Thursday, August 02, 2007

US Weekly's Interview With K-Fed's Attorney

Besides the interview, photo and publicity that Mark Vincent Kaplan received (don't you just love it when people use three names?) he also said some interesting things about the current custody situation. If you want to read the entire interview, click here.

Us: Is the question of custody still open?

MVK: The judgment could be filed but it might not relate to the current circumstances, it might relate to prior ones, and there's always an ability to at least apply to the court that you need to change in the interest of the kid.

In 90% of child visitation cases, to get the visitation schedule changed you have to show a change of circumstances from the last time an order was entered related to visitation. MVK is setting it up by stating there could be a change of circumstances here since the original visitation schedule was done. The problem with any change of circumstances petition is that if you lose, many courts will not let you come back to court and try again for at least six months and most likely a year unless the child is in danger. Therefore if you really, really want the kids you better have enough to win the first time or you could be frozen out for quite sometime from trying again.
MVK then goes on to trash Britney and praise Kevin for everything else in their respective lives which is to be expected.

My guess is they know they don't have enough to go for it right now and so everything will just remain status quo for now. MVK is just laying the groundwork, but believe me if they had enough they would have already been in court and tried to get it changed. Of course we don't know if they did try and get it changed and lost and therefore are frozen out right now.


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