Thursday, September 13, 2007

James Blunt Is A One Hit Wonder And A Slut

In a recent interview, James Blunt had this to say about sleeping with as many women as possible now that he's a "pop star."

"I've always thought it was my responsibility to do that. I have been told by people that I should not be seen clubbing with good-looking women, but I can't see why not. Why be a pop star otherwise?

"I have fun with it and I am honest and open about the way I lead my life and don't mislead anyone. I've had the time of my life and thank God for that, it would be such a waste otherwise."

In the same interview Blunt said that he has told at least five or ten women that he has known previously and wanted to sleep with that he had written the song with them in mind. He went on to say that the line worked more often than not and that he has no guilt about lying to any of them about it.

Well all I can say is that I hope that his time with Paris Hilton resulted in the gift that keeps on giving.


  1. At least he's honest about his deceit.

  2. he looks like he would be smelly

  3. No kidding, WTF; he looks as though it has been about a month since he showered or washed his hair. Why do these guys think smelly and greasy is attractive? I suppose that could be re-phrased as "how many idiotic, insecure women are there who would give their right arm to hang out with this cretin?" Lots, sadly.

  4. This is the proverbial story of the nerdy kid who couldn't get a look from anyone, has one friggin' hit and thinks he's God's gift for the rest of his life because of it. Um, no.

  5. Well he wins douche of the week. Now everytime I hear that whiny song I think about the douche and throw up.

  6. ewwww! he is so disgusting.
    whether or not he slept with Parasite, I hope every woman at least considers the possibility that he did and stays the hell away from him.

  7. Bitch please. He ain't all that!

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Wasn't there someone he tried to hook up with not too long ago that gave the best response ever? "James Who?" I think it was Gisele B.

  9. Anonymous11:59 AM

    here's the story

  10. god you know what i hate more than james blunt? a james effin blunt song..15 mins and ticking please.

    i think he sleeps around to fight the femmy sides of himself.

    el douche.

    later bitches im off to barcelona!

  11. Jax - TAKE US WITH YOU!!!

    Seriously, have a blast and behave yourself. Or not.

  12. I don't get the appeal of this fugly man. As people have said before, if this were a regular guy off the street...who would give him a 2nd look?

  13. Anonymous12:59 PM

    That little interview should ensure his graduation with a B.S. in Douchery

  14. maybe he and adam levine should hook up ..

  15. DOUCHE, Our blog "word of the day".LOVE IT!!

  16. Anonymous1:36 PM

    WHY would anyone sleep with THAT in the first place.


  17. Good point donna. They also look eerily alike. Or do all white guys that sing whiny songs look alike?

  18. This guy is such a tool. What a goddess like Petra ever saw in him is beyond me.

    However, I do love the fact that back when "You're Beautiful" was hitting big, one of hi spurned girlfriends told a British tab that he's got a VERY small penis. So he may have bedded a lot of women, but chances are he didn't satisfy many of them.

  19. Ugh, what a pig! It's your "responsibility" to be a ho?? Puh-lease! They would crucify any woman for saying something like that, and on a man it looks just as nasty. - I agree, and hope he got the gift that keeps on giving! He wasn't all that to begin with, and now I like him a whole lot less.

  20. Um...he SAID that in an interview?!?!?! Smart move.

    Have fun over there at the end of the bar keeping Maroon Five Guy company. Neither of y'all are getting any ever again.
