Friday, August 17, 2007

Well It Was Bound To Happen

Those Vaness Minnillo hot tub photos. They came out. Toxic Magazine got them from some Spanish language magazine and now they are finding their way across internet land. Here is the link to one of the full frontal photos of Vanessa. (NSFW)


  1. super unimpressed by her :(

    I don't think I'd be impressed by Nick Peen either. *shrug*

  2. No wonder they didn't want them to get out...girlfriend is a mess down there. For her sake, I hope that's photoshopped.

    Now if only they'd release the pics of Nick.

  3. she's never heard of waxing, apparently...

  4. Jesus. Woman has a bit of hair on her vagina and look at the crap she gets. Ya know, it's okay to have public hair. Keep 'em in check, groom yer girl but man when did it become so wrong to have pubic hair?

  5. I'm all for personal preference. If she likes it furry, then fine. I read someplace that the pictures of Nick were real disappointing, if you know what I mean.

    And I'm sure you do!

  6. Her downstairs is NORMAL... but her breasteses concern me.

  7. I'm still not sure that's her. Something doesn't look right. For God's sake, woman, get thee to the Brazilian wax spa STAT!!!

  8. she doesnt have any makeup on ..i think that is why it doesnt look much like her .. amazing what a little mac glam can do

  9. Anonymous1:32 PM

    she's doable but nothing special as far as celebrity chicks go.

  10. Anonymous1:32 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm sorry, but a totally waxed nether region is too weird and seems a little too close to pedophilia for my comfort. I hate the look on women and men. Who wants to do someone who looks like a juvenile? I want a man to look like a man, not a child. I can't imagine why a man would like that look in a woman, unless he has weird leanings. I think it's icky beyond belief. Just my opinion of course but, eww.

  12. Girlfriend needs a weed wacker down there!

    She seems so high maintenance that the Macy Gray fro on the pussetta took me by surprise.

  13. Wow Bryn you and Terence Howard were made for each

    Just becasue a man likes his pie fur free does not make him into lil girls..thats just a nasty thought association.

  14. Anonymous4:24 PM


    you're in denial :P

  15. Jax, I can't help it - I have kids, and when ever I see that, it just looks like a little kid to me. I find it a total turnoff (and I'm glad I do) Maybe the younger generation is into that because they haven't changed too many diapers yet - lol. =)

  16. She's slammin, for my tastes. Just the right sizes and shapes and the tan lines do not hurt. The front is not the part that generally needs the trimming, it's the back that needs the extra attention, and we just don't have that information.
