Monday, September 17, 2007

Final Timmy Update

I thought about throwing out some more red herrings but everyone has worked so hard on this and done so much that I don't want to throw everyone in a tizzy again for the next 36 hours. Therefore I will refrain from driving you even more insane by throwing out hints that may or may not be hints.

It is indeed a dog who won a gold medal and the dog belonged to a black kid who was in Our Gang, but really wanted to be a woman. I don't know how you managed to put it all together.

Seriously though, from a quick read of all the comments it appears that for the most part, the entire thing including the how and why have been solved. There are about four or five comments that put it all together, and so I really don't know what to add except to tell you that it was an Academy Award.


  1. I knew I was right!! (Totally kidding , of course. I've no frickin' idea.)

  2. Bastards! I suppose it's hopeless to stick by my theory.

  3. Does this mean that it is AB! There were definitely more than 4 or 5 comments surrounding AB. I'm also guessing there were more than 4 or 5 comments surrounding MR. So which one is it?!

  4. Alice Brady!!! IT MUST be her (long time lurker, first time poster).

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    most are about alicebrady and din't he say the guesses as to the why or the how were guessed awhile ago or were close b4 rutherford was really discussed. it6 has to be that they hired timmy to take over for alice brady b/c the real alice had a breakdown or soemthing and maybe the roommates knew, william brady did not know he was a he and hence 3 personas, timmy, schimmy to william brady, and timm as schimmy pretending to be alice brady or something like that anyway! I cannot wait until Wednesday. i hope its early for all us east coasters so I don't stay up all night and call off work sick, lol

  6. So someone really got the "WHY" correct....very cool. Congrats to whoever it was who did figure it out.

  7. He said he just did a quick read of the comments so it must be the AB theory since that's all over the comments. It would've taken more than a quick read if there were only four or five comments on someone else that was the answer. Right?

  8. I just wanted to say that this blog has by far the most friendly, warmest, and nicest posters (which is why I de-lurked myself). Even the most far out of theories was greeted with a "jolly good effort." You guys are great. Cheers.

  9. The story about someone taking over for AB makes NO SENSE.

    Why would Timmy bother working for two years on stage to build a reputation only to leave it all behind and take over someone else's???

    And the timeline doesn't work. AB's earliest movie is listed as being in 1914!!! Timmy could not have been a chorus boy in musicals that early on.

    Not to mention that AB was an early fave--and Enty said one of the early guesses had been erroneously cast aside.

    I've said my piece. I don't know who Timmy is, but I know it's not Alice Brady.

  10. Now that everyone is pretty sure AB is shimmy...the grand prize goes to who can figure out who timmy was before and after he was AB.

  11. Amazing job everyone!! I can't wait to see the reveal and read the whole story.

    It's been fun!!! Looking forward to the next old Hollywood BI and working/playing with you fine folks some more.

    Thanks Ent!!


  12. Have to tell you, Ent, that this whole Timmy/Shimmy thing has been one of the most entertaining mysteries I have ever read. Thanks for sharing it!!

  13. I really hope I didn't come out of lurking to jump on that AB train only to end up wasting a trip. That would stink.

  14. Majik, I totally agree.

  15. Well I am just going on the record saying that I do not think it is AB. Don't ask me who it is because I have no idea but I won't believe it is AB until Ent tells me and gives me all the evidence to prove it.

    As always Ent - I adore you! Thanks for this one - it's been great *mwah*

  16. Hello, all. I've been lurking for awhile and really enjoying the guesses for this BI. I'm just wondering, though: when this is finally "revealed," won't be a rather newsworthy event? I imagine that this story will attract some press. Has anybody addressed the issue of fallout from this reveal?


  17. Majik,

    Why? My whys get complicated but the gist is that once you had to prove identity for the union and that drag became criminal, the gig was up.

  18. Just for posterity's sake, since the Two Bradys has been my baby, I'll repeat my guesses:
    Shimmy: AB, with Timmy taking over for films in 1933 at the egging on of AB's father for money and abetted by other various Gay players in Hollywood who want to sock it to Mayer. Only 10 people know the WHOLE story, but some know the partial story.
    JJ: Lawrence J. Quirk and his uncle James Quirk (two Js, two by two)
    Closeted A actor: Cesar Romero
    Timmy: Arthur Blake, excellent impressionist, not just female impersonator.

  19. All the Ab fanatics,

    Where is the new type of entertainment in the AB scenario? Sound?

  20. So does that mean Timmy has been guessed correctly too? AB's brother? Walter Merrill? I refuse to believe it's Arthur Blake.

  21. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Bradytrain victory lap

  22. ok, call me dumb, but what does the dog comment mean?

  23. Anonymous6:50 PM


  24. Myrlin: I'm sticking with Walter Merrill for Timmy myself. If it's Blake I will lose it.

  25. Jolara: I think the dog comment stems from when we all got very delirious late one night and named Lassie to be our Shimmy or was she our Timmy? Guys?!?

  26. jolara, Half a million posts ago someone said ENT would say it was a dog who won the award.....The poster was being funny.

  27. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Cotillard-Admin, that's why I delurked, too. I have nothing to add to the comments, I just like this site and the readers.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. LOL, Oh, I get it! See, sooo dumb!!! :0)

  30. I'd just to add that this is easily my new favorite site! And now that I've de-lurked I look forward to providing guesses (wildly incorrect, I'm sure) to some future BIs.

  31. Wow. I still can't believe it's Alice Brady and Timmy acting as her double. And getting away with it. Wow.

    Ent, you better have some proof for us!

  32. I want to ditto what Cotillard-admin said about the people posting here. Very nice people on this blog. very refreshing!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Wow, amazing job everyone! I can't help but think Ent's talking about the two ABs. I resisted AB as long as I could but the Noah's Ark clue finally convinced me. I can't wait to hear the conclusion and more about the actual male Timmy. Best. Blind. Item. EVAR!!!!

  35. I guess I have to give in to the AB theory.

    Good job everyone on your research and creative skills.

    Can't wait until Wed.

    Thanks EL!

    ok ok a part of me really doesn't feel for the AB guess...oh I don't know, LOL.

  36. btw...I think JJ is AC Lyles--started in the mailroom, has been in the biz for a zillion years and ask anyone, he loves to talk about the golden days of Hollywood.

    He strikes me as the kind of sweet old guy that Enty was talking about.

  37. Any ideas on what kind of BI topic it is going to take to TOP this one?

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.



  40. delco dave, I hear that one! I'm ready for another hollywood classic BI. This time I can follow along as the discussion progresses and not sound like a retard when I post the same answer someone else had already posted. Kinda like a blonde parrot! (no offense to those that are fair haired) :0)

  41. If it is AB, I don't buy the stolen Oscar picked up by a guy part. Oh I believe he picked it up, but I think the Academy was in on it. For all my WHY reasons, things were very intense at that time, and the producers would have been nervous.

  42. I'll be interested to see the proof for myself.

    Scar, under the lip?

  43. How do people delete their comments, or is it ENT doing it?

    Anyway, it HAS to be AB because I knew that his statement (people dismissed a very good candidate early on") was a red herring.

    That's why it's AB; to get us off the scent.

    So... as to the awards, someone in the previous comments said something about having awards as to who first guessed Timmy/Shimmy and the why and all that. Let's do it. It will be our way of not being able to personally get together to discuss this but to give ourselves kudos for pretty much figuring it all out!

  44. Delco....

    I think the "MV" will come close to topping this one since that is a current day scandal with too few skewed clues to go on.

  45. I have to ask another question. What former TV stars are going to be starring in next week's Lifetime TV Movie of "Alice, we hardly knew ye".

    I think Ian Ziering can pull off Timmy with his smooth features.

    Valerie Bertinelli and Markie Post can play the roommates.

    Ok, I'm tired...

  46. I think the "scar" was the mole. You know the one that showed up in some pictures of her but not others. I can't remember in the original but was he specific in using the word scar? I thought there was a slash or an "and/or" type of thing.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Anonymous7:22 PM

    YAY!!! This is great news! I still don't completely understand the whole Alice Brady theory, but who cares? We did it!! Amazing job, everyone!! Now, there had BETTER be some proof to substantiate this crazy story... I look forward to it!

    Congrats and thanks to everyone who put in the time, the research, and the creativity. You are all very smart. Well, most of you, anyhow. Now who's gonna write the screenplay?

  49. Jolara and Cotillard-Admin,

    I think I can speak for the original members who fought hard to keep the negativity at bay, THANK YOU! And a big fat welcome to you and a MWAH to Enty for the most entertaining entertainment blog I have ever read. Kudos, dudo.

  50. Ok, So who mentioned AB first? We wouldn't want to give the wrong person credit.

  51. Delurking to say: The first paragraph of the latest blog post is a bit disturbing--"more (MORE???)red herrings"..."hints that may or may not be hints"???? Does this mean that some of the previous Timmy hints were entirely false? And if so, why? This was obviously hard enough to unravel without deliberately misleading the readers. No wonder no single person fit all the clues! I call shenanigans.

  52. Anonymous7:27 PM

    steph9 says: "I'm just wondering, though: when this is finally "revealed," won't be a rather newsworthy event? I imagine that this story will attract some press."

    LOL no it won't. Too many have been through this before w/ other BIs (MV, ZX and a host of others). Here's how it will play out: Clues don't fit, no proof, contradictions shown ignored by author/s and wished away by zealots, twisted fantasy version of an old story but no proof but it doesn't matter because it applies to dead people or has a "not worth suing over flavor" as one former regular put it months ago. NO ONE WILL TOUCH THIS AS IT"S FAKE. Bottom line is no one IN the business of entertainment, gossip or news buys this. My publication (and those I freelance for as well) think it's an amateur attempt for PR to do a "lonelygirl15" or the other one w/ the kidnapping scenario. NOT REAL but fun for some folks who just want to be entertained and are not looking for truth. Kind of sad though, I'd rather have the real crazy things, always better than fiction.
    This is labelled as fiction BTW at the bottom of every page, every day: "certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously".

  53. I guess the AB train is going to leave the station and I will be sitting on the bench.

  54. If its Arthur Blake I will be very dissapointed.

  55. TV?

    I want a movie. Christine Augilera - she looks good in those 20s clothes and can sing. The guy from Mad Men as William Haines. Sharon Stone as Gloria Swanson. It should open when Timmy is old and is reflecting back. Demi Moore as Joan Crawford.

  56. I never offered much up to the theory as you were all too fast for me! According to my re-read of the answers to ELs first post of this it was "Angela" who first mentioned Alice Brady, so take a bow if it turns out to be true.

    It was the pictures at that finally got me putting one foot on the AB train. Looking again tonight I swear there may have been 3 ABs!

    This has been the best time I have ever had on a blog/BI. I'm not sure that EL will ever be able to top this but many, many thank yous for a mystery that we will all be talking about forever!

    And who knew I would be a fan of Old Hollywood!!! Absolutely delicious!

  57. How many posts will this thing actually get? Place your bets! haha

  58. Jusshopn: well, I guess you and I can have the Merrill car on the AB train to ourselves! If it's not him (and there are plenty of holes in the theory, I'll admit) I vote for her brother, or someone we haven't named. But Arthur Blake, while I'm sure a very talented performer, looks nothing at all like Alice Brady!

  59. If it's him(Arthur Blake), he sure did a good job changing his look.

  60. I guess its truth is stranger then fiction. When I heard the 2 AB theory I thought "nope no ways that is to crazy" and well I guess there is a whole big world out there that I'm not even able to imagine. Cheers to the theorists you should write novels, I bet they would be closer to the truth then anyone would ever think.

  61. so timmy was screwing the joker?

  62. I'm late to the game, but if 'JJ'
    was born around 1920 or so, and his wife was Shimmy's roommate, wouldn't Shimmy likely have been born from 1920-30?. Also, what about the AIDS thing? Is that a red herring?

    Kim Hunter?

  63. For no other reason except what a great story it is if it were true! but it saddens me to think about what claudiasfix had to say. reality sometimes stinks. :0(

    I certainly wouldn't want anyone to get into any kind of trouble for this BI, but I also hope the story is true.

  64. Anonymous7:53 PM

    farygica, you're right, it was Angela who guessed Alice Brady first... and she did it in only the 14th post!! Wow! Step up and accept your Oscar, Angela. But first you have to lift your skirt and prove you're a girl.

    Could this whole thing be a hoax? Abso-freaking-lutely. Certain things will never make sense, no way to "prove" something that happened 70 years ago, and most of ENT's stories are as delusional as people who think Ryan Seacrest isn't gay.

    But what's the harm? We wasted some time, but in the process, we learned a crapload about old Hollywood actors and films, got to play one of the best sleuthing games ever, and had a lot of fun gossiping and guessing with our friends. Life goes on. All's well no matter what happens.

  65. kim hunter's got the look.

  66. My only thought is that besides wanting to read the reveal is that JJ (jAC Lyles) some how caught the drift of this site and has been enjoying it as well!!

  67. Does anyone have links online to pics of the potential Timmys mentioned here ... Walter Merrill and Arthur Blake?

  68. First time poster but longtime AB fan. I have been focusing my search on Timmy. I've come up with nothing. A name that I thought was it cannot possibly be.
    For anyone that thinks it's Arthur Blake for Timmy, pleasefollow this link and view part 4 of "Port of New York" Arthur Blake as Dolley. AB cannot be an AB stand in....his face is all the wrong shape and is mouth is very distinctive.

  69. DirePotatoe: Somehow I missed your original prediction of Alice Brady/Arthur Blake (Gee! I wonder how THAT could have happpened! LOL)! I must say.... Based on a few images I Googled... I think you are right on the money.


  70. Wow. I hope it really is Alice Brady! I can't wait until Wednesday!

  71. I may have missed a character on last post. This is the URL:

  72. Dire Potato you keep posting that we're such losers here on CDaN and yet you can't tear yourself away. Whether you're right or not you're still a motherfucking monkey slapper so it doesn't really matter you old queen.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. First mention of Alice B-Angela
    #2 each of the two
    #3 d
    also Dimes mentions Cesar Romero first(I think)

  75. Walter Merrill: . You also can see him in "Parlor, Bedroom, and Bath":
    Arthur Blake:
    can be seen in "Cyrano de Bergerac" at:

  76. Well, I guess everybody has boarded the Brady Ark and wants to sail into the sunset, but there's a little part of me that begs it to be Margaret Rutherford just for the sheer insanity of it all.

    ENT has to provide an arkload of proof, but the one thing I want to know first is WHAT OTHER AWARDS FOR "IN OLD CHICAGO" DID ALICE BRADY WIN PRIOR TO WINNING THE OSCAR?

    If he says things like the Topeka Film Critics Award and the Teamsters Star of the Year Award, I will not be happy.

    I thought Dire Potatoe (sic) was the first to name Shimmy and Timmy over on that other site where they all have their PhDs and aren't, you know, junior college dropouts like us.

  77. Take a look at the Google images for Kim Hunter. If that's not a bloke ...

  78. Oklahoma have you ever seen anyone try to elevate himself by putting down people on another site while posting on motherfucking Survivor Sucks, for God's sake? And he's so needy he comes back to post that for the record the Alice Brady - Arthur Blake guesses were his calls? What does he want some fucking medal? And if you look at that fat lip on Arthur Blake you know it's not Alice Brady. What a fruitcake!

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Congratulations to all (that is if it's AB)!!!

    Angela wow what a awesome guess!

    Ed--great research on AB's theater review. That sealed the deal for me once you can see the difference in performances between the two ABs.

    Everyone thank you for the welcome to all including us lurkers.

    This made me realize that old Hollywood was so much more interesting than the nitwits that are running amuck now.

    Ent, please more old time Hollywood BIs.

  81. I have been dying to do that all day but decided not to-until now! Hahahahahahaha

  82. Mandjo don't forget he asked his friends *the authorities* about the picture on the the first Timmy post and he said it was from a play called Miss Liberty which was wrong. 39 year old diva bitch thinks he knows everything except he doesn't know how ridiculously needy he comes across. Someone quick loosen his whitey tighties so he can think clearly.

  83. Molly, step the fuck off. Dire Potatoe put together a very logical and well-reasoned series of events that could lead to two Alice Bradys. If he's right, he deserves the kudos. Go back to licking the Cheeto dust off your hirsute ground-dragging knuckles, please.

  84. Thank you Myrlin! Walter Merrill really does look like he could be the one!!

  85. It's almost over ... YAY! Great job DP

  86. Holy crap, Myrlin. I'd never seen those pics of Merrill! It's gotta be him. I'm off the Blake express.

  87. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Wow - late to the party again!

    Well, it sure does sound like Timmy is Alice Brady. After all that Old Chicago damage, I wouldn't be surprised.

    I'm still forever disappointed it's not Kay Kendall.

    AB better have some big honkin feet. I'm just sayin . .

    oh - and ditto ditto on the courtesy here - even when some aggravation (or exasperation) flared up, everyone moved on and got back to the fun.

    Nice place. Think I might stick around this joint =)

  88. The problem with that is, if he did get it right then FINE. He just didn't have to put everyone down in the process!

  89. Molly said:

    If he's right he's still an asshole for trashing everyone here and then coming back to post.

    What are you, 12?

    ~redundantly redundant

  90. Oh so you're Redundantly Redundant from the Survivor Sucks board. What a surprise that you're defending a fellow loser. You've been trashing us too so fuck off.

  91. Moron forgot where she was and posted her Sucks handle here...lmao.

  92. Good golly Molly... who put a bee in your bonnet?

  93. Visman I play nicely when people are nice but to trash us over on Survivor Sucks and then come here to post and sometimes post things just to start shit is wrong and it pisses me off. Thanks for asking.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. OMG! Molly has followed the clue trail and OUTED ME! I totally didn't mean to post that!

    You are a very special example of the mouth-breathing species, Molly. Keep on being you. It's exceedingly entertaining.

  96. Close your piehole Beth you're drooling.

  97. Anonymous8:57 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Oh, and Molly? Since you're clearly reading with breathless anticipation every single post in the BI thread at Sucks, please do point out where I once trashed this blog or any of the comments contributors.

    I've been reading this blog daily since the beginning, and have posted at the ezBoard version since the start as well. I've always enjoyed the comments and intelligence here, and of course am hooked on Enty's blinds. I haven't said a word to trash this blog or anyone in the comments, because there's no reason to. Lots of cool peeps here.

    Dire's opinion is just that - his opinion. The mere fact that I post at a message board he frequents (along with 40,000 other people) doesn't mean that I agree with his every statement in lockstep. There's this thing called 'logic' - I suggest you research it.

    It sure is fun to watch you flail away impotently, though. Keep on trying, dear. You'll never get better unless you practice.

  99. If it's Walter Merrill, why doesn't he have any musicals on his list?

  100. no one can justify the remarks dire potato wrote...a lot of us are here aside from the timmy BI and we all place nice, in fact before this BI there havent been many trolls...why must u come around now?

  101. Crackhead you're the one that jumped to his defense. He's not right about Arthur Blake but even if he was right he's still an asshole and if that offends you then you're oddly invested in him.

    Nadia that's what I'm talking about. I mostly lurked but since this Timmy thing has been posted the dregs of the dregs have crawled their way here.

  102. He stated the only reason he came was for this BI.

  103. molly, i think DP is an asswipe and a fat one if u look at his pic...

  104. Nadia, don't let Molly's vitriolic attacks against DP get you down.

    Pretty soon her mom will kick her off the computer so she can finish her algebra homework before bedtime and we can post troll-free again.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. Oh and for the record when Tres Gay over there came and posted some big insult to the posters here under the name I Am the Road Warrior everyone there high fived each other and Beth aka Redundently Redundent wrote "I'm as proud as a syphilitic mother hen, Tres!"

  107. Nadia I think that's a picture of Arthur Blake but I'm sure he looks like an asswipe anyway.

  108. Maybe the musicals were just done on stage (?)

    I notice that Walter Merrill has plenty of movies to make the combined total with Alice Brady to be well over 100. Arthur BLake does not have enough to get the number to 100, even.

  109. i wasnt insulting molly actually...if DP aint defending himself, no1 else should

  110. Nadia she obviously has a reading comprehension problem.

  111. You know what? You are exactly right Nadia.

  112. lol...well if hes using arthur blake instead of himself he must be FUG!!!

  113. It's my opinion that Timmy only played the role of Alice Brady once: the Oscar winning role in "In Old Chicago" All of the pics and the links to clips are of the real Alice Brady. This Alice Brady must have wanted to carry on but cancer may have been her REAL death. Timmy was just a well known huckster that stepped in for ONE ROLE ONLY. (The Oscar winning role.) If it was him at the Oscars, I'm not sure ENT can tell us that. I think Timmy had his whole career afterward and had not a thing to do with the Silent Era Alice Brady and most of the Talkie era Alice Brady. A one-time performance for an ailing actress sounds noble and worthy of a story. But, you won't find any twins, or brothers or "fake dead" people. Just my humble opinion.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. man, I was all obsessed with researching academy awards/GG cross listings waaaay back at the beginning of this fiasco and going nuts trying to find people that'd won both and margaret rutherford came up and I dismissed her because I thought there was no way. if it turns out to be her I'm going to kick myself in the face.

  116. i wish i was about KK! I am kinda sad this will all be over ...I am gonna miss my Timmy friends!! We will always have the memories!!!!!!

  117. You win, Molly. Your grasp of the English language is way too esoteric for the likes of me!

    By the by, do you have a linky to any research/theorizing/guesses that you might have had along the way? Or do you pretty much just hang around, refreshing obsessively, and wait for a chance to slam someone else's research?

  118. I picture him as Arthur Blake, jumping up and down yelling, "I thought of it first I get credit!" with his fat ass jiggling like a bowl of jelly while his pink sneakers reveal a size six woman's shoe, which further reveals why he's got little man syndrome.

  119. If it is Alice Brady I will need some questions answered. There are so many inconsistencies....

    1.) AB was a STAR of the silent film era. On imdb, if you check her silent era resume, almost all her roles were lead actress. She worked with thousands of people during this time, some of which in films both before her departure and after her return. She even worked with many of the same people for example:

    virginia hammond who was in both "Lady Tubbs" (1935) and "The World To Live In" (1919).

    I find it near impossible to believe that anybody, no matter how much they looked like a former star could fool so many people for so long. Producers, directors, crew, cast, media, fans all knew AB. To think someone could swoop in and work with or even converse with the same people she did prior to her lengthy absence, seems a little far fetched.

    2.) ENT says that "Timmy provided information and it wasn't as easy to check on stories and timelines for reporters then.... The story Timmy gave is the one still in use."

    AB's Bio is very easy to check on now, and there is nothing about it, whether it be timelines or family or death that is vague.

    Both her mother and father were prominent theater/film figures and there is plenty of verifiable info on them. She was married to James Crane, a real person, and had a son Donald. She died. There is a 1939 news article with her obituary:

    3.)ENT says "Timmy was initially given meaty supporting roles.." But if you look on imdb at the roles she was given upon her return in 1933, 3 of the 5 films she made in that year were starring roles, not supporting. And she continued this trend throughout her career.

    4.)ENT says "he saw his career slowly work its way back down the ladder over the course of three or four years". AB died in 1939, one year after recieving the academy award.

    5.) "Timmy" left Hollywood for 2 years, then came back as a "Shimmy". AB left Hollywood for 10 years. And during that time her broadway performances are very well documented. So when did "Timmy" change his name and adopt the "Shimmy" persona? Was it while the real AB was performing, or did she hand off her persona to him one night during some crazy game of poker and go into the underground with the A-team...

    Anyway, for the record, I guess somehow this could all be explained with some superlong, convoluted, sordid tale, which apparently according to ENT is involved in the explanation.

    But I do think that people are trying so hard to make a connection that they are ignoring multiple inconsistencies for the sake of finding a fit.

  120. hahaha..."jiggling" its like a car accident: you dont want to look but u have too...

    i lurk more than I post and I review the research posted...some people just get it done so quickly and I notice the only ones who shoot down are trolls...the regulars have respect...DP lost mine...

  121. psst . . . Molly . . . you're trying too hard. Tone it down a notch. Too many adjectives spoil the flame.

  122. I don't think anyone is saying he didn't do a good job with research.

  123. Molly, please give up on Arthur Blake. His face is just WRONG for Alice Brady. PLEASE look at the link I sent. View the main video which is broken into about 5 parts. On the main screen, there are upcoming videos after the one you are watching. Skip to the 4th part and see Arthur Blake play Dolley. His character is filmed s clearly and cleanly that there is not doubt that he COULD NOT HAVE PLAYED ALICE BRADY if he wanted to.

    Go here before commenting:

  124. beth please stop...u are stealing timmy's spotlight and he might decide to haunt u tonight while u are i trying too hard too?

  125. Semi lurler here. I know somewhere someone has mentioned this before but I don't see how this could be Alice Brady. Ent said that part of the stress was from the probes into his background. Alice Brady had a ready made background because she came from a famous family with a pretty famous father. Probes into that background shouldn't have made Timmy/Shimmy nervous I wouldn't think. I just don't see how it can be her. I don't have a better guess but I just don't see how it can be her either. Kudos to everyone who has done such hard work and I'm not dismissing the work on AB outright just stating my confusion so I hope i don't offend anyone.

  126. Nah, you're cool Nadia.

  127. Scot, she was talking about DP's pic, not timmy

  128. Scot I think you misread my post. I keep saying it's not Arthur Blake. We're on the same page. I did look at the links you posted. Thanks for researching it.

  129. "It's my opinion that Timmy only played the role of Alice Brady once: the Oscar winning role in "In Old Chicago" All of the pics and the links to clips are of the real Alice Brady. This Alice Brady must have wanted to carry on but cancer may have been her REAL death. Timmy was just a well known huckster that stepped in for ONE ROLE ONLY. (The Oscar winning role.) "

    I'm quite certain that the Alice Brady in the movie In Old Chicago is the same person who later played in Young Mr. Lincoln. I have both movies on DVD. I also own My Man Godfrey, 100 Men and a Girl, The Gay Divorcee.

    I believe that they are all Alice.

    If the answer turns out to be Alice, I'm sure it's a myth.

  130. just winding up a few things before I hop on the last carriage of the AB train:

    During award season, Timmy began winning regularly for his role.

    I looked up the film awards for that year on the LA Times website and "Old Chicago" was only up for Academy Awards. It didn't get anything from New York Film Critics or National Bd of Review or Photoplay. So hyperbole? Misdirection? Hives left over from previous year when "My Man Godfrey" got multiple nominations as well?

    Ariel: It was Ed who posted all the theatre reviews and clips? The ones where AB was constantly dropping out of productions due to illnesses/accidents? Those were pretty damning.

    Off to look at photos of W Merrill and A Blake. There's still some time before the train leaves the station.

  131. Yeah, Nadia, you're cool. Will you like me if I suck up to you? LMAO!!!

  132. Nadia, I'm just trying to save her some trouble. She was talking about Arthur Blake, not DP.

  133. actually I know that Beth but let's face it, I am not as cool as u! go back to ur other site...u are rude and out of line...where's twisted? we need i dont care what u think of me, oh shit, look behind u its TIMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

  134. ManDJO said...

    I don't think anyone is saying he didn't do a good job with research.

    Good to know, MandJo. We've all spent a lot of time googling and researching, and no one's effort should be discounted.

    For some reason, I keep coming back to Jeanne Eagels as Shimmy. Timmy still has me stumped.

  135. Scot I keep saying DP is wrong and it's not Arthur Blake. And I wrote that DP uses Arhtur Blake's pic as his avatar on Survivor Sucks. Sorry for the confusion.

  136. Yeah Mandjo. *We're* all in this together and have spent a lot of time googling and researching. The only difference is some of us then go back to that hellhole of a place we call home and we trash all y'all we're asses. And sometimes a post is left here to mock you all and then we all high five each other 'cuz we're the cool kidz!

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. BUT if he's right, then he's right.

  139. Quick, Nadia! It's your turn to use the single brain cell to reply!

  140. David, I will have to yield on that. Of the Alice Brady talkies, I've only seen "In Old Chicago". I've seen all of her silent films at least 3 or 4 times. I do not believe they are the same person. I have to soften my position that the only role that Timmy played was in "In Old Chicago". It's possible that Timmy (if it's AB) was there for multiple roles. However, I strongly believe that AB is the answer, I JUST CANNOT FIGIRE TIMMY OUT! AAAAAAAAGH! It's just gotta be brute force: try any gale may actor that might look like AB. AAAAAAAAAAAH! Lather, Rinse, Repeat!!!!!!

  141. i think its walter merrill

  142. fast typing sucks: figire=figure, gale=gay.

    I suck.

  143. Walter Merrill had a pretty strong chin. AB, in any picture had a dainty chin. (Even if I saw an Adam's apple below it, it could not be Walter Merill cause of that chin. I have the same chin. I'd be a horrible AB.)

  144. beth, give it rest...what have u done to figure this out besides insulting us and trolling?

  145. David if you're saying it's a different person why did you end your post saying if it turns out to be Alice it's a myth? I'm not sure what you mean by that.

  146. Scot, your typo made me laugh! "It's a good thing" haha
    gale may=gay male (just kidding with ya-don't get offended please)

  147. scot ur right...i slso see hair on his arms so maybe hes out for that too

  148. scot... I agree with you on that theory completely... of course, only IF the AB theory is correct?! :-) This is about, " role and one award.". (Frankly, the most defined clue to the mystery we were ever given.)

    I don't believe that Timmy created his new persona so he could BE Alice Brady. It just happened that he would do "very well" as Alice Brady because the studio needed one pronto to finish a film. Was it becasue AB got sick, did she die, did she refuse to join the union??? Who knows. What we do know is that "After his very first screen test as a woman, Timmy was destined to become a star."

    I think Timmy went on as his female persona, after the AB cover role was finished, but the skin condition killed that. The rest, as they say, is history.

  149. Scot how can we be sure you'd be a horrible AB? Blind Guy duct taped his chest and put a bra on. What are you willing to do in the name of science?

  150. Thanks Mandjo. I waited WAY too long to post. I thought I was gonna do all this cool research on my own. (It's what I do for a living.) However, all of the most important work was done WAY before I even saw the post. I think Angela got AB right from the beginning. I think Timmy was the myster man that took the Oscar. I think there is no way, I can find Timmy unless I try every gay, male actor from the era and look up their life story. I just canna do it cap'n. I don' hev the powr.

  151. nadiakotsev said...

    beth, give it rest...what have u done to figure this out besides insulting us and trolling?

    Nadia, I posted that I think DP's theory about 2 AB's might hold water. I'm not sold on Arthur Blake, despite Molly's caterwauling to the contrary. Nor did I ever slam anyone here while posting on another board - my comment was directed to Tres Gay and did not slam a single person here.

    If you'll look back on all the comments threads here, you'll find I posted substantial links to Jeanne Eagels, Don Novis, the two horseshoe saloons, the original theory about Timmy becoming Shimmy as a way of getting back at MGM for canning Billy Haines, and many more.

    Doesn't matter who gets the credit- this has been entertaining to try to figure out the king of all blind items. I can't even get too upset about Molly's insults - her buttons are wayyyyy too obvious and it's pretty hard to resist pushing them. No hard feelings on this end, but I bet Molly will sputter a bit more before it's all said and done.

    Still waiting for Molly to respond about *her* substantial theory contribution, though.

  152. I wonder where Angela is anyway? Haven't noticed her here in a while.

  153. Beth I've contributed as much as you have.

    Oh and just to prove what a nice person Beth is she started a thread at Sucks called *For a Special Poster Named Molly* so her wonderful friends can all rip me while she watches. Yeah, she's one of those people. She eggs on everyone else and sets the stage and then says "I never did anything."

    Like I said before troll fuck off.

  154. I'm telling you....In a million years, it's not Arthur Blake as Timmy. Please watch the clips I linked. Arthur Blake is an unattractive man with no chin, weird teeth and could not have played Alice Brady with any amount of makeup. Please. Please. I will not respond to any more Arthur Blake posts. I'll just giggle.

  155. well, beth apparently u were wrong in ur research and no1 has said anything rude about that so stop insulting others...i dont care if DP discovers time travel cuz hes still an asswipe...a lot of people research dead ends and we only find out that they are wrong when others do further research and prove it wrong...we all check one another and there has been strong team work...DP is his own team and his insults are quite harsh...no1 on here is cool with that...i cant wait till the reveal so some people will get away from this site and peace can be restored..and my single brain cell must be something else since I have a masters in literature and am working on my PhD in it as well...I am sooooo cool...

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. I doubt ENT will reveal JJ's identity, since he is still alive. However, you never know.

    I also now think that ENT deliberately gave misleading information about Timmy so that it would take us on a wild goose chase; he's pretty much admitted to that. He had to blur the details so that it wouldn't be so obvious.

    Therefore, my prediction is that the reveal will naturally differ from the original story ENT gave. He obviously left out many details and simplified Timmy's first story, because he's pretty much admitted that our conspiracy theories are close to the truth (the old switcharoos, etc.).

    Of course we all think that ENT is leading us straight to AB, but he could leading us by the nose!!

  158. Nadia, I think I love you. Wait!....Are you Alice Brady? No? ok. I still think I love you.


  159. Awww, You guys!:)

  160. scot, lol, hopefully we will find out alice brady isnt even alice brady...maybe it is me....BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  161. ok, I feel like i shouldn't be listening now ;)

  162. Dearest Molly,

    You have contributed not a wit to the conversation of this mystery blind and every single post here has been negative and insulting.

    I don't know why you are posting at all except to garner attention for yourself and to spread your hate and discontent -- that blog exists elsewhere.

    Naturally you will respond with further hate and discontent to this advice and so my consequent advice is that life is too short to stress out about these little mundane things such as this Timmy blind.

    For you see, for us, this blind is fun and a break from everyday life -- kind of like watching a movie for escapism.

    So please either move on to another blog or please contribute to our spririted discussion, which we would all welcome.

    I hope your week goes smoother and that you can take a deep breath and realize that it's much more fun and better for your blood pressure not to take life too seriously.

  163. Nadia, feel free to contact me at

    I'll give you other contact info if you do.

    We'll research together?


  164. ooohh, things finally got interesting in here. Fight! Fight!

    Who cares if some people on another board think we're all mouth-breathers? EVERYONE has spent an inordinate amount of time on what's probably a false BI, anyway, so I wouldn't be proclaiming too loudly that I had that much time on my hands.

    I won't deny it's been fun, but I really doubt something like this would have stayed such a secret for so long. I agree with those who think it's rumor that's been misconstrued over the years as fact.

    It should make for good reading, though, Ent.'s explanation.

  165. Um, will you children please stop it, or go take your little battle somewhere else? Save for the odd comment here or there, this place has been really pleasant up until this evening. No one other than the few of you are really interested in your tiresome internet squabble.

  166. nadia,

    who's to say who's wrong and who's right at this point? Enty hasn't revealed. What matters is that it's been fun along the way.


    You really should stop letting the little things in life get you so upset. Sticks and stones and all that. I had you down for 10 minutes to come running back over here with your skirt over your head after seeing that thread, but you far surpassed my expectations.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. im breaking out my ouija board

  169. hey scot i emailed u lol

  170. ignore ignore ignore

  171. Well at least something good came out of this!

  172. Hey Nadia,

    I emailed back. I sent a picture of my huge head. (I still maintain, I'd be a horrible Alice Brady. Feel free to send that one.)

    I tried to conceal my Adam's Apple but pics don't lie.


  173. I've looked forward to this blog every evening for weeks now. It's reminded me of all the many Hollywood bio's I've read through the years. I've been watching so many more old movies, too and much more intensely. Well, I sure hope its a dark horse that is T/S. Was there too much emphasis put on the "role"? "In Old Chicago" isn't really a grand role is it? I like the "Oscar swiping" theory, though.

  174. Scot is another "not" for timmy as AB lol! good night folks i goota sleep...class tomorrow and tons of reading...wednesday is getting closer!!!!

  175. What's been frustrating is the Timmy research. Talk about getting absorbed in the old H'wood trivia. It's definitely made me want to rent a lot of the really old silents we studied in college film class.

    There are so many great actresses that have become obscure over time - if nothing else, this BI has given them the attention they're due.

  176. Loving this blog. I have been a big believer in the Alice Brady theory until I realised that at the very least, even if her bio was lying and making her 20 years old than she really was, she'd still be in her 70s in the 80s and therefore, making the dying of aids seem a little off.
    I think it's someone who left their identity for someone else to pick up and in the 50s when musicals were still popular. Hell, I have no idea who it could be...but that's where a couple of weeks of obsessing have taken me.

  177. The aids virus can lie dormant for many years so that you can get it many years later from the time you actually contracted it. This I found out by trying to give blood to the red cross and they asked me for past information going back 15 years to check on whether I had exposure to it in some way.

    Another story, true of course, I got from a nurse friend of mine. She told me of a patient who was 105 years old. She asked this dear old lady what it was like to turn 100. The little old lady said " Well, dearie, when you turn 100 your sexual desire goes."

    Sure Timmy could be old and with aids.

  178. Thanks Ent, this was a fabulous BI!

    I am not convinced of the AB theory, the reveal will be interesting!

  179. This entire BI has been an enormously entertaining event, up until recently.

    Beth, I delurk for the specific purpose to call you out. Let's take this offline and have a real sparring match, shall we?

    Flaming with a thesaurus at your elbow as your primary "proof of concept" tool in attempts to win fans and convince the Local audience that you're more evolved as one of the "mouth-breathing species," is not admirable, nor terribly clever.

    On the other hand, perhaps that was an embedded BI to challenge us to figure out who the obnoxious, pseudo-literate troll is that has gills rather than lungs & nostrils?

    If that was your intent all along, kudos to you for the attempt, but it doens't surpass the Timmy research challenge. One need only scroll up through these comments to solve that challenge.

    Without Timmy clues to pursue, I am bored and need an empty calorie sugar fix. Something to chew on that is bad for me, with no substance, much regret, but feels so good.

    If for no other singular reason than to offer the masses a little post-Timmy fun, I will devote an entire website, restricted to posts between ourselves - each post restricted to clever flaming, yet limited to words less than three syllables and not worthy of a triple word score in scrabble.

    I admire your vast vocabulary, but it is hardly an indication in any manner as to your ability to think critically, or to criticize while thinking without your linguistic crutch.

    C'mon down to the gutter, and let's play like the poor, maligned mortals without IESpell do. Show me what you have, because I suspect your ability to articulate your brand of venom will be severely hampered by these rules.

    I don't know Molly or anyone else here; they've never drawn attention in themselves in a manner that begs a public smack, but you have.

    I feel a great deal of guilt following in your footsteps and cluttering up this thread and trolling. This has been a debate akin to Windows vs. Mac, or Unix vs. Windows. Legendary agruments with supporting research.

    I hope the outcome of my rudeness to the others here is that you agree to take this offline, out of this space and grab me in your teeth as a replacement chew toy.

  180. my cents at this point:

    first, there is one thought about the "solving". Ent said that there are four or five posts that put it all together. the winning hows and whys could easily be related to some loosing guesses. put together and with the right Timmy/Shimmy would make the story.

    its true that the most are going with AB now, because the last week this was the most discussed possibility. Fact is that from all those AA winners, Ent discarded too few to be sure about that.

    Plus: he said "throw out hints that may be not hints". I think this means that all his clues really are hints for the solution but not knowing that, they deliberately redirects our guesses in a particular direction, wished by ent - like showing the jurors another side of the story. And whois a lawyer here???? :-)

    Also seing the huge interest in this one, he could have let us "rat race" for a while, even if the BI was solved within the first 10 posts. Like 2000 postings in the first two weeks? This is cool. Plus gets him some additional traffic, new people and not least, more money or some nice stuff out o his ads - hey - lets face it: first he is a lawyer, second he pays lots of alimony.

    Also, loving the spectacular its also very probable that he got us into a particular corner so that the surprise is really huge when he gets the rabbit out of the hat.

    and at the end,
    its sad, that with the mistery solved, the biting and crediting and other negative interactions got started.

    like, we dont need to pull on the same rope anymore, we can fight each other now for whatever.

    why not have a drink and be happy, after all this hard work? Its time to enjoy.

    have a nice day!


  181. *wakes up*

    *notices that people are still flaming at each other*

    *dusts off the old "Don't feed the trolls" sign*

    *goes back to sleep*

  182. grab me in your teeth as a replacement chew toy

    Cool. Will there be Sudoku?

  183. I want to know if ENT has something to top this BI. Please have something, please, please, please. Otherwise, I'll have to get back to my work.

  184. I'm the Angela (there's another one going around here) who posted the Alice Brady guess with another one as the 14th comment on the original post by EL. I would be quite happy if it turns out to be Alice Brady on Wednesday, of course... But it was mostly a lucky guess. I just browsed through the lists of forgotten actresses that had won an Oscar and whose carrier was entirely over a couple of years later. And I remembered that "In Old Chicago" had been quietly issued on DVD a few months ago. Congratulations to the other people who seem to have uncovered her/his background and filled the gap despite the apparent incoherences, which was much more than I did (if it's Alice...).

    PS: "Angela" is a Gmail account I started to use as a joke. In real life, I'm a French straight guy living in Paris and I never dress in drag.

  185. I'm still not feeling the Alice Brady theory. I'm not sure who else to guess, but I just can't get on the AB train. I guess we'll see Wednesday.
    I hope Wednesday doesn't mean late Wednesday night...

  186. Am I the only weirdo who thought that Timmy didn't get HIV from sex? For some reason, I thought as an old-timer he might have had medical issues and needed a transfusion or dialysis or a kidney transplant, and I figured in the late 70s early 80s they didn't screen donated blood/organs for HIV. OK. Enough gore outta me. :)

    I'm DYING to see who the Timmy/Shimmy *pair* is. I hope Ent. gives the links to the cast photos online (of Timmy dressed as a man) so we can compare Timmy/Shimmy!

  187. god, i cannot wait!!! i gotta wait till thurs for my reveal as i live Down Under and sodding time difference... boo!

    anyway, have been reading this blog since its conception last yr and LOOOOOVE IT, it's so great to see everyone working together on this BI and really looking forward to the reveal.

    i've not posted on this BI till now, unfortunately i don't have any new pearls of wisdom, but i just have to say that i'm not on the AB train either (i know, i know) but i just don't buy it. of course won't i feel like a goofy goof when Ent unmasks AB as T/Shimmy .. LOL,

    Roll on the reveal!!

  188. guys, seriously can you stop with the playground antics? it's giving me a headache!

  189. I'm ready to believe Walter Merrill as Timmy, but I still am not sure about Alice Brady as Shimmy.

  190. Good morning!
    Looks like I missed a good fight.

    This has been a great internet puzzle. It happened to co-incide with a bout of the flu and I had nothing to do for a couple of days but research this BI. So I found some stuff which may or may not be right. The two Alices, JJ=the Quirks, the evil Mayer, good ol Arthur, whatever.

    To those of you who claim ownership to this place, and were offended by my "community college" comment at Sucks, grow a pair. That comment was directed at the people on this blog who were guessing A actresses and force-fitting stupid guesses for the sake of having it be someone shocking. I'm not looking back through all this mess to grab specifics, but anyone who read the BI, took the time to post, and guessed Joan Crawford is pretty much Community College material. Own it.

    As for who gets "credit" for stuff, for gods sake get a life. Or a hobby other than this. I care about having MY guess right since I invested so much time (why did I do that again?). Whether I'm the first and only, I don't care. But it's a puzzle. Me likely puzzles. Now if Ent was giving out a cash prize, it would be different but I don't care who on the internets thinks I'm smart, dumb, an ass, cute, gay whatever. I just want to be right...for me.

    Sucks is my home. It takes a special kind of something to hang over there. I'll defend those people to the end because they've given me so many hahas over the years. If you haven't visited, come on by. They're wicked funny. For those of you who think we should all sit around the campfire and sing koombya, maybe you shouldn't visit...the internet.

    Till Wednesday. Ent, if you see this, please make it a good story. Those of us who you made go in Google circles really want a good tale. Really, Ent should get the last laugh for this. What power!

    Yours in Timmy,

    PS: my sexual orientation? You really want to know? Take off your blouse and I'll tell you.

  191. Hey Coopers Mom I'm in Australia too. I was seriously considering setting the alarm and getting up just for the reveal. How sad and pathetic is that PMSL :)

  192. De-lurking here to post kudos to one and all. This has been the most Internet fun i've probably ever had. Great blind item Enty and great detective work to you all. I don't know if i'm on the Alice Brady train or not, but this really has been FUN! (and obsessive)
    I love this blog.

  193. Wow ENTY- you really have created an unprecedented 'thing' on your enterntainment blog. When us folks get angry over an old Hollywood story like this you know you'd better back up your facts- all of them.

    One truly HOPES you have the stuff-not just well, "its been a rumor for a long time or he thinks this is how it happened or not quite sure" but and so on.

    Your credibility is riding on this one not to mention your readers who love this site. I guess you didnt realize how crazy in love we all were with this until everyone got charmed by a person called timmy who gave birth to shimmy and well, they took on a life of their own and for a few days the legends of the old days consumed our thoughts. Personally i loved it.

    Now I can HARDLY wait til tomorrow!
    PS---If i want to see Jessica Simspon in a pair of cut offs i'll read perez hilton.

    Love you and your blog but it is what it is. We'll see i guess, we'll see....

  194. Cooper's Mom:

    I agree that it's headache-inducing to read all the negative comments that are off the Timmy/Shimmy subject.

    HOWEVER, folks don't need to look any further than THIS BLOG to find derogatory comments about their fellow posters, to wit...

    9/16/07, 11:04 am, k said "Thanks for saying that, Sister! The EZ Board turns me off, can't quite put my finger on it, but it feels like I've entered a sorority house with lots of judgement flying around."

    To which Twisted Sister replied at 11:12 am: "K, I can see that comparison. I just don't view it as EL's house over there and it's too transparent for me. Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels that way!"

    One can only imagine what the deleted posts contained.

    The CDAN bulletin board is obviously available to everyone here and I personally find it much easier to post my thoughts in that format. Plus, gillian and becktaro have posted some great research in the Timmy/Shimmy "Library" so that it's easy to refer to various lists to aid in the hunt for Timmy/Shimmy.

    I'd say that anyone who has posted there is just as invested in this BI as everyone on this blog. And my impression was that we were all part of the SAME community, enjoying the fun.

    It's illuminating to see the hypocritical comments here that chastise someone for their comments on another site, while "ghetto-izing" a segment of your fellow posters at the same time.

    I will give major kudos to anyone who has substantially solved the Timmy/Shimmy mystery, regardless of their opinions of this site.

    Thanks for listening.
