Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Have You Ever Thought About Getting Drunk At Home?

Britney has one "team" member left and that is Wendy Washington her publicist. Wendy needs to get on the phone to Britney and say, "hey why don't you think about partying at home. Take some of that cash you have and get a bunch of booze and lights and naked girls and guys and play some music and stay the f**k home."

As Britney changes lawyers for the third time in three days she needs someone who hasn't been fired or quit to tell her she can have just as much fun at home and NOT piss off the judge or give more ammunition to the other side. I don't know what day Britney's first drug test is scheduled for, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's not peeing into a cup right now.

Each and everytime she goes out at night, the very next day someone is going to be knocking on her door requesting a urine sample. IF she stays home however and stays quiet, Kevin's attorney's might be less pressing in their demands for urine tests and not complain if say no one answers at Britney's house.

The only saving grace for Britney last night is that she wore pants.


  1. She looks more 'together' there than she has in a while. Clothes that match and everything!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can someone please explain to me .. it is that cold in cali that she needs to be wearing retro 80 boots and a retro jacket? Maybe its just me, but what look is she going for today .. just one where she has all her clothes on, regardless of what those clothes are??

  4. retro boots...more like hideous and cheesy fur. It perfect for her. she needs so.... much help it's unbelievable!

  5. I'm gonna have to bring my laptop to the PTA meeting tonight, aren't I??? Can you post the Timmy reveal before 4PM Pacific time??? Please??

    P.S. I still like the Britney updates!!!

  6. Jeans tight enough to be leggings, no bra, and that ghastly hair. What does she think when she checks herself out in the mirror before she leaves home?

    But ENT's right - at least she's covering her flower.

  7. Anonymous11:39 AM

    She looks cute but she should get rid of the fur jacket and wear a nice leather blazer. Someone should start a "save britney" foundation or fansite.

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I wonder if she thinks the glasses make her look smart.

  9. Her wearing that disgusting trailer trash fur is going to get PETA after her and that is the last thing she needs. I think she needs to be institutionalized!!! Her parents or Fed need to get her help!

  10. Shimmy and I are getting married!

  11. at the rate this reveal is going Z, you may be left standing at the altar!

  12. blue contacts AND Chanel eyeglasses????????
    good gawd, girl. Get a clue!!!!!

  13. Her kids are as good as gone for her. The fact that she very publicly went out partying the same day the judge told her to lay off booze and drugs is just a big "fuck you" to the judge and the decision he made.

    She's out of control. No one can tell her what to do. Not MTV, not her lawyer(s), not her managers that just fired her (for being out of control). She will ignore the drug tests, ignore the parenting classes and violate everything the judge said. Mark my word. And the judge will give the kids to Kevin. Then she'll be all weepy and "how can you take my babies!" completely oblivious to the fact that she brought this 100% on herself. Then the tabs will do Britney suicide watch and the soap opera of her life will enter a new phase. She's failed at her comeback and career, now she'll officially fail as a parent.

    Just like she brought that horrid MTV appearance 100% on herself, she'll bring losing her kids on herself as well. She has no reality check ability and only reacts to consequences her actions rather than what led up to them.

    Hey, where'd that little yorkie pup London go? He's been MIA for awhile. I'm sure she stepped on him while drunk and killed him or left him outside and the coyotes ate him. PETA should be after her ass.

    Oh Donna (upthread), no it's not that cold that we need to wear fur here in LA. Brit's just the world's most heinous dresser.
