Thursday, September 20, 2007

Angelina Jolie Used Knives During Sex At 14

Wow, I would have never guessed Angelina Jolie was into that type of thing. From everything I know about Angelina I would think she was a turn off the lights get undressed in the dark missionary type of woman. Guess I was wrong.

Turns out she was into the knives during sex when she was 14. She doesn't say how old her boyfriend was at the time or if he looked much like her brother, but this is what she did say to Cosmo, "My S+M lifestyle was dangerous. My then-boyfriend and I used knives on each other. I was 14 and wanted to break out. I didn't tell anyone about it; it was a dark secret. "But I've since been more careful with things like that."

She has since been more careful. She doesn't say she's not doing it, just that she's more careful. Do you think she threatens Brad with knives if he doesn't wear an apron and thong and call her mama or mistress?

So, Angelina also said this week she only had sex with four guys, two of which she was married to. So, does that mean this knife guy is the fourth guy or was this just all about almost having sex, but not quite?

Where were the parents when the kids or kid were playing with knives at 14 and using them in a sexual way and in a way that got so out of hand that she has had to be more careful since.


  1. Considering that all eyes are on Angelina all the time, why does she have so many instances of "too much information"?
    Either she is letting her freak flag fly or she's making fun of us for caring, I can't decide.

  2. please. this broad has a history of divulging this kind of info. she's like that little drama goth girl in high school who'd wear bandages on her wrist and then scream at people for asking her what happened.

    jon voight all the way, baby, yeeeeah!

  3. Angie's full of shit. I saw her on the Inside the Actor's studio and she said she started experimenting with sex at a very early age. That she was very curious kindergartener.

    She did talk about the boyfriend when she 14 and how she cut herself with him to get off. So we know she had sex with her first husband Johnny whatshisname, and Billy Bob and Brad Pitt. That's THREE right there, not including her boyfriend of 14.

    Bitch puhlease!

  4. She has always struck me as a freak and she will always strike me as a freak. I don't care what country she is trying to save or adopt.

  5. From what I understand the guy lived with her with her mother's blessing in her mother's house - when she was 14/15.

    I wonder if Z or Shiloh are going to have the same "understanding".

  6. Weird. I thought Angelina had already admitted to being somewhat promiscuous when in her teenage years, but maybe I got that wrong. She's stated that she has only had sex with four men (but how many women?), something I find as beliveable as Parasite only having had sex "with, like, two people". He he. Right. More like only two people TODAY!

  7. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I believe it. For Angie it's all about the clam, not the man.

  8. There's been a lot of old quotes from Angie out there over the past few days. Some of them are ancient (like this one) and some of them are out-and-out made up (like the giving up S&M and women quote for Brad - turns out she never said it).

    Call me Cruise, but I think having a dark past makes her more compelling. She's more, uh, what's the word? Human? I'm sure there's many that will disagree, but I'll always love this badass bitch.

  9. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Come on people, Angie alway was a bad girl whether it was in on or off screen. she has calmed down alot since Brad and the kids..There is nothing wrong with getting freaky in bed as long as you are not hurting anyone. I love her she is a responsible mother and a caring human being who does well with her money. Go Angie!!!!!

  10. That was the greatest line I have heard in a while..."call me cruise"....thanks for that wood1107

  11. Aw, shucks. I can't take credit for it, though. Credit goes to Lainey ( Sorry, ENT - I'm not trying to promote another gossip blog on your site, I just wanna give Lainey the credit.

    She also calls Britney "chicken fried stupid."

  12. Angie is a fu#king nutcase who collects children around the world like their her latest fashion handbags!

  13. "They're," not "their."

  14. Can AJ please STFU about her sex life?
    I really like her and defend her when I hear others bashing her, but I really don't need to hear any more about her sex life.
    I have a 13 y/o daughter and when I tell her that I find Angelina's humanitarianism impressive, I really don't need her to ask me if "I'm cool with" the bi-sexuality or LSD or knife play or ...
    it's not that I care that AJ does this, it's fine. I just don't know why she keeps talking about it.

  15. david:

    "it's all about the clam, not the man..."

    LMAO!!!! That made my afternoon!

  16. Leave her alone about the adoptions and the sex talk, get over it. Reporter's are the ones who continue to ask her those questions. She's a good mom...

    About her number of partners though... I wonder what her "dividing number" is.... LoL ;)

  17. I am almost positive that she means 4 guys at one time cause i aint buying 4 total at all

  18. ^Heehee! Good point knm2003!

  19. I agree with wood1107, these are rehashed/recycled comments with additions.

    There are plenty of sites that want to discuss BAJ ad nauseum, can this be one that chooses not to.........

  20. mooshki

    Do you routinely scan posts for spelling, puncuation and grammatical errors!

    Wow not only are "They're not their"

    Your not "their" either.

  21. She is not interesting. That story is for shock value. I doubt its true.

  22. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Lainey's got a funny name for everyone!
    Jessica Biel=Shelf Ass.
    Justin Timberlake=Pipsqueak.
    Paris Hilton=Hollywood Ebola (the virus that would not die).
    Nicole Kidman=Freeze Face.
    Suri Cruise=Little Sci.

  23. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Why does she make comments like this? Even if half of the published comments are made up, she STILL gives the world TMI. It seems she is trying to create a facade by giving all this info.

    Who'd believe she's only been with 4 men? Why would she think anyone cares?

    If she didn't have her beauty she'd be classified as a combo Juliette Lewis, Bai Ling, Mia Farrow. KOOOKY.

  24. if she didn't have her beauty she'd be gretchen mol: IT girl for two seconds and then it's "who?"

    no, actually if it weren't for brad and the kids we'd have forgotten about that weird daughter of the midnight cowboy who likes to french her brother and steal other women's fiances. (i'm so sorry, laura dern, but you really dogded that bullet, hon.)

    would anyone (other than the maxim set) really care about vagalina jolie if it weren't for the kids and man stealing? name one movie where she did anything other than play herself.

  25. Um, yeah, 4 guys. Me, too.

  26. I don't get it, what about Angie's self-professed "lovers" that she took while denying the Brad Pitt affair? I can name a bunch of people angie has reportedly slept with:
    1) 1st boyfriend
    2) Johnny Lee Miller
    3) Timothy Hutton
    4) Billy Bob
    5) Brad Pitt

    Does that mean her "lovers" were all female? Otherwise, she's so full of it.

  27. "I am almost positive that she means 4 guys at one time cause i aint buying 4 total at all"

    LOL! And she said she only sleept with four guys. Maybe she has insomnia. *laughs*
