Thursday, September 06, 2007

Is Lindsay A Home Wrecker?

Although her publicist denies it which of course means absolutely nothing, Lindsay Lohan has been telling friends in letters(remember, no cell phones) that she has found a guy for what she calls a rehab romance. She has been telling friends that the guy is great, is fun and is someone she would love to be with outside of rehab, BUT, he's married. So, for now they are just enjoying the time they spend in rehab together and then will both go back to their separate lives. (pretty good song by the way)

The reason I'm unsure about this story has nothing to do with Lindsay getting it on with a married guy. I think she would do that. I think she would hook up with a guy almost anywhere so being in rehab isn't going to stop her. The thing that puts me off this story the most is that I'm not sure Lindsay has the patience or even would know how to write a letter. I just don't see Lindsay sitting down and writing letter after letter to her friends and waiting patiently next to the mailbox for a response.

Now, if you said that she was using a prohibited cell phone and calling her friends while doing shots, chain smoking and having sex with the guy all at once, then I would believe it.


  1. Is she allowed to e-mail? Did someone slip her a little burner phone so she could text?

  2. I doubt she can string enough words together to make a coherent sentence let alone an entire letter... Did she even finish high school?

  3. Remember her stellar composition skills for the Robert Altman tribute - "Be Adequite"? I doubt if Lindsay could put a coherent, much less grammatically correct, standard English sentence together if her life were hanging in the balance over it.
    Write a whole letter? That's the best laugh I've had so far today.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wait - i thought you hinted at her being married?

    The "notice the ring?" post and "Vegas."

  6. Oh, LindZ, is the sex adequite?

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Meanwhile, there's a wife out there all proud of the fact her man is getting clean.....

  8. Too true Brendababy. -shakin head-
    I think someone's trying to get themselves back in the papers. -sigh-

  9. Why is this even phrased as a question? Of course she is

  10. Tony Allen is not only married, he has twins. He was thrown out of rehab after he was caught nailing Lindsey in the bathroom. He is a dog and was before he married.
