Get angry about the environment, poverty, the war in Iraq -not whether or not Brad and Angelina slept together before he officially separated or not. Marriages don’t break up because another woman comes along –men cheat all the time and stay. When they leave, it’s usually because what they had ain’t so good anymore. Been there, it sucks but Jennifer should be over it by now, and so should we.

  17. Those who still believe in the myth of Jen being so pristine and perfect -- remember some years ago, around the time Brad was filming Troy, she did an interview with one of those Diane Sawyer or Barbara Wawa types. And she was point blank asked over and over again about isn't her life great now with Brad, aren't they just the happiest couple. And there was this specific question: "Do you feel Brad is your soulmate?"

    And the cold bitch paused and looked all uncomfortable and said NO.

    So she wasn't exactly feeling the love for him. Wonder why he left him? Somebody who was truly madly deeply into him came along.

    Would you do less? Why settle for "I don't like you so much" when "I adore you" is available?


  18. Well said, Lipstick. I recall her saying that she didn't think marriage was necessarily forever.

  19. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This is from an interview Brad did in 2004 with Vanity Fair.

    Clearly, the marriage was not going to last.

    But they both bridle at their media image as America's sweethearts. "Neither of us wants to be the spokesman for happy marriage, for coupledom," says Pitt. "I'll tell you what I despise: this two-becomes-one thing where you lose your individuality. We don't cage each other with this pressure of happily ever after. You figure it out as you go along. We feel it out, rather than setting policies and rules. Jen and I always made a pact, that we'll see where this thing is going. I'm not sure it really is in our nature to be with someone for the rest of our lives, just because you made this pact. You keep going as long as you keep growing. When that dies, we do. But it constantly surprises me. Just when you think you've gotten all you can out of it, you get knocked upside the head. It's good fun. We still have that friendship; we still have a good laugh, which can go in and out depending on the dynamics and outside influences. It's complicated, but that's what keeps it interesting. We're good at getting shit on the table. Then she tells other people and I get mad." He lets loose with a big belly laugh.

  20. Donna: lol! You need to take an ad out in the paper of whatever country or state they're residing in this week and let him know! He'll appreciate your honesty. ;)

    See?! This why people keep relating everything from Brangelina to Jen...because THEY keep talking about it. Jen hasn't said much, but Brad and Vagelina's lips just keep moving. -shrug-

  21. I think the fact that Jen has found stability and loyalty and family since splitting with Brad and Brad has had one disasterous lying cheating relationship after another clearly shows the dynamics of that relationship.

    errrr. reverse that

  22. Wood1107: YOu wrote that "It kills me to hear Angelina still being called a 'whore' and a 'slut' etc. etc. three years later. My God, they fell in love and started a family. The horrors. At least he didn't leave any other children behind. He married the wrong person, was unhappy, divorced her, and he's moved on".
    Well you got it wrong. It should read: He married, he became unhappy, he CHEATED, he left his wife for the WHORE he cheated with, he moved on, then left his wife. After 3 years, cheating is still cheating. If he and Whorlina did wrong then time passing doesn't change what they chose to do.

    Been there too...

  23. Neh my Whorelina comments are down to her past record with attached takes 2 to tango but when there's an obvious pattern associated with one person, she gets the whorelina tag...
    Just like Brad gets the whorelina tag....
    Again for both its 2 fold, they also use their family and situation any chance they can when promoting something...

    As for the nanny situation, I have no problem with working parents using Daycare etc....but a live in nanny for each child is a little different...
    Also some of their "family days out" smack of photo ops...

  24. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Jac said...
    Also some of their "family days out" smack of photo ops...

    More like ALL of their family days out, IYAM.

  25. Soooo, you have no qualms about one set of parents shuttling Jr. off to a day of daycare where he'll be lucky to get any one on one attention until they come to claim him but somehow it's some sort of parental blasphemy for another set of parents to provide each of their children with a personal nanny, thus ensuring them constant supervison/attention/etc... Ohhh yeah, any set of parents who would do that for their kids are clearly worse than Hitler. *rolls eyes*

  26. It Shows how prejudiced some people are about Angelina, they don't even bother with reading comprehension. Brad said in his interview, that when he felt attracted to Angelina, before acting up on it, he compronted Jen about their marital situation, when nothing changed, he went for it because life was too short. Those two had been having problems for years. I wish I had the money to provide that kind of care for my children. I would pick thewm late at night, come home to slave in the kitchen and they would be lucky it they got tucked in. Some people find faults with everything.

  27. Tracee, Do you realize you said Vagelina's Lips!!!!Hahahahaha
    Brad must have really pissed Angelina off-or maybe it was his Mom talking to Jen-and now he is trying to make up for it.

  28. I feel the worst for Jennifer in all of this. She lost her husband and the woman who stole him went on and on and on about it in Vogue. Now Brad is dissing her interviews more.

    Jen for the most part has kept her mouth shut about all of this yet Brad and Angelina keep throwing Jen under a bus every chance they get. They're both completely without class and deserve each other and their strange child collecting hobby.

  29. Beth said...

    I feel the worst for Jennifer in all of this. She lost her husband and the woman who stole him went on and on and on about it in Vogue. Now Brad is dissing her interviews more.

    Jen for the most part has kept her mouth shut about all of this yet Brad and Angelina keep throwing Jen under a bus every chance they get. They're both completely without class and deserve each other and their strange child collecting hobby.

    I'm sorry Beth, but I have to 100% disagree here. Jen did *plenty* of throwing Brad under the bus when the breakup was fresh, plenty of milking the situation on and on and on. And Brad and Angelina said nothing then.

    And I also think that anyone would have a hard time producing a timeline that showed that Brad and Jen were still together, not in the process of separating, when Brad was "with" Angelina. Doing the Mr & Mrs Smith movie together is not a smoking gun. It brought out their attraction for each other, that's clear, but it is not evidence that they were sleeping together. If you are going to insist that his divorce be final before they get together, and call him a cheater and Angelina a whore if they don't do that, then you are being unreasonable.

    Brad spoke often about wanting a family when he was married to Jen, but Jen didn't want that. I don't know why, I'm sure she was happy enough with her reasons to be willing to cause whatever tensions it caused in their marriage, and that's fine... but you can't expect that to not create a fundamental conflict that could only find resolution in Jen either changing her mind about a fundamental life issue that was important to Brad, or Brad changing his mind about a fundamental life issue that was important to Jen.

    As for staged photo ops, I think that Brad and Angelina have paps around them pretty much all the time. Paps know where they each are, follow them from place to place, take hundreds of pictures of them a day if possible, etc. How can life not look like one big photo op? This is not Katie taking Suri to a park without a stroller while wearing linen and heels. That is a photo op.

    I like both Jen and Angelina, very much, but Jen's a slacker and Angelina is not. And Brad's not a slacker, never has been. Angelina gets his thing with architecture in a way Jen never did, and actively fought against. How much non-support can a person take?

    I'm just tired of the slamming. Jen was not happy with Brad, Brad was not happy with Jen, Brad *is* happy with Angelina, Jen still isn't happy with anybody, and so it goes.

  30. And there you have it. Brad finally speaks his mind. I don't think I would ever be able to stay (as long as he did with Jen) with a slacker. Angie always seemed more adventurous (flying lessons, motorcycle riding, travelling, altruism, etc.) than Jen and I think many men appreciate that in a woman. I really do think Brad and Angie will be together for a lot longer than these mags say they will. They do seem very happy together. But I also agree with Ent about the whole balance thing.

    By the way, I'm new here. I posted a comment in the last Brad Pitt post. Hello everyone.

  31. Mandjo, I didn't realize that! LOL!

  32. As much as I'd like to let this go, I just can't. The hatred towards Angelina is incredibly unfair, and it all comes from women.

    I think the reason people hate her so much to this day is they feel she somehow "tainted" Brad Pitt beyond repair. He was somehow "purer" with Aniston but Angie, with her blood vials and bisexuality and tattoos and knives, has destroyed his purity. They see him getting older and they say "oh, the whore is sucking the life out of him!" He's nearly forty-five, for chrissakes. Do these women feel they had a chance with him, but now that he's been 'ruined' by Angie (who carries his testicles around in her Louis Vuitton, apparently), they no longer have a chance with him. Bizarre and delusional thinking, just like believing in the 'golden couple' myth.
