Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cash Warren Is Even More Of A Jackass Than I Thought

Remember those lovey dovey reunion photos of Cash and Jessica back together? Well just two days after the photos above were taken, Cash was in New York and allegedly cheated on Jessica with model Vera Mishina who Cash met at a baseball game she was working. Yes, working as a model at a baseball game. Obviously she's thisclose to being a superstar.
After the game, Cash and his friends joined Vera and her friends at a bar and then Cash invited the whole party to his hotel room that Jessica was paying for.
At this point we have to rely on a friend of Vera's who was also in the hotel room and she said, "They started making out as soon as we got into the room. He couldn't take his hands off her! The rest of us left, but Vera told me that she and Cash made love that night, and again the next morning. "Afterwards he kept texting her, then we read that he and Jessica were back together. It really upset her. She felt so used." (I'm sure Jessica feels really good about the whole situation as well.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow ent, making fun of this model. I remember a while back you had a blind item about the big model who was knocked over in the club. It turns out nobody ever heard of her. You make me laugh.

  3. Seriously does this tool even have a job?

    It seems as if Miss Alba is around to pay his bills. But sadly she is like so many other insecure girls... can't be without a man... and will keep a loser around just to be able to say she has one.

    Just wait till he fathers a child with another woman... cause you know it will happen. Just a matter of time.

  4. Poor guy. That night and again the next morning. Don't think he would be in my bed again after a premier performance that merited no more than that. Very sad, very sad. And he can't use the age excuse either. Very sad. Jessica can do better. Hell, I can do better.

  5. Ent, you know your girl has issues. Maybe you could change professions and become a psychiatrist. Then you could treat her and the she'll look at you someday and realize that you're the man for her and then ya'll can start working on making babies.

    PSA for Jessica Alba:
    Jessica. Stay away from the douches. If you got an unhappy coochie, a douche won't make it happy. Just say no to douches.

  6. "Yes, working as a model at a baseball game. Obviously she's thisclose to being a superstar."

    LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You do have a way with words, EL!

  7. Thx Kamie. You can help me spread the word of douches not being healthy for unhappy douches. I've got pamphlets and everything! ;)

  8. as Jon Stewart says,
    "this guy must be swingin' pipe"

    hard to feel sorry for JA though. She seems like such a pig

  9. He seems like the type of guy who thinks he is a lot more impressive than he actually is, right? Of course, the way Jessica is with him (putting up with his jackass behavior), he probably believes it!

  10. She is a fool!!! Stupid girl with low self esteem!!!

  11. I find it funny that everyone's examining her self-esteem issues when it's quite clear that he has his own if he has to step out on Jessica Alba. And if he does it right after they're 'reconciled', then even more so.

  12. Jessica is a very humble person which means good heart but a hardheaded at the same time because is she got betrayed and that jackass will do it again I won't take him back if I were her after cheating on her and Alba is wasting her time with that traitor cause once a cheater always a cheater also is pointless having a child with a man or person that cheats on you and Alba thinks a pregnancy is going to save a relationship keeping he around that he won't cheat anymore she's wrong cause that only could her child's dad and still would have to pay child support.Jessica is being or acting insecure because she is like can't be without a man and keeps a fool just to be able to say she got one wait till he fathers a child with another woman cause you know it will happen.Just a matter of time also she could move on without him and have and be with her child and never get back with a cheater.I sent a letter recently explaining everything also advicing her because I love her and I care and want her to be more caution and observed and I will always support her as an admire and as a friend that whenever she needs support I'll be there Jessica dump him immediately don't be blind in love not even with that jackass.Don't tolerate no nonsense from no man or people that are troublemakers in general. you wasn't born with him please reply back asap God bless you. Emmanuel Caceres



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