Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Clive Owen In Details Magazine


  1. I love me some Clive Owen.

    Isn't it bs that women can't pose like men do in magazines? Don't get me wrong, I love these moody pictures, but a female would never be allowed to pose like she just rolled out of bed.

  2. I really hope Clive Owen is not an arrogant douchebag alkie like most actors, because he is just the most appealing guy around.

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    This is as hot as they get.

  4. OH YES OH YES OH YES!!! Beautiful start to a beautiful day. Thanks, Enty.

  5. WTF!!! Clive looks like shit in these photos. He is a hot piece of manflesh. I have seen way better pics of him.... these are NOT flattering.

  6. Are you kidding me? He's got that old Bogart thing going on here. Totally hot.

  7. Very nice - thanks!!

  8. Sorry. But his face looks like it's melting. Or was he a boxer cuz he's look like he's been punched in the face repeatedly. His voice is sexy though.

  9. I just finished watching Croupier! Oh Lord, this man is gorgeous!


  10. Tracee, if you don't stop pickin on men I like, I'm gonna let you run yourself into a wall.....

    Cyn lol

  11. God knows that I worship this man and would love to start at his toes and work my all to the top and back down again but I have to say these are not the best photos of him. I actually bought this issue and really, is it so hard to take a picture of him where not ever shot is the same look? In the article he comes across as pretty down to earth, funny and devoted to his wife and kids. Three more resaons to swoon over him!!!

  12. Sorry Cyn. LOL! I'm not saying I haven't gotten the hotness from Clive, these photos....they make him look special. This photographer didn't capture his hotness right. Not right I say!

  13. Finally some others who see that these photos do NOT do him justice. Thank you!!!

  14. He looks like he just got off of a 20-hour flight (sitting in coach; maybe even in a middle seat) and hasn't had any sleep but still looks hot. Not many can pull this off!

    Big kiss to you Enty; keep giving us Clive whenever you can!

  15. Clive, my darling. You know that I would lap the sweat off of your...
    well, just about everywhere. But these photos - they aren't your best.

  16. Wow, he's just unbelievably gorgeous!

  17. I am so glad I am not the only one who thinks he is so freaking HOTT! LOL

    He is not really cute, but man he SEXY!

  18. Wow - he is FUGLY, but a great actor

  19. 1. Kory needs some vision correction lol.

    2. I agree these are not the best photos of him, but I guess that's what the photog wanted to go for.

    He should be fired.


  20. i love that he really only has one look, i could look and listen to him for hours. :D

    i just saw shoot em up last night and my jaw was dropped and i was like "wtf" the whole movie.

  21. Not the best pics of Clive. He usually looks good!
    Like someone said before, he could read the phonebook and sound good!!

  22. OMG!! ENT, have I told you lately that I love you? ;)

    Clive is the hottest, sexiest MAN in Hollywood in some time. Thanks for the pics, and keep 'em coming!
