Tuesday, September 11, 2007

$500M, Four Kids, Two Wives And A Dead Tenor

Whenever a second or third or fourth wife marries some rich guy and they claim it was for love, the true test is when said dead guy dies.

Luciano Pavarotti isn't even cold yet and already Nicoletta Pavarotti is playing the crazy, money hungry, gold digging 2nd wife role to perfection, as she tries to wrestle all the money away from the kids.

Last month as Luciano was close to death, he changed his will so that it left the vast majority of his estate to the three daughters from his first marriage and his 3 year old daughter with Nicoletta while leaving Nicoletta a token amount of several million dollars. In his former will Nicoletta stood to inherit almost all of Pavarotti's fortune. However over the past few months as he grew more ill, Nicoletta started lining up all the properties she was intending to sell when Luciano died and started making plans with investment counselors and potential business partners on a course of action for her soon to be wealth.
During this period she ignored her daughter and Luciano and seemed to be just counting down the days until he died. Luciano decided blood was thicker than bad sex and changed his will to leave his vast fortune primarily to the four children. He also included a provision which creates a trust for his three year old daughter Alice but does not make Nicoletta the trustee because he feared she would spend all of Alice's inheritance without some outside supervision.
Nicoletta promises to fight for more and is using the excuse that she needs more because she has Alice to raise. Alice is going to get about $100M and so should be able to afford that new Barbie without mom going into the poorhouse to pay for it. Nicoletta who is said to already have a new boyfriend in the wings says she won't go away without a fight or a big payoff.


  1. Ugh. What a pathetic loser. Does anybody have a heart anymore?

  2. i am sooo glad that I am not rich or famous .. to have most of my dirty laundry aired for all to see is a little more than I think I can stand ..and what isnt aired publicly makes for good blind items ..

    rip luciano ..never before and never again will we be graced with your gift ..

    nicoletta .. take the money and run, hon .. you'll make no friends this way .. people loved luciano and you will go down in history as a gold digger ...is that how you want your daughter to hear you refered to ..

  3. Damn, what is up with these money grubbing bitches???

    How much money is enough for them??

  4. I have new respect for the Maestro -- I thought she'd had him completely whipped. And all this through the terrific pain and suffering he must have had. Rest his soul.

    No wonder Adua (wife #1) looked so smug leaving the cathedral. Her girls came out of it ok after her (I'm betting) worrying for the last 15 years.

    Sing baby, sing!

  5. I have new respect for the Maestro -- I thought she'd had him completely whipped. And all this through the terrific pain and suffering he must have had. Rest his soul.

    No wonder Adua (wife #1) looked so smug leaving the cathedral. Her girls came out of it ok after her (I'm betting) worrying for the last 15 years.

    Sing baby, sing!

  6. I have new respect for the Maestro -- I thought she'd had him completely whipped. And all this through the terrific pain and suffering he must have had. Rest his soul.

    No wonder Adua (wife #1) looked so smug leaving the cathedral. Her girls came out of it ok after her (I'm betting) worrying for the last 15 years.

    Sing baby, sing!

  7. Sorry, I don't know how the triple posting happened, folks!

  8. Please, let's not blame the money-grubbing ho's here. Let's blame the dumb older men they prey upon who seem to really truly and wholeheartedly believe that these chicks would be with them if they didn't have millions of dollars and were just the "guy next door". Guys, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it's all about the $$$$$$. If you ain't got it, hot young honeys wouldn't find you the least bit interesting. With it, you're George Clooney even when you look like a Dead, Fat Opera Tenor.

  9. No disrespect meant to the late Luciano but this is what happens when men think with their little head instead of the big head.

  10. Come on ladies..don't go blaming the guys. Its used up hos like this one that gives all us women a bad name...and you know damn well if it wasn't her it would be another.
    Shes a goldigger put the blame on her..blaming the older guys is a complete cop out.

  11. huh? Luciano was married to Jennifer Garner?

  12. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Its a two way street....they're all dumb ho's.

    I hate everything today.

  13. At a 4% estate tax (versus the 46% we have here) his kids make out very nicely and the proper person gets the shaft. So far, so good. Lets just hope the lawyers over there had him examined by a physician before signing the Will so she can't challenge his testamentary cpacity.

  14. Betcha if she files a challenge they'll whip out a stack of affidavits from nurses and caregivers swearing Pavarotti either never saw the contracts and powers-of-attorney she's using in her current transactions or that she bullied him into signing them when he was in pain -- or held his hand while he was dopey with morphine and chemo and outlined his signature on the docs.

  15. Good thing LP saw who his wife really was and changed the will on her.

    This is really sad and I feel bad for his 3yo daughter.

    RIP LP

  16. Maybe the old farts with the money should think twice before dumping their entire families and taking up with money-grubbing youngsters.

  17. Ahhhh true love... ain't it grand??
    At least she's waering black! LOL

  18. Silly girl...

    Shouldn't count all your eggs before they hatch!!

    She just got too excited and came too soon...

    Wish all of the family the best...

