Monday, September 17, 2007

Emmy Awards Report

This is the first time we have done this with her knowing about the blog. What that allowed was for me to get a clarification on some of her text messages and some explanations although since we did this on the phone while she was half in the bag at an after party my text message translation was probably the way to go. Again, if you don't want to look back, she is a very solid B lister and everyone would know who she is as long as you have a television. She does movies but is more known for television.

Hi everyone. I'm really excited to be doing this.

Step out of the limo and the first thing I see is a guy grabbing his balls. Hello Jeremy Piven. Jeremy takes two steps, adjusts his balls and then takes two more steps.

I just saw Felicity Huffman's breast and so did half the world. She needs more tape. Someone just ran up to her with some tape and they are going somewhere to fix it.

Eva Longoria keeps going up to reporters and asking them if they want to speak to her. I know why you hate her.

I'm tired of the same questions. I want Borat or someone with an imagination to ask some questions.

I think Al Gore dyes his hair. It looks like some got on his shirt.

Mark Harmon is old enough to be my dad, but I definitely wouldn't say no. Damn.

I need to find a guy like Jerry O'Connell. He's so whipped. I keep expecting him to get down on all fours and start barking. It would be like having a butler except you wouldn't have to pay him.

I think Hayden P is trying to look pregnant because there is no excuse for that dress.

I got to meet Tim Gunn. There is a line of people wanting to meet him. BTW Hayden is off the hook, Laura B's dress is by far the ugliest.

I was excited to see Kayne West in person but he's just keeping to himself. I think he's wearing tennis shoes but it's hard to get close enough to see for sure.

Going inside now

My friend (female that went with her) just saw a former Soprano's actress doing coke in the bathroom. Not Jamie Lynn so don't worry. BTW, I told her you said hi when I saw her outside.

Jennifer Love Hewitt just made her boyfriend change places with her like ten times as she tried to figure out camera angles.

We're sitting really close to Ellen Pompeo and I think she heard us talking about her hair. She doesn't look friendly when she's pissed.

Second most popular person tonight so far is Jon Stewart. I'm loving grey hair tonight.

Katherine Heigl just said f**k when she won.

Kelsey Grammer has had some work.

Kathy Griffin needs more work. Lots more.

I think Helen Mirren is the only person Mario Lopez hasn't hit on yet. Yet.

Kimora Lee Simmons wants her seat changed. Someone said she's complaining about the smell around her or the seat itself. Not sure.

Kate Walsh and her husband only seem to be interested in each other when the camera comes near.

Kimberly Caldwell used the toilet and it overflowed when she flushed. Wonder what was in there?

Joely Fisher is now barefoot. I think she broke a heel.

You don't ever forget seeing Lisa Rinna in person. Her lips are bigger than my mouth.

Charlie Sheen can't stop groping his girlfriend. Commercial = copping a feel.

I got to meet Levar Burton. I don't know why that made me excited but it did. Just someone from my childhood.

Milo V and Hayden seem to be a couple.

That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

Hayden and Milo were hinted at in blog blind items quite awhile ago, lol. She sounds like she's looking quite the heifer lately (those thighs!) too, I'm leaning towards her now for that preggers blind item.

That Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
That Guy said...

"Step out of the limo and the first thing I see is a guy grabbing his balls. Hello Jeremy Piven. Jeremy takes two steps, adjusts his balls(sock) and then takes two more steps."

Pinky said...

This was great! Thanks, Enty. Thanks mystery actress!!

Reese said...

LMAO, thanks so much Mystery Correspondent; this is by far the best coverage of any event we've had so far. You are up there with ZX in terms of providing the goods. Please do this for us again sometime!

Unknown said...

This was great - did anyone else think of Ted C's blind item about the whipped guy with the woman who is using him when the mystery actress was talking about Jerry O'Connell?

Unknown said...

Also - is Kate Walsh using that guy as a beard so she can get it on with the latin chick (Sara Ramirez) on Grey's?

jlb said...

So very cool Ent & Friend! Thanks for the laughs.

Laurie-Anne R Collins said...

Much better reading this than watching the Emmys. Thanks mystery actress!

Anonymous said...

actresses between piven, huffman, longoria, gore, romijn-o'connell, and mark harmon on the red carpet who are young enough to be mark harmon's daughter (based on order at gettyimages): Jenna Fischer (who would've been at GG's), Jami-Lynn Sigler, Ali Larter, JLove-Hewitt, America Ferrera. It'd be so cool if it were Jenna Fischer!

merrick said...

its almost like being there .. thanks so much!!! keep up the good and snarky work!

Unknown said...

should we be guessing the mystery source? julia louis-dreyfuss?

Anonymous said...

hey why haven't we heard anything from Dominique in so long?

teddymac said...

I love this inside info. Thanks so much!

mandjo said...

Oh yeah! We've got the "inside" scoop! Thanks mystery actress!!(you too Ent)

Pinky said...

While it would be fun to try and figure out who the mystery actress is, we'd put future posts at risk, dontcha think?

SpaSuzy said...

I think the mystery actress "included" herself to throw us off...hmmm....

Kate said...

Who sat close to Ellen Pompeo during the ceremony? That should be our answer.

Unknown said...

spasuzy, im with you and think its KH (who went with her mom, BTW)

the perky parsnip said...

isn't this katie walder (or however you spell her name), who was the one who ent gave the picture of her legs and everyone figured it out in about 10 seconds? i think that's what he means by the "if you don't want to look back...", those are the same clues he gave for her, i think

Simone said...

Whoever the guest blogger is, -

I ♥ you!


becktaro said...

i'm guessing katherine heigl as well. Are we supposed to be guessing? Sorry, i'm too obsessed with timmy right now to not be guessing.

Anyways, great stuff. I hope this is the beginning of a long, beautiful gossipy friendship.

Toot Sweets said...

Could be Sarah Chalke.

mandjo said...

I was thinking Jenna Fischer.

Carmen Tomé said...

The informant blogger is Tara Reid, I think. A while back it came back to us that she is friends with Ent.

kellygirl said...

Was I the only who thought Ali Larter seemed a bit full of herself? Is she gettin' too big for her britches.
Ali, dear, the higher they climb, the harder they fall. Careful!

mandjo said...

He is friends with Jenna also. Don't know if its her though.

Unknown said...

This post is soooo hilarious! This is the best I've ever read. Finally, someone with enough balls as Piven to actually name names when it comes to this kind of "behind-the-scenes" stuff.

Love it!!

Keep it coming!!

Flashy_Shades said...

i'm leaning towards jenna. remember the post he did on her divorce announcement?

GammaGirl said...

This post was great! I really love when ENT's pals give inside scoop.

I'd thrilled if it was Jenna!

Jolara said...

I don't care who wrote the post, this was great!

FINALLY!!! Someone who calls it like it is, LOL.


Anonymous said...

ugh. I know Ali Larter from High School. Even though we are in the same industry (I do makeup/hair) There's nothing I hate more than seeing her around now.

Tracee said...

I want to meet Levar too! "Take a look. It's in a book. Reading Raaaainbow. Reading Rainbow. Reading Rainbow."

Thanks for the juiciness friend of Ent, highly amusing!

Miss X said...

Confession: I nearly jumped off my couch screaming "It's the Reading Rainbow Guy!!!" when I saw Levar. It was almost the highlight of the evening for me. ;)

Mystery Blogger, thank you so much!!! That was awesome.

Solid B-lister, does movies but more known for television. Lauren Graham? Ent's mentioned an LG before.

CincyNat said...

Well, Jenna does get the top spot in the Emmy pics below..but I think of her as a solid A-lister--love her!! Whoever it is, thanks for the inside snark!

Mother Campfire said...

Ya, and I dont think Jamie Lynn would call out someone who was on her show. That's just bitchy.

barry said...

I made the comment about Milo and Hayden a while back but for some reason my comment was deleted from the blog. Hmm. It'd been going through the industry since before February.

barry said...

miss-x Lauren Graham wasn't at the Emmys this year, she was in Toronto filming, so that would rule her out of any blind items coming out of the Emmys unless she was in two places at one time.

Julie said...

for some reason! I was thinking JLH was the informant, and immediately felt bad for kinda not liking her.
BUT! I can't see her talking like this *shrug* i dunno. I just don't like her because my husband does (the only person in hollyweird he knows the name of)

Miss X said...

Barry, thanks for bursting my bubble. :(

I'm an LG fan but not so much of a fan that I know where she is.

Beth said...

Who was sitting near Pompeo? There's our answer. You folks who tivo'ed it need to get to work on clues.

They seated the shows in particular sections so it couldn't be Larter cause she was over in the Heroes section. They smattered out other noms and celebs within the "cast" sections so it's obviously someone who was seated in the Grey's section or near it.

I'm highly doubting it's Heigl as she would have been backstage doing endless interviews the rest of the night after her win and probably wouldn't have got to see much of the rest of the live telecast.. Katherine would have been talking to Dayna Devon, Mary Hart, the backstage press corps, etc after her win.

Catherine said...

Is our mystery informant Joan Rivers who was just fired from TV Chan.?

JMS said...

Cool post

bluegirl said...

Oooh, this is juicy stuff! Thanks mystery chick. I think it might be Jenna Fischer. I assume Ent meant to look back at the photos.

Why does Hayden have to be with Milo?! (I want him!) But seriously, there is a couple vibe going on with them in photos and it wouldn't surprise me if they purposely waited until Hayden turned 18, if like the above poster Barry said, there'd been whispers since Feb. Maybe her ex was just for show? Hmmm...

Production Girl said...

Thank you both for the inside info. It was fun reading everything.

I had a feeling about HP and MV for weeks now, ENT are they a blind item of yours. Sounds like one in particular.

Eva L and Jennifer L.H get on my nerves.

Note to self: never shake hands with Jeremy P, LOL.

Anonymous said...

as for the sopranos actress doing coke... lorraine or edie? hmm.

Jensen said...

Can someone tell me what was the blind item that you people think was about Milo V and Hayden??
Thanks..just curious..

Unknown said...

Debra Messing

__-__=__ said...

Thanks for the great commentary! Hope we can do this again as it is MUCH better than watching.

Tania said...

Well done, Anonymous! That was a fun read, and a great antidote to the TV coverage. Keep it up!


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