Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Britney Cleared Of Child Endangerment Charges

This morning Britney's attorney Laura Wasser stated that the County of Los Angeles will not be pursuing any charges against Britney Spears in response to the accusations allegedly made by Kevin Federline. During the five minute hearing this morning, Laura Wasser began advising the court what the County had told her and stated there would be no charges filed. As Ms. Wasser continued, Kevin's attorney asked for the hearing to be closed to the public and the media because you would actually hate to have those nasty rumors be acknowledged in open court for the world to hear.

So, with that out of the way, the mediation can continue, although it really will be a waste of time. Neither side is going to budge and so it will come down to a court hearing later this fall. Kevin and his attorney seem to be going for more flash than substance and doing their best to try and pressure Britney into settling because of all the bad publicity. As time passes, the flash starts to fizzle and all you have left is a K-Fed.

It is also interesting to note that almost every gossip blog and website posted something about Britney being accused of child endangerment, but you can hear the crickets chirping today when you find out all the charges were unfounded.


  1. Maybe becasue like myself..the rest of the world is jaded and discouraged thinking about how damn biased the whole system is. DOUBLE if you're a celeb in LA.

    I'm no professional but even I can tell that girl is a mess.

  2. I still want to see follow-up on Brit's request to her rehab place for her admit tox screen results; she claims she arrived at the facility stone sober and drug-free, but there was a report about a month ago that the rehab place won't release the test results.

    Since her parents could gain control of her assets if she were hospitalized long enough and "proven" to be using, there's real motive on their part to pursue this.

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Score one for Brit. Now just don't f*ck up, girl.

  4. Don't be the house on that one B Love..i predict that Brit f*cks this up befor- wait what? oh sorry Brenda..Britney was just caught playing dodgeball in on the PCH with SPF.

  5. I have never bought into the bullshit of K-Fraud being the better parent. And I truly hope that Britney's lawyer nails his scummy ass to the wall.

    Britney may be a huge train wreck...but I bet money she has a full time nanny that is really taking care of those kids.

    I don't believe for one moment that that idiot Kevin has his children's best interest at hand. This is all about money... and him trying to cash in on her stupidity.

    It is starting to look like that he really did have to sign a iron-clad prenup... couldn't get any more money out of her... so here we are... Fraud and his Lawyer selling stories to TMZ for profit.
