Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Breakdown Of The Britney Kevin Ruling

Applicable to both parents-

1· Neither Britney Spears nor Keven Federline can take Sean and Jayden out of state without the written consent of the other.

This was in the original custody agreement and is perfectly normal.

2· The exes cannot make derogatory statements about each other.

Easier said than done. Good parents don't have this problem, but even the best parents can say something nasty about their ex and their child might be listening.

3· Both parents must complete the "Parenting Without Conflict" program.

They should have done this prior to being divorced but even though PACT is required, LA doesn't really enforce it which is how they probably got away without attending. Many counties in California will not grant a divorce until proof of attendance is shown.

4· Each party is restrained from using corporal punishment with the children or allowing anyone else to.

This is really unusual and indicates that someone was doing something more than spanking the child and maybe it wasn't even the parent. To prohibit someone from administering corporal punishment to their child is highly unusual because it goes directly to privacy issues and how you want to raise your children.

5· They are required to engage in joint co-parenting counseling.

Done all the time in child custody cases. It's not always done where the two parents are together though. Many times it is just parenting counseling classes which each parent attends.

6· Neither party may consume alcohol or non-prescription controlled substances 12 hours prior to taking custody of the children.

Seen these before but this is strict and the language also indicates the drug in question is pot.

7· They must ensure that any prospective childcare professionals hold valid Red Cross infant CPR training.

Generally this occurs when something has gone wrong in the past and so is a reactive ruling.

Now, here are the extra things Britney Spears has to do. In order to maintain the current shared custody agreement, Britney must:

1· Attend individual counseling at least once a week to address parenting issues.

As I said this is more common than joint co-parenting classes. These classes are also used when there are violence problems. HOWEVER, if that were the case, she would have been sent to anger management classes.

2· Meet with a parenting coach for a minimum of 8 hours a week, in at least two sessions a week.

This is a huge commitment. Counseling plus joint parenting classes plus eight hours a week with a parenting coach. Not going to be easy. This is really rare.

The coach is to observe her parenting skills and her interaction with her sons and provide Federline with a written progress report by October 22.

3· And, "based on the evidence presented, the Court finds that there is a habitual, frequent, and continuous use of controlled substances by Petitioner [Spears]," will have to undergo testing for controlled substances and alcohol. The testing shall be conducted twice per week on random dates and times, and the results will be forwarded to the court.

Usually when an order like this is issued and they occur very frequently is that the testee will usually have their first test within a week. Most of the time you know when something like this is going to happen and so you tell your client to stop using well in advance of the hearing just in case the judge wants you tested that day.


  1. Why does that indicate pot and not cocaine?

  2. Oh come on now! TIMMY, TIMMY, TIMMY!!!!!

  3. just as a curiousity....wat happened to K-Fool's other two kids with Char or were they just practice kids? Did he make the same sort of arrangements with them I wonder?

  4. pinky,

    I think the 2x per week drug testing for Spears indicates coke (or ecstacy). Pot hangs around in your system for a few weeks, X and coke only a couple of days....

  5. I'm betting she'll fail either the 1st or 2nd test.

  6. Did he make the same sort of arrangements with them I wonder?

    Shar Jackson is apparently not a crazy drug addict who drops her kids on their head.

  7. The other 2 kids....I guess no one delves into it cuz their Mom doesn't appear to be flashing her crotch or stumbling around in a haze publicly.

  8. I bet Spears gets a doctor to write her an Anna-Nicole sized prescription for Xanax....or maybe Brit likes to sleep with Prince Valium. Maybe some Klonopin...since she's allowed to have prescriptions. She can't drink, can't take coke or X...she's gonna need some pills.

  9. I would LOVE to know how that Parenting class goes ( I wouldn't put it past TMZ to plant a mole)

    On the drugs, I just wanna know what homegirl has been on! I just hope she doesn't shave her head again...

  10. Anonymous10:17 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Come on ENT, we are just not THAT into Brit and her shit.......but what we're really into is TIMMY!

    You have created an entertaining site with panache, please do not contaminate it with redneck bacteria.

  12. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Both of them are bad parents, and drug use has been implicated for both of them, not just Britney.

    It's funny how K-Fed seems so keen to get custody of his kids with Britney, he seems to not spend enough time with the pair he made with Shar Jackson.

    I suppose it's a good thing that the kids are probably too young to understand what's going on...let's hope that K-Fed and Brit sort this mess out before their kids do start to comprehend the situation.

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    it is such a shame, they are the cutest babies in Hollywood with the dumbest parents... well not so much Britney. That girl needs some Justin in her life.

  14. Anonymous10:27 AM

    ENT... what about Timmy.. waiting...

  15. Does anyone have any last minute Timmy/Shimmy theories they want to throw out for the hell of it?

    Hey you possibly have the strength to reiterate your (2)AB, Quirk..theory one last time. I just dragged my parents into this today and can't remember exactly how you put it and might go permenantly blind going back through all the comments again!

  16. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Actually all Timmy fans - I'm here for the other stuff and been here for it LONG before Timmy so while I appreciate your enthusiasm, I still want to hear about the rednecks :) No offense intended!

  17. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Wow I agree that Brit has QUITE the load on her hands with counseling and classes lately! Whoever said it was right: the random testing is because of coke and ectasy, things like that dont stay in your system very long, meth heads will get a job over a pothead when testing is involved, for that very reason. Kinda backward, aint it? The wording that indicated pot, was directed towards Kevin, as Britney does not seem to like pot--though she certainly could use some if you ask me.

  18. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It's funny how K-Fed seems so keen to get custody of his kids with Britney, he seems to not spend enough time with the pair he made with Shar Jackson.
    I am not defending KFed, I am not saying that he does spend a lot of time with his other kids, HOWEVER, just because there aren't pictures of Kevin and his kids with Shar Jackson plastered all over the tabloids doesn't mean he never sees them.

  19. Fabiola - my thoughts exactly. He seems good about keeping the kids out of the public eye - which is the way it should be.

    Loved the breakdown of this because you know on other sites and on tv they wil be banging the sesational drum on this instead of explaining the actual outcome.

    and I'm here for the redneck stuff, the nasty stuff, the leagal stuff and Timmy/Shimmy so just keep on giving it all to us ENT! Thanks!

  20. Mark my words - K-Fed will be back with Shar RIGHT after this divorce is final. This was a sham marriage planned by K-Fed and Shar to get Brit's money. He's gonna get custody and get spousal and child support and they are gonna live a long and rich life off of her money. Why do you think Shar is always so sweet when talking about Britney??? She's gonna be living off of her for the rest of her life. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing. I'm telling you, I feel it in my GUT! These two have been planning this - Shar wasn't even upset when K-Fed left her for Brit. Brit bought her a house down the street from them and made nice and she was playing into their hands the whole time.

  21. Thank you KChal!
    This Timmy thing is undeniably intriguing, but who knew that it was going to change the whole tone of the site?
    I'm interested, but I'm ready for it to be OVER!

  22. The most frightening part in all of this is the Corporal Punishment clause. Who the f^ck spanks or hits a 1 and 2 y/o kid?

  23. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I can't believe that someone who purports to be a lawyer doesn't know the difference between controlled substances and the term non-prescription controlled substances. Pot is a controlled prescription substance. Cold, allergy & cough medicine are common over the counter controlled substances. The expanded scope for the "no drinking or drugs with kids PLUS the twelve hour bottle to throttle order" here means there have been "situations" where this needed to be clarified. Ditto for denigrating remarks, corporal punishment, travel, employees, work, home & phones. These previous stipulated pro forma (and sealed) custody agreements are now expanded and unsealed for a reason. Her drug testing orders are extrememly interesting because they show that previous tests, results and results reporting for HER did not meet judicial or CPS standards that were obviously agreed upon in order to get her 50/50 in the first place. Looks like the judge & CPS are bending over backwards to give the original agreement a shot and the parenting coach & reporting was not mandated, but stipulated to so as not to lose custody immediately.

  24. Guess she's going to find out the hard way the difference between a judge and a Hollywood syncophant. To me her biggest problem isn't the drugs she is on, it's the drugs she's not on that she should be on. The judge can save her life which none of these other idiots can do, and she is really going to make it easier for him to do it. So it's a good thing. He'll kick her ass, the kids will be safe and maybe they can drug her long enough for her to realize that she needs help.

  25. This writer is NOT a lawyer! No way. I can't believe people are thanking this shithead for such BS. Get a grip, every day @ the bottom of every page:

    certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content
