Friday, August 31, 2007

Who Knew Matt Damon Was A Big Fan Of Lindsay Lohan?

Matt Damon in a recent interview was asked about Lindsay Lohan and her current legal troubles and dependency issues.

"I mean, look, she's very young, she's very talented; it's easy to look from the outside and say, Oh, you have this big opportunity."

"It's really hard to know that when you're in the middle of it, and to see life from any other perspective other than your own - particularly when you're that young. She's obviously hit a chord with people, because people are so fascinated with her, so everybody's pulling for her, that's for sure."

I think Matt also identifies with the situation because he and Ben did some crazy things when they first hit it big, but the internet, blogging, and the pap were not what they are today and it allowed them a sense of freedom they probably wouldn't have got away with now. That has been my point with Lindsay all along. She is 21 years old. How many 21 year olds do you know including yourself given the same set of money and fame and independence would have made perfect decisions and not ended up drunk driving or doing something you hoped no one would ever notice.


  1. I totally agree. This has been going on FOREVER, now everyone is just getting caught.

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "money and fame and independence"

    don't forget to add, no parental guidance.

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I agree w/ Michelle, however I think there are other factors in Lindsay's case such as severe self loathing
    That's just my professional opinion.

  4. True to that Ent, but many 21 year olds have someone in their life to tell them that they're acting like a fucking idiot. Unfortunately it's not her family, but millions of strangers.

    I bet Damon boned her. Remember when he was hotter? I mean he's okay now, but remember when he was really hot? Yeah. Me neither.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Oh come on Tracee - not even in some of the moments/stills from the Bourne trilogy?? Sometimes I see a shot and think, oh HOT... :)

  6. Agreed. She can overcome this. I just wonder when. And those parents aren't helping. And I doubt she'll kick them to the curb, which is exactly what she should do.

  7. i agree she's your average 21 yr old except with access to money, clubs, sex with high profile people but there seems to be deep issues there as well. just look at her family, her mother, her father..eww. she's not gonna straighten out her life until she cuts them out of her life and bank account.

  8. Kchal-okay,okay. I give already! I totally thought he was hot in the trilogy and even in the Talented Mr. Ripley. But that's it! (I think.)

    Happy Friday everyone! Oh, and have a wild, but safe (disclaimer), labor day weekend!

  9. Let me tell you a story. Growing up in D.C. there were a lot of diplomat/international relations kids around.

    When me and my friends were teenagers, we would save our drinking and experimenting with drugs for when a friends parents was out of town. First step: take Polaroid pictures of the placement of all pricey/priceless knickknacks. Step two: lock them in dad's office or any lockable room. Step three: cover all upholstered furniture with blankets. Step four: party. Only rule: no drunk driving; you have to stay over.

    This is how we took care of things as 15 yr olds as opposed to being 21 years old. While I grant that my drugs were likely of lower quality, I still maintain that it's possible to keep it under wraps. In a permissible town like Hollywood, it's even easier to keep under wraps. How out of control on drugs do you have to be for that stuff to get out? ScarJo and Kiera Knightley are not likely straight-edge.

    I'm not judging, per se, but if I were still a kid, I wouldn't hang out with LiLo, she's one of those people that will clearly get you arrested or otherwise harsh your mellow.

  10. Thank God for the internet and bloggers!!!!
    All politicians and celebs should be acutely aware at this point that they are NOT going to "get away with" anything. The internet serves as a much-needed equalizer. You want fame and/or power? Fine. Here is the price. Especially in the case of the sanctimonious politicians and religious leaders - walk the walk.

  11. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I still wanna know where Matt Damon - or anyone for that matter - is getting this whole "she's very talented" thing from.....O_o

  12. I'm sorry, I can't cut her quite as much slack as EL is. I was hammered many a time at many a club during my college years AND I was poor for the most part, and yet I always managed to call a cab or a friend to drive me home.

    WTF is so hard about that - there is no reason for these idiots to get behind the wheel when they're trashed. If anyone can afford a lift home, they can.

  13. I've always thought Matt Damon was hot. I'm one of those girls. ;) Sometimes Ben looks good, too.

    I'm boycotting Lindsay's movies until she stops driving drunk/high. The girl can easily get a ride from friends, higher someone, get a cab, etc.

  14. Dude, I wanna know why she isn't hiring a fuckin HELICOPTER. People always wonder why they don't have drivers... I want to know why she's being so low rent when she could be having a beautiful time partying in the heights of opulence and oh, maybe just casually not getting arrested ad the same time. That's the ridiculous thing imho- That girl could do whatever she wants and she'd rather throw fits in malibu on coke? LOW RENT.

  15. Point taken. Still don't like her though.



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