Cash Warren Is Even More Of A Jackass Than I Thought
Remember those lovey dovey reunion photos of Cash and Jessica back together? Well just two days after the photos above were taken, Cash was in New York and allegedly cheated on Jessica with model Vera Mishina who Cash met at a baseball game she was working. Yes, working as a model at a baseball game. Obviously she's thisclose to being a superstar.
After the game, Cash and his friends joined Vera and her friends at a bar and then Cash invited the whole party to his hotel room that Jessica was paying for.
At this point we have to rely on a friend of Vera's who was also in the hotel room and she said, "They started making out as soon as we got into the room. He couldn't take his hands off her! The rest of us left, but Vera told me that she and Cash made love that night, and again the next morning. "Afterwards he kept texting her, then we read that he and Jessica were back together. It really upset her. She felt so used." (I'm sure Jessica feels really good about the whole situation as well.)