Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ummmm Why The F**k Is Amy Winehouse Taking A Vacation?---**WARNING** Amy Winehouse In Bikini

As we approach the end of summer I know many people are taking that one last chance to take a week off before school starts again and the kids have to be back in school. In the US, Labor Day is the end of the summer party and it's one last chance to get away from the stresses of your daily life and enjoy some quality relaxing time with family and friends.
Amy Winehouse obviously feels that doing drugs 24 hours a day, seven days a week and being kicked out of 12 London hotels in a six day period is work and therefore she needs a vacation. It's tough trying to keep making calls to find drugs, having your parents on your back and finding the odd hour here and there to beat the crap out of your husband and keep your cutting skills sharp.
I think we, as the human race are just grateful that (a) Amy was finally forced to change clothes, and (b) she at least made efforts to get clean in the water. She is one big toxic stew and a little salt water would probably be a nice little cleanser, and (c) it appears she actually used the Caribbean as a washing machine and washed her new shorts. Probably messed herself.

By the way, I think you will notice the lack of crowds or any people in the photos which is because the end of August is prime hurricane season as Jamaica found out last week, but two whacked out junkies probably don't care.


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