Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Amy Winehouse's First Performance Since Overdose

Last night Amy Winehouse performed her song "Love is A Losing Game" at the Mercury Music Awards. She didn't win any awards, but her performance wasn't bad at all. Now, if she can perform at the Mercury Awards, how come she can't come to Sunday's MTV Video Music Awards? Maybe she can.


  1. Because the MTv awards are in America not England.....whats the bets she'd be stopped if she tried entering the US.

  2. She would be stopped for sure, but she wouldn't be denied a visa because she hasn't been charged with anything in the UK.

  3. WOW ENT on the comments......come on give us a Timmy hint...:D.

    By the by I love Amys music, but I have never once heard her pull it off even close to the cd when singing live..

  4. jac, check this link's Amy singing live in a rec booth, and is in my opinion, better than the CD cut (she's crying at the end - she and blake were probably not together at the time she recorded this video): enty hinting that amy will make a surprise appearance?

  5. Anonymous3:29 PM

    The biggest surprise will be if she makes it there alive.
