Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Ever hear of the Trojan Horse? No, not Trojan condoms, although please do always wear protection. Ever wonder how someone could get so much information without actually being there to see it or hear it personally? Ever wonder if maybe one person who is sleeping with someone who has all the inside information. Fall outs and fall backs.


  1. Is this supposed to be about K-Fed and Brit and the fired ex-assistant who is spilling all the beans to OK Mag? Was she sleeping with Kevin and giving him all the dirt on Britney?

  2. I think it's about Ent himself. :D

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Me too, Ruiqiu! Its been long known he's scrogging blog informants! ;-)

  4. Anonymous12:37 PM

    this blind needs more info. the only Trojans in the news recently are O.J. and Matt Leinart. nothing that has been written about these guys warrants secret sources.

  5. Hmmm..."Trojan Horse" is also a computer virus...a reference to some celebrity blogger?

    Also associated with the catchphrase "beware of Greeks bearing Gifts"

    Maybe a reference to Paris H.'s love for the Greek boys?

  6. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Uhh... Ashlee Simpson/Pete Wentz ("fall out" boy), though what they have to do with information is beyond me.

  7. The second to last sentence is incomplete and therefore confusing.

  8. Ent?! Are you sippin the jesus juice already. I have no idea what you're saying. Who did you sleep with? Aye-ya-ya. Did you even write that BI or is your helpers effing you over on your blog?

  9. This is so clearly about Perez Hilton.

  10. Well, Tracee, whatever drugs he's on, he's not sharing. Pity. They're obviously stronger than what us regular Joes and Janes get.

  11. Yeah, what's up with this sentence? "Ever wonder if maybe one person who is sleeping with someone who has all the inside information......." what? Or is it supposed to read: "Ever wonder if maybe one person (who deleted) is sleeping with someone who has all the inside information?"

  12. What about k-Fed and Ali Simms

  13. who could Perez be sleeping with?

  14. Hez, it is a shame. Maybe Ent's in cohoots with Ted C. to make our heads spin. Ted's lingo does that to me every time.

    I just don't get the "fall outs and fall backs." WTF is THAT supposed to mean? Whose sleeping with who? This BI could be applied to anyone. Shit I got all the info I need my hubby and we have fall outs and backs...Ent are trying to tell me something about my man?

    Knuckle up! LOL!

  15. This is like a Post Secret item!

  16. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Perez sleeps with Pete Wentz? Let's start that rumor!

  17. I wonder if the "Trojan" and "fall out/fall back” reference comments are referring to homosexuality. Jonathan Jaxson outted a bunch of male celebrities today on his blog today (and has been doing so for the past few weeks). JJ's a former Hollywood Entertainment Publicist, who still has many friends/connections in the biz. He is based in Jacksonville, Florida (I think) -which seems way out of the "Hollywood" loop. It might be a stretch, but…

  18. What about all the info that is coming out about Jolie-Pitts? The Trojan fits cause of the movie Brad was in. There are all the rumors of there fights, and what so-and-so said on the phone like someone who was really close heard it. Lol Brad Pitt is screwing George Clooney...

  19. Perez Hilton is repulsive. People freely give him information to get press or to start rumors, like Spencer Pratt (no sex is required, just a Blackberry).

  20. lmao Brad & George. I've thought that for some time - and that they make a better couple.

  21. Proud to be Perez-free since Feb 7 of this year. His site is clearly just the tip of the doucheberg.

  22. What about K-Fed and Mamma Spears? I love the rumour that they are sleeping together and conspiring against Britney.

  23. I hear ya Hez....haven't given him a 'hit' since this time last too many coke dots and inane comments. I hope like mad those lawsuits pan out and he gets kicked to the curb universally.

  24. I don't think there's any "meaning" behind Trojan Horse other than what it is. KFed sent Shannon Funk (or maybe Alli Sims) to work for Britney so he could get info (after he left the family house) to prepare all these subpoenas he's been serving lately. Does this man have pornstar parts and/or skillz that he can get women to date, marry, have his children, do whatever he says, just because he throws them a bone?

  25. This is like the Caveman commercial where his response to a statement is to shake his head and ask UHHHHHH WHAT????

  26. ROFL! Diage, I said those exact words and even grunted at the end!

  27. Anonymous3:33 PM

    DOUCHEBERG! Hez, you're a genius!

  28. I immediately thought of this by way of explaining ENT's change in tone...and what happened to the party pictures. Was there a break-up???

  29. Thanks, BL. That one's been in the Vocabulator on my blog for a few weeks now.

    And Linda, if there was any break-up, it wasn't Ent and DS -- they were never dating (or anything else, for that matter).

  30. I think I remember "Fall back" being a catch phrase from a movie. That ringing a bell for anyone else?

  31. DevilBoy -
    "does this man have pornstar parts"
    get women "to do whatever he wants just because he throws them a bone"
    dear, sweet Satan, you make it sound like these are women with half a brain
    an ounce of integrity
    the slightest clue.
    Do not over-reach.
    You must simplify yourself within a fraction of comatose to understand the reasoning and rationale of these creatures.
    Britney is one of thousands. She's just photographed doing it.

  32. Sooo

    Someone is sleeping with someone who has knowledge of a famous person's stds?
    Not sure if Paris is a good guess since everyone on the planet knows about her herpes.
    Britney wouldn't be a shocker either.
    SOmeone like Tom Hanks or Cruise or Travolta maybe, but not Brit or Paris.

    At the same time I cannot figure out this blind due to the cryptic way it was written so I'm pretty sure the above is null and void.

  33. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I think "Fall Back" is a Wal-Mart phrase.

  34. I think "Fall outs and fall backs" refers to Ali Simms. She mysteriously disappeared from Brit's side for a while and there were stories of her siding with K-Fed. Now she has suddenly reappeared at Brit's side...shady?

  35. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Ali Simms is a good guess, but I think that it may be JJ as well. Perhaps referring to this audio interview,

    suck at the links - sorry.

  36. Somehow I don't see Ent as someone who'd do a BI on one of his own fans. I've seen JJ's comments on Ent's blogs all the time.

  37. So Brenda, Ent is sleeping with a Walmart insider. Interesting.....

  38. Does anyone else have mixed feelings about JJ? He's broken some stories but I dunno if hes in it to provide commentary or be Perez 2.0 (GAG)!

    I don't think the BI is about him...
    I think Brit and the nanny might be a better guess. OR it could be a reference to a USC athlete, Matt Leinhart and his baby mama have been in the news...

  39. Anonymous6:07 AM

    "Fall out" is so odd here, I thought this has to be some reference to Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy. Pete Wentz dates Ashlee Simpson.

    Maybe he still sleeps with someone he used to and that person is a kiss & tell source?

    Well, that's my big guess anyway.

  40. My guess is Brit Brit, Kfed and Alli Sims. Trojans could be a reference to how KFed should use some protection b/c he's been cranking out the kids left and right.

    Also, the allegations made against Brit are pretty detailed (e.g., soda in baby bottles, white strips on the kids teeth), so he's got to have some inside info.

    Finally, I agree that the fall out, fall back may refer to how Alli left Brit for a while and now is back on the scene.

  41. Okay hi! New person here. I have been following along on the Blind Item fun as of late and I admit I find it addictive.

    I doubt my guesses will be any more informed than those I have seen because I am just not THAT familiar with the entertainment world (I don't even watch television) but this one really intrigues me.

    So here goes:

    A trojan horse is either a (a) computer virus (b) a means of breaching Troy but with the mention of condoms, I'm gonna go with VIRUS.

    And lately the only virus talk has surrounded either Jessica Alba or Derek Jeter.

    Then there is the whole weirdness of the Valtrex prescription thing and why anyone in their right mind would have their lover's employee get for them. Doesn't make sense. But it could be a lame enough excuse to cover up something else.

    What if they were sleeping with Cash Warren. Then they would have knowledge cause he would have to tell them. And what if she found out about it?

    The fallout bit would refer to them breaking up, and the fall back would be a literal thing. Negotiations usually involve a variety of stances until you reach settlement. I would guess that since they were co-habitating there would be some matters to resolve financially.

    Totally lame analysis?

  42. welcome sharon

    i actually think that what you said makes perfect sense

  43. I think the Trojan horse is an obvious reference to Brad Pitt. There has been soo much info about them in the Tabs that there rep just put out a statment saying the rumors are false and they are fine. I mean, we had the one where she threw wine at him because they disagreed politically and all these talks about fighting and breaking up.

    I think it's them and that someone is feeding the tabs that is FUCKING to be literal one of their aides or nannies or servants. HA HA Serious - they have 4 nannies. They just aren't allowed to be photographed carrying the children. And I got that from a tab. HA HA

  44. im thinking kfed and alli simms on this..she reeks of double agent..that and marlboro menthols,red bull and weave glue.

  45. Trojan Horse means bringing something into something, by hiding it in appealing outfits. So condoms coud protect not only against viruses but against pregnancy too. Its like having a cuckoo in his nest. Fall in, fall out, and if you are used to it fall back.

    Like Joel Madden. He stumbled and fell into Nicole. Sadly he get her pregnant. Maybe he was on his way out. So now he must fall back. You can see his extasy and hapiness in each photo.

    "maybe one person who is sleeping with someone who has all the inside information" What about those lots of information? Is it a lot on one on ore more topics? Wich is hard, in HW ewerybody has information to sell and everybody is reportedly sleeping with everybody

  46. The Jonathan Jaxson comment seems right to me. On his blog, his stated motto is "straight from the horse's mouth"--thus, the Ent's Trojan horse reference, perhaps. In the outing video blog he talks about nude/sex photos of Ricki Martin coming out. Maybe Ricki was sleeping with Jonathan, and he's got the photos himself. He mentions he just got dumped by someone, so maybe its revenge...which was also what the Trojan horse was used for at Troy.



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