Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Angelina Throws Brad Under A Bus

In a scene not unlike many others played throughout the world, you have the rich, fairly attractive woman discussing serious financial matters with another man, and the subject of the discussion turns to the woman's current plaything.

In a discussion overheard at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, Angelina first said Brad had no financial sense at all and would never let him near her money and that she was worried he might eventually run out of his if he kept putting it into stupid things. Presumably she means donating it to Darfur and other causes as opposed to purchasing more children because everyone knows they are cheap, especially bringing them with you everywhere in the world. If that wasn't bad enough, she then went on to say that she likes Brad best when he just shuts up and looks pretty because that's what he's best at. Too many times he ruins things by opening his mouth.

And people wonder why Angelina and Brad have issues.


  1. I don't think they have as many issues as the rags like to report. Drama sells more papers than boring domesticity.

    As for this quote...could be real, could be made up. There isn't a day that goes by I don't say that about my own husband (and he ain't pretty!).

  2. Sorry but this one seems made up. I can't believe some overheard this entire conversation.

  3. Wood - U just make me chuckle - lol

  4. I say the same things about my husband.

  5. Guess they're both missing a sensitivity chip.

  6. Yeah.... you could take almost anything out of context.... mole hole to mountain.....



  7. I say stuff about my hubby. And I bet he's got his own opinions about me. But the love is still there.
    And in their case Angie might be speaking the truth.

  8. why would a celebrity discuss "serious financial matters" in public. Why would anyone.

  9. it doesn't matter who you are. when you are with someone after certain amount of time the shit starts to get on your nerves. if you want to stay married or whatever for the long whole you just have to work through it. Brad could work through it probably coz he seems pretty patient to me, but I wouldn't bet that Angie has the patience.

    Some guys love the bitch though. Remember Betty & Veronica?

  10. Wow hope this was written tongue in cheek rather than inattention to facts & detail. Why not just post today's Gatecrasher's recap of the InTouch "report":

    Poor Angelina Jolie!

    An In Touch reporter was sitting nearby when she popped into the Waldorf-Astoria's Sir Harry's bar to meet a friend Sept. 5.

    According to the snoop, Jolie enjoyed a glass of red wine with "a tall, muscular male friend" and talked about money.

    "I won't talk to Brad about this because you know how he is financially, which is stupid," she said. "Someone has to make the big decisions, though. He'll put money into things � but it's bizarre! It doesn't always make sense to me."

    She added: "The reality is, we're not a company together. Things should be separate. I think you know I make my own financial decisions. Brad knows there are times he should just be quiet and look pretty."

  11. oooohhhhhh.....

    It's from that really reliable source of In Touch....

  12. This doesn't fly with me either. Angelina Jolie only talks officially to very select outlets. Therefore all the other outlets are pressuring her to give them access by printing the nastiest things they can think of about her. That's the reality. None of it is true, and this one definitely doesn't sound like her (I've actually worked in her vicinity a couple of times and can tell you she's one of the nicest, coolest, most normal down-to-earth celebs I've ever met).

  13. Even if it were true, it could have been said totally tongue in cheek. But I agree, In Touch? That mag is a rag...

  14. Actually my points were:
    1. ONLY Gatecrasher published this IN Touch blurb this AM "tongue in cheek". No one, in the news biz or not, is buying this as truth. 2. I believe strongly that in all fairness the writer/s here should source their material! Then you can do your spin.

  15. I actually believe this as I still can't get past his Joe Black character and how he played that so, um, believable.

  16. Anonymous10:18 AM

    This one isn't believable at all. Nevermind how unlikely it is Jolie would comment on Pitt anywhere she could be overheard - like she would ever think she had privacy - this doesn't correspond to their financial picture.

    Pitt has made some very good investments and Jolie has obviously learned from him - I don't recall her doing ads before Pitt - but now she does Shisheido and St. John, both very high end, lucrative accounts that wouldn't damage her image. Pitt did ad work overseas before Jolie - that's his influence.

    Eh, I call bs.

  17. Anonymous10:31 AM

    lol kitty!

  18. gabby I get it & having just read the Simpson thing I can see that you've got a point. That's from NYDN today too, but no source and the writer here just MAKES up stuff based on what was only in Rush and Malloy this AM. I'm starting to rethink the blinds, espcially Timmy. How can this writer be believable if he/she is so totally unable to get it straight from a newspaper?

  19. Based on what we've seen in the press, Jolie seems to have control and boundary issues, and maybe some narcissm as well. That's the sort who would think it's good idea to make a comment like that in a public restaurant in front of (maybe?) a busboy she didn't think spoke English.

    The date and location details? Maybe to cover up the actual source. But the Waldorf as a venue in general? Eyewwwwwwww.

    BTW, whoever posted Jolie copied Brad by doing the St. John's campaign -- that was signed right before she got pregnant; I suspect that's why she didn't do it very long.

  20. ahem... Sept 5th is the day Brad took Mad to the ball game. Angie as per Brad being asked that day was home with the rest of the kids...

    this is a made up story by In strick that OUT OF TOUCH.

    Also this is Angelina if she was in ANY bar in NY there would be cell phone pics of her, paparrazzi's would have been outside the bar waiting to take pics of her drunk and people inside the bar would have been sending reports to Gawker reporting Angie was at a bar drunk. They/She can do NOTHING in NY without the paps knowing where she is. They have paps specifically assigned to them! as soon as they step out of the hotel hidden or not the paps know....

    this is a made up story I highly doubt ever Angie would speak like this let alone in public whether or not she thinks Brad is bad with money....

  21. I have no doubt that Angelina runs her house her way. She has manage to turn around her psycho personality of the late 1990's into being a saint. I don't doubt that she keeps her financial matters in her own hands. She would be a fool not to.

    Now I have always thought Pitt was dumb as dirt, who spent alot time trying to look smarter than he is... and it cracks me up to even think that Angelina referred to him needing to "shut up and sit there and look pretty."

    So I think there is a little truth in the gossip... but I don't think she is ready to kick him to the curb just yet.

  22. Femmecafe -- little kids take naps, especially when each of them has a nanny. Given Jolie's history it would have been unwise for Pitt to say anything else about her schedule that day.

  23. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I'm still laughing at Pope-rah's comment.

    Jennifer Aniston could play Betty and Angelina is totally Veronica.


  24. its amazing how a rag like that could create such a stir .. and how unusual is it for a woman to bemoan to her friends her spouses lack of money skills, sensitivity .. or whatever skill he is lacking that day ..

    here's a question .. are they or are they not married? several sites have been referring to angie has wife ... just wondering is all

  25. There alwasys seems to be a bit o truth behind the headlines when it comes to the rags & Brangelina stories (let's go way back to we're not a couple but she's pregnant).

    I know lots adore her, but she comes off to me as incredibly arrogant. If she was meeting someone to discuss $$ and investments, it doesn't seem a stretch to think she'd be quite adamant about seperating herself from her man - she's far too independant to have a joint chequing account.

    I believe as someone mentioned before, you just never know who's going to over hear a conversation that many, many people have in public and assume no one else is listening.

  26. Wow! Lotta love for Angie in here today. Personally she has always struck me as a total control freak and Brad is not that pretty anymore cause she is sucking the life outta him. I'm just sayin...

    Brendalove Hit Movie?? Holy moly could you imagine the opening box office on that one? Better yet - could you imagine the behind the scenes fun! Awesome! Vince Vaughn as Jughead, Ben Affleck as Reggie and Brad as archie... oh and Terri Hatcher as big ethel ! Genius! LOL

  27. If this is based off the In Touch article, I'm reading it a little differently that ENT has chosen to explore it on these pages. "I won't talk to Brad about this because you know how he is financially, which is stupid" - supposed quote from Angelina. It doesn't mean HE'S stupid- the quote says, "which is stupid"- which could very well mean, "You know how (weird) he is about money - (he's particular about what we spend money on) it's stupid (because we're so rich)." That seems to go hand in hand with the next quote, "Someone has to make the big decisions, though. He'll put money into things, but it's bizarre! It doesn't always make sense to me." Meaning she has to make the decisions, because though he'll put money into things- he's weird about what he'll spend on. Reminds me of an ex of mine who would drive around for an hour to find a hotel that was $5 cheaper... but then would turn around a buy the most expensive grill on the market the next day. It IS frustrating!

    Perhaps he also tries to influence her to be careful- or more easy going with expenses- which obv strikes a chord with her- so she insists they keep finances separate. As is the case with many marriages; I don't see a problem here.

  28. not sure if it's true, but it definitely could be! back in the day when angie first started dating billy bob, my friend in NY met Angie randomly. Angie brought her up to her place and they hung out, exchanged numbers. Angie would call her all the time just to gossip and talk about billy bob. my friend was trippin out about how random angie is for inviting/befriending someone TOTALLY random off the street. Angie just needed a friend I guess. so it's not totally crazy to believe this could be true.

  29. They both are quirky ...

  30. Seeing Ent put his trust in a story from In Touch makes me wonder how believable his blind items really are.

  31. I think I read this the same way as anonymous did - as her saying the situation is stupid, not brad.

    And that sort of situation IS frustrating, for example:

    My boyfriend and I are so alike in so many ways, but we differ in how we think of money/spending. So its frustrating to discuss big financial things with him because while we usually agree, this is where we get bogged down in 'who is right/who is wrong', etc. (And we keep our $$ separate too.)

    And I heard a different inflection on the 'sit down and be pretty' if she's saying that when it comes to certain separate $$ decisions, they BOTH have to shut up and sit back and so on this issue (whatever it was) its Brad's turn to shush.

    As in "I didn't say a word when you wanted to buy a Frank Lloyd Wright inspired $3000 toilet. So don't say a damned word about me donating $5000 to Mad's school!"

    They both KNOW they're attractive - it might a joke between them, maybe even based on the assumptions made by the press that he's dumb and she's a bitch.

    *joking tone* "So why don't you just sit down and be pretty then!"


    And I also think its smart of them to have their money separated - that doesn't make her a jerk or him stupid, it makes them both smart.


  32. IMO separating their finances is a good move since they both seem financially savvy -- aside from minimizing risk as a family it probably actually increases their gain.

    Thanks to the later posters who interpreted the raw script of the supposed conversation; you're right.

    Clearly her public behavior has cost her reputation something. Having a conversation -- of any sort, on any topic -- in a public place in NYC is not just foolish, it's a demand for public disclosure. It's time for an intense counselling session with her PR people around a conference table in their office at 9am one morning. Soon.

    BTW, Maddox going to the Lycee is probably a last-minute admit (which will just thrill his classmates' parents, who had to jump through hoops just to get an interview, no matter how rich they are.) The school and its headmaster have a minor local PR problem right now. Having Maddox as a student will distract their masters in Paris, and probably gained them a major donation as well.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I truly doubt this child is a late admission. While out of state applications are reviewed anytime, most are in by April. These parents strike me as many other high profile people in that they plan and schedule far ahead for quality of life for their children. Seems more of a well crafted plan to keep the same curriculum no matter what country or city the child is in as well as placing them in an environment where they are not the only "special" high profile child. There are no "masters in Paris" regarding the Lycee Francais in NY, just a French general Baccalauréat program as most international schools offer. Had to LOL at that one.

  36. Nomdeplume: on the "no masters in Paris" comment - see below:

  37. And gossip about the school's soundness as a representative of the French community in NY and its accreditation for award of the 12th grade terminale degree might not sit well with the Ministry, either.

    But we'll see.

  38. Anonymous9:26 AM

    lainiekazan I believe you are somewhat confused as to the relationship between the NY Lycee Francais & the French goverment. France provides scholarships, period, to French citizens abroad. The issue was rising tuition costs for French students funded by France. Many non rich, non celebs (including now my cousin) work for a couple of years in NY and they get tuition for their children to attend the French general Baccalauréat program. The French government doesn't run the school, it's a separate corporation with many, many very influential French & non French board members whose children attend/attended. I'm French, raised in US/NY and I've NEVER heard any complaints EVER about the soundness of the education program either in Paris or here. On the contrary, it's always been an academic rarity in that excellence didn't cost a fortune. Still is compared to most private schools in NYC.

  39. How fantastic! I saw this photo somewhere. Seems it's posted on a celebrities singles dating site, called or something like this. Can't remember.



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