Monday, September 10, 2007

Courtney Love Should Have Kept Her Mouth Shut

In the wake of the Owen Wilson meltdown, Courtney Love opened her drug addled mouth and said that Steve Coogan was responsible for Owen almost dying and that she was good and noble and had tried o warn the world about how bad Steve Coogan was, and how Courtney was just an angel of mercy.

Since her pious message, Steve Coogan's lawyer slapped a nasty cease and desist letter on Courtney and now, Sharon Osbourne has come out saying that Courtney Love encourage Jack Osbourne, then 15 to use Oxycontin and that she supplied it to Jack and wanted Jack to take it with her so she wouldn't have to take it alone.


  1. who better to identify a duggie than another druggie? maybe she was trying to help.

  2. Cocaine is a powerful drug.

  3. isn't this an answer to a Blind from a while ago, the Malibu kid and the former rock chick?

    Good Lord, her pupils are Lohanesque in this photo. Interesting make-up. She needs to keep her mouth shut and her face covered!

  4. She probably wouldn't deny Sharon's claim, since she's open about her addiction (whereas Coogan is trying desperately not to derail the Hollywood career he's attempting to establish).

    Courtney looks like she's auditioning for a role in the next remake of Dawn of the Dead.

  5. Seriously...horrible picture.

  6. That's a really old photo.

    Current pix she just lookss skeletal & ghostly......

  7. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Christ, she is SOOOOOO full of shit.

  8. There were reports from people other than Courtney that Steve & Owen were doing tons of coke together months ago, so I don't think she was that off-base. I think the part that's false is that Steve had anything to do with Owen's suicide attempt.

  9. Courtney does need to shut her fat mouth. When did she become the spokesperson for all these crackheads? Well I guess celebs know who's giving the tabs juicy info.

  10. Anonymous4:08 PM

    She's hopeless in every sense of the word.

    Tracee, that comment is very interesting in considering the BI above.

  11. Britney, meet your future.

  12. Courtney Love: Career started with a bang

  13. Kellysircus, that was the first thing that went through my mind when I read that last paragraph!



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