Monday, September 17, 2007

Helena Christensen In GQ


  1. Helena doesn't look anything like that in person

  2. Seriously, these photos are airbrushed to death. That girl has long since lost it.

  3. At first glance I thought it was Demi Moore.

    And if she doesn't look like that in person, then I want the folks @ Content to Photoshop my body to look like that.

  4. Pinky, let me know when you get in touch with Content so I can get Photobrushed, too.


  5. Forget Helena,

    give us some timmy


  6. Anonymous11:18 AM

    There's an awful lot of nipple in this post, EL.

  7. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Aw, I love Helena. She was always my favourite supermodel.

    Don't ask WHY I had a favourite supermodel.... O_o

  8. The miracle of Photoshopping has allowed yet another 40-something (or near) model to look within striking distance of how she did in her prime. Why is it so few of these women can gracefully fade into private life and spare us horribly faked photos of them pretending to be 22 again?

  9. I love how they keep her face in the dark. I've seen other recent photos of her and man oh man someone should get a photoshop award for this layout.

  10. Agree with reese. I wish celebrity whores like Christensen et all would quit the 'make believe' and just grow up. I've had enough of magz pushing photoshopped images down my throat!

  11. Anonymous12:54 PM

    But don't you know you are supposed to look JUST LIKE THAT??? When you get up in the morning??

  12. Yeah...cuz the 20 somethings NEVER get photoshopped...

  13. She used to be 'exotic' looking--now she has to be photographed in shadow...

    How sad that she probably made more money for that damned shoot than I will all year!!!

    Well, she'd best save her money. No way byotch could compete w/ any of us if we all set to Photoshoppin'.

  14. Anonymous2:23 PM

    What is the weird line between her breasts?
