Friday, September 14, 2007

Four For Friday

#1 This female singer and her not quite as famous sister haven't spoken to each other in almost a month. Seems they have been feuding about their careers and the celebrity boyfriend of one of them. Their parents have tried to patch up the feud, and have resorted to trying to get both sisters at the same events by trickery, but they aren't having any of it. At this point the sisters can't stand each other.

#2 This celebutard (the male version of celebutante) with the prolific sperm has been trying to hide his relationship with this C/D list actress because her former boyfriend, a B list film star with A list name recognition has threatened to kick the crap out of the celebutard if he sees him with his ex. The c'tard acts tough but is scared out of his mind.

#3 This in production blockbuster film is in big trouble. Turns out the director and the lead actor (former A list and now B list) can't stand each other. At first they tried to get along for the sake of the project, but the director can't stand the know it all actor and the tension, arguments, and outright screaming matches have forced the rest of the cast to choose sides and made for a working environment that the worst many of them have ever seen. The production is way over budget and way behind schedule because of the arguments and childish games between the two, but it's too late to get rid of either of them.

#4 Coming out of a club Wednesday night, this married, A list television star on a hit network drama saw a bag of coke laying on the ground in the doorway. He asked any of his companions if they had dropped it, and when they said no, he just smiled and said, "it's mine now."


  1. #1 The Duff sisters - celeb boyfriend is that Canadian hockey player.
    #3 Vin Diesel and that french director have been feuding doing the movie Babylon A.D.

  2. 1. The simpson girls, obvious

  3. 1- Simpson sisters (I've heard that Pete Wentz is a real ass)
    and their parents are very involved in their careers/events/PR.

    2-K.Fed. Don't know about the actress or ex though

    3 - ???

    4- ridiculously vague. There are tons of married, A-list guys on hit Tv shows!

  4. Becka, even though number 4 is ridiculously vague - people will say it's Christopher Meloni because that's their guess whenever the words network drama are in play.

  5. 1. asslee and chestica

    2. K-fud or Poof Duddy

    3. every film in production

    4. is Keifer married these days?
    or maybe one of the Heroes
    anyway, sounds dangerous to me,
    what if Courtney Love's herpified face touched it
    or worse yet, Parasite's fingers

  6. 1 -- Hilary Duff and Haylie Duff

  7. 1. what about beyonce and solange? i would say that haylie and ashlee are pretty famous. solange, not so much. the gap is bigger between these two.

  8. Im thinking the Wednesday night comment for #4 may be a hint.

  9. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Solange is married. The Duffs are a better guess.

    #2 is obviously K-Fed

  10. I'm gonna go with Indiana Jones 4 for #3...I think Harrison Ford's lost some of his mojo and I also think he could be a real prick.

  11. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Rake, I like it, but aren't they done filming that yet? Shia's been out on the town for what seems like forever.

    Only married guy I know on heroes is Adrian Pasdar, but he doesn't seem like a coke kinda guy.. more of a pepsi dude. ;)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. so how do we decide if it's the simpleton sisters or the dooff sisters? they both seem to dislike one another longer sharing the limelight with eachother as bff's. maybe the vanity of hollywood has sunken into their shallow lives? insecurity and instability can make you do, say and think the worst.

  14. # 2 is Kevin Federline and Colin Farrell's old sex-tape friend, Nicole Narain. See here!

  15. Anonymous1:23 PM

    1. Solange and Beyonce - wasn't there a BI several months ago about a guy who was doing both sisters or something along those lines? I think these two were a popular guess for it.
    2. K-Fed but no clue on the girl
    3. Yikes if it's Indy 4.
    4. no clue.

  16. Anonymous1:25 PM

    here's the one I was thinking of: #1 Another pregnancy? This singer's sister is sporting a baby bump and rumor has it the singer's boyfriend was the one who gave it to her which would be really odd considering that everyone just assumes the singer's boyfriend is gay.

  17. dede - FABULOUS find!

  18. thanks pinky!! :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. #2 is Kevin Federline....

    Here is the story:,,20057011,00.html

    The actor is Colin Farrell

  21. isn't solange divorced now?

  22. Solange is divorced now.

  23. #2 really makes me question the validity of ENT. He just showed us how the media takes like instances and spins them into gossip. This sounds like he is doing the same thing!

  24. 1. Solange is divorced now but her and Beyonce were at the VMAs last week. Not them. I'm going with the Simpson sisters.

    2. Too easy. K-Fed

    3. ?

    4. Patrick Dempsey? I dunno. Could be anyone.

  25. And K-Fed should be afraid. Very afraid.

  26. #3 is "Body of Lies" which is filming right now in the DC/Maryland area. Stars Russell Crowe and is directed by Ridley Scott. I've heard they're feuding.

  27. Anonymous2:11 PM

    1. Jessica and Ashlee
    2. Federline and the Colin chick
    3. Tom Cruise and his Nazi movie director
    4. ?

  28. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Thanks Grapes of Bath. I like your Crowe guess. Much better than my Cruise one.

  29. 1 - Beyonce & Solange. Solange is divorced now and all you see is Tina and Beyonce together all the time. Where is Pimpa Knowles???

  30. 1.How long has it been since the Duff sisters were photographed together? They used to be always together - not so much now...

    2. Kfed

    3. I'd go with Tommy or Russell - both are known for their tempers/egos

    4. No idea so I'll throw in with the patrick dempsey guess

  31. 1. My first thought was Jess and Ash...second thought was the Duffs. I haven't seen either set photo'd together lately.

    2. K-Fed

    4. Patrick Dempsey was the first name that poppa'd into my head.

  32. 1. Jess wasn't at the VMA's, so I'm going with the Simpsons.

    2. No sperm more prolific than that of FedEx.

    3. Hasn't every Tom Cruise film been over budget? I'm voting for Valkyrie mainly because picturing Cruise throwing a full on diva bitch fit in a Nazi uni cracks me up.

    4. Is Eric Dane still married?

  33. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Eric Dane wouldn't be A-List. He hasn't been on a tv show for 4 years yet (I believe that was EL's term for A-list tv).

  34. Unfortunately, Eric Dane is still married. But at the rate Rebecca is losing weight, she may disappear shortly.

  35. 1.Def going with the Duff sisters they haven't been photographed together in a LONG time.

    2.K-fed,but who's the actress?

    3. It's gotta be the new Tom Cruise film.

    4.I'm leaning towards Eric Dane, he's married to Rebecca Gayheart bu he had a coke problem in the early 90's right?

  36. Anonymous3:11 PM

    #1: The Duff sisters. There was a BI a while back somewhere that Haylie was dating someone Hilary couldn't stand. Evidently Haylie was hiding it for awhile, but apparently not for long.

    #2: "Prolific sperm" makes me think of KFed immediately. I don't know about the girl, though. I can't imagine anyone finding any redeeming qualities in him, but whatevs.

    #3: I would LOVE for this to be Tom Cruise. "Know-it-all" made me think of him immediately because he apparently knows everything about drugs, pregnancy, mental illness, alcohol, postpartum depression, a woman's body...he's claimed expertise on them all and probably more.

    #4: No idea. I think it could be any married TV actor with friends who goes to clubs, to be honest. Isn't everyone on coke?

    By the by, long time lurker, first time commenter. LOVE this site.

  37. What about Matthew Fox for #4?

  38. Melcon called it....#2 is a false blind...kfed was out, and linked with that person, however....there is a MUCH bigger story going on with who he is actually seeing. And he IS seeing someone.

  39. Why would Tom Cruise even matter any more? Will anyone really watch his movies? Especially, if he plays a "hero"? I don't think Valkyrie will be a blockbuster, if only because of a Tom Cruise/Scientology backlash. On the other hand, I agree with the poster upthread that seeing Tommyboy in a Nazi outfit will be hilarious.

  40. Welcome, Jurgen!

    Linda - spill girl. Is it Allie?

  41. Maybe K-Fed was the one who got Jamie Lynn pregnant (if the rumors are true).

  42. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Thanks, Pinky! That's really nice of you to say.

    I want to know about KFed, too. Maybe Britney's former attorney? Is that why she quit? (I think one quit on her, unless I'm wrong.)

    Now THAT would be a good story.

  43. #3 can't be the latest Indiana Jones flick--Enty says, "it's too late to get rid of either of them", which implies that they COULD be replaced. You cannot replace HF or SS. HF IS Indiana Jones, and I'm not gonna be the one to tell the most powerful director/producer in the entire world that he's being replaced...are you??

    Totally agree w/ Simpsons for #1 (d'oh!!)--Trashley's only now achieving some fame because of her bf. It's not the same as Messica's fame (which, one could argue, is legit).

    For #2--how is K-fed a celebutard? If I understand the definition correctly, then it would be the male version of an heiress like Paris or the others, which would disqualify him (i.e. money isn't his birthright). That would leave the guys like Cash Warren or those other metrosexual man ho's.

  44. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The attorney that reportedly wanted to quit on Britney Spears, Laura Wasser, is still representing her in the ongoing custody dispute.

  45. Someone mentioned Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott for #3 but those 2 get along very well. I don't think it is them. My bet is Tom Cruise because how could anyone get along with that nutjob??

  46. #1 is definitely solange and beyonce. why does the fact that solange is divorced rule that out? - why can't the boyfriend be jay z??

  47. i would also say that jessica and ashlee are equally famous - ruling out the simpsons

  48. I agree majik8bong, Kevin doesn't qualify as a celebutard. He wasn't born into money. Celebutantes are rich girls seeking fame for just being rich and beautiful. Male versions would be the likes of Brody Jenner and Fat Elvis Brandon Davis. THOSE are celebutards. Kevin does not match the category.

    I don't think the movie set feud is from Tom or Russell. They're both A-list, not B-list.

    I'm going with Solange and Beyonce for #1. Beyonce became royally pissed when Papa Knowles said that he was going to hand over their record company to Solange and Beyonce had a fit cause she knows so much more about the industry. Rumor is they've been estranged since that decision. Celebrity boyfriend is Jay-Z.

  49. I don't know the other ones, but for #3---hasn't Keanu Reeves been working on a movie forEVER now...and no word about when it's coming out, now news, nothing. Plus, he always looks so surly in pics.

  50. Anonymous5:55 PM

    here's an article talking about what Beth posted.

  51. Gary Dourdan for 4.

  52. Could #3 be Edward Norton? I've read somewhere that's he's hard to work with.

  53. A celebutard is a famous stupid person. K-Fed is most assuredly a celebutard. Paris Hilton is both a celebutante and a celebutard.

  54. Where's our flipping Timmy/Shimmy update, Enty?

  55. It's teh Duff sisters. Those two were surgically attached forever. I can't remember the last time I saw a pic of them together. Haylie has just disappeared- thank goodness!
    Tom Cruise for #3

  56. it can't be Beyonce and Solange- they just went to the VMAs together.
    I just remembered that.


  58. It must be getting to be late over there by now Ent. It's past lunchtime Saturday here and I am just hanging around the computer waiting for our Timmy hint :) Please send us all into a spin and "NOT" AB for us LOL

  59. My guess is Tom Cruise and Bryan Singer -- both gay and difficult -- for number 3.

  60. Celebutard = Celebutante + RETARD

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Cannot be Russell and Ridley for #3. They are BFFs. Russell is an A-Lister and according to reports he has been friendly on the set and with the people in the area.

    I go with the Tom Cruise and Brian Singer guesses. :)

  63. Ent! When did you start to sell advertising on your site!

    This is the first time I noticed the annoying "link ad" with the word "actress" in the blind ... giving me a link to TMZ.

    Just wondering ....

  64. GOT IT!
    2. k fed, nicole narain and colin farrell. x17online got the scoop!

  65. 1. Duff sisters but they'll make up

    2. What about Brandon Davis?

    3. I want to guess Tom Cruise but he's probably still considered A-list.

  66. rob lowe for a-list star

  67. Tom Cruise pissed off John Woo for trying to teach Woo how to direct MI2.

    He alienated Speilberg forever for screwing up promotions for WotW by trying to teach us all about pregnant women and evil drugs rather than talking about the film at hand.

    Tom offered Kubrick, KUBRICK!, lots of advise on how to shoot Nicole's scenes. He pressed the awful soundtrack on Kubrick as well.

    It feels like Tom has been in Berlin for years trying to get this film done, on one location no less (Potsdam.) Tom IS a screamer, and Singer probably doesn't like controlling little closeted rodents.

    #3 has to be them.

    Don't know why anyone works with Cruise anymore.

  68. Here's a non-blind: Found this in the NY Times Magazine in the Rachel Zoe article:

    "Nicole Kidman demanded upward of $100,000 for her stylist, makeup artist and hair person to be flown by private plane to the Rome Film Festival for the premiere of “Fur,” a low-budget, independent film about the photographer Diane Arbus. The studio, Picturehouse, decided not to pay for Kidman’s team for the New York premiere of the film. She, in turn, decided not to turn up. “It was cheaper for us if she didn’t support the film,” said an executive familiar with the marketing for “Fur.” “We should all come back in our next life as stylists.”"

  69. Stars frequently list their friends or relatives as stylists who can then travel with them at studio expense.

    No one complains about Kidman's out set behavior. She is easy and a professional, which is why she gets cast a lot despite her underwhelming numbers (perhaps Hollywood sympathizes with her for all those hard years with Cruise?)

    Fur was harshly recieved and low budget. Kidman might have been trying to cut her losses and run.


  70. I like the Russel Crowe guess. Here's where they're filming:

  71. No way Edward Norton. I know someone who was an extra on a set with him and they said he was a great guy – to everyone.

    Noooooooo, don’t tell me K-Fed got Jamie Lynn pregnant. Gross for her!

    I like Gary Dourdan for #4. That would explain his assholiness lately.

    I did like the Russel Crowe guess, until I read all the comments. Here's where they're filming:



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