Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Today's Blind Items

So this B list film actor who had so much potential to be A list and really is A list name wise is really making a mess of his life. 10 years ago he was on top of the world. Career changing films were being offered to him, but he said no, preferring to take the money and run while he could. He must have known something then because now even though he works, he works much less than you would think without looking. He also makes less than you would think. Waaaay less. Drugs and bad relationship choices have left this actor with almost nothing. He's banking on the fact that he can have a shot at the role he turned down and that it can turn his life back around. The problem is that before anyone will think of hiring him for anything big he still needs to quit the drugs and quit f**king anything either male or female that moves. Drugs, abortions, and STD's are not the way to get positively noticed.


  1. I'm going with Colin Farrell on this one.

  2. Sounds like Colin Farrell but 10 years ago he wasn't really known.

    Who turned down a life changing role, that's back up for grabs?

  3. I think it's Juoquin... Juaquine...Wahkeen.... Oh hell - the guy who thought frogs were eating his brain Phoenix. You know - Signs... the Village... Johnny Cash... now not so much.
    Hi All btw - finally remembered my blogger password etc.. DOH!~Stacey

  4. But then again hmmm maybe not Phoenix... He has 2 quality films coming out in October... Nothing since 2005 but he was on top of the world more like 4 years ago instead of 10. hmmm more research~Stacey

  5. I'm almost positive this is Joaquin Phoenix. This is unfortunate because I think that he is an amazing actor.

    Didn't Colin Farell clean up his act? Or am I just being naive?

  6. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I don't think the timeframe is right for Colin, although he certainly fits part of this. He first came to national recognition for Tigerland (GREAT flick if you haven't seen it), but that was 2000, not 10 years ago.

    Oddly enough, Ben Affleck came to mind in the first half, but I don't think he fits the second half.

  7. Gotta be Jude Law

  8. Jesus it could be any mentioned really..i'd say Colin has cleaned up a bit to be a Dad..and geez he's totally fallen off the map as of late..since Miami Vice im guessing...but Jude Law is a hot mess lately and Joaquin is a tortured soul after losing his brother right in front of him.

  9. How about Leo DiCaprio?? "on top of the world" ?? Titanic was out and huge in 1997... 10 years ago. Looks like he's turned down some rolls over the years but no huge one sticks out. He also has 4 projects in the workd for 2008... But still.. that On top of the world thing has got me wondering. Oh an it's often been rumored that he like to play at bisexuality...

  10. What about one of the London brothers?

  11. What about Owen Wilson?

  12. joaquin makes sense in the drugs, will get with either males or females aspect of this blind. but walk the line was only 2005 and wasn't exactly straight to video.

    jude law seems more plausible as he too fits the drugs and bi.. talented mr. ripley was in 1999. since then he's had a couple of decent films (i heart huckabees/cold mountain) but overall stinkers.

    these two seems obvious but neither exactly fit... am off to dig deeper

  13. Ray Liotta - actually it could be lots of people, it's just that vague of a blind item

  14. well leonardo didn't really take the money and run...he was very careful with his film choices (meaning he didn't just do blockbusters) plus i would def consider him A List and this past year alone he had two very amazing performances (departed and blood diamond)...i can believe drugs and bisexuality but i can't believe he isn't rolling in the dough. He donates a ton to environmental causes.

    I like Ben Affleck for this except for the fact that he does seem kind of wholesome now.

    What about Russell Crowe? About 10 years ago he made his breakout as a US actor and on imdb it says he turned down a role in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy???

  15. What about Keanu Reeves? I have no idea what he is working on now and he seems to have fallen a long way since the Matrix films.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. irishstayc that's who I first thought of as well - decaprio - even before I saw that "on top of the world" remark.

  18. Chris O'Donnell??

  19. Never mind. Married with 4 kids. I just don't remember the last film he made.

  20. I really take to the Russel Crowe guess...I remember hearing that he was horrible to work with and turned down roles he thought that he is/was too good for and then it bit him in the ass when his "ego" got out of hand.

  21. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Val Kilmer

  22. Doesn't Leonardo make $20 million a movie, just received an Oscar nomination, is friends with Martin Scorsese and Spielberg, and is hanging out with Al Gore to promote environmentalism? I don't think this fits him at all.

  23. You know what I don't understand? This line: He's banking on the fact that he can have a shot at the role he turned down and that it can turn his life back around.

  24. What do you think about Jim Carrey for a guess here?

  25. I have to say, with the acception of *Eternal Sunshine*, Carrey's taken some pretty crap roles - and the relationship part fits. Don't remember hearing about any drugs, but didn't he take a leak on set one day because he was 'in character?'

  26. This sounds like someone who is a good actor, but did comedies or spoof films that brought in the bucks, but didn't give him critical recognition as a serious actor. He was offered the right stuff, but turned them down for the big money, less serious parts. I would have said Eddie Murphy prior to Dreamgirls - but he got his shot in that film.

  27. I like the Jim Carrey guess...1997 and before were great years for him career wise, but he's never had as much success as back then. He was with Renee Z. for awhile...and hasn't she been a rumoured coke head for years? I don't know how much he makes per movie lately though.

  28. kinda off the BI topic but jim carrey related - i was just saying the other day - where does he and jenny get all their money - neither does much these days yet they are always pictured frolicking on some beach somewhere in the world......i want that life!

  29. Here's an odd guess - Michael Keaton. Was known for his goofy persona in Beetlejuice, Mr. Mom and Johnny Dangerously, then got the Batman shot - totally against character, but was a surprise hit. Turned down the 3rd and subsequent sequels, and is now back to doing films like First Daughter, Cars and Herbie Fully Loaded. He's divorced.

  30. Also, Michael Keaton turned down the role of Dr. Seth Brundle in The Fly - 1986, which went to Jeff Goldblum.

  31. Also regarding Michael Keaton (I keep finding these things, sorry) He turned down the role of Dr. Jack Shephard in the TV show Lost.

  32. Jencrew..if you made millions off movies and marketing..wouldn't you be able to stretch that dough out?? I know i could..shit i could live off the interest if i 'had to' LOL.

  33. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Christian Slater.

    Jude Law, Joaquin Phoenix, & Leo do not fit the time frame in the least.

    Again . . .

    Christian Slater.

  34. How about Matt McConnaughey as a possiblility?

  35. I agree, Pinky... the line "he's banking on the fact that he can have a shot at the role he turned down and that it can turn his life back around" leads me to think there's some franchise still in production whose star (himself obviously the second choice when the subject of this BI turned it down) isn't returning for the next in the series.

    Superhero, spy or something else??

  36. I think Michael Keaton's peak was longer than 10 years ago.

    I like the Christian Slater guess although I can't figure out what role of a lifetime he turned down.

  37. oh, one more comment: turned down a life-changing role that's back up for grabs means that some well-known movie is having a sequel made. Or an older movie is being re-made.

    I just realized that.

  38. I really want to say Jude Law because the personal aspects fit him.

    1. Known drug fiend.

    2. Very possibly Bi

    3. Fucks anything that moves (the entry below sorta seems fortuitous)

    4. Bad relationship decisions that have splashed across the tabloids for years.

    5. Usually in tons of films at a time, some bad, some supporting stuff.

    But now the business aspect doesn't make sense, so I can't say conclusively. He was on top of the world 4-5 years ago. But not 10.

    I suppose the way to do it, since everyone in Hollywood seems to share the same personal traits is to see the biggest films and performances a decade ago and work from there.

  39. Billy Bob Thornton

  40. I'm going to throw Cuba Gooding Jr. out there.

    His film choices have been atrocious since his Oscar 10 years ago, and the timeline fits.

    He is in the new American Gangster movie, which has Oscar prestige written all over it though. No idea how large his role is in that.

  41. Wow - Justind - I was just going to post that if he wasn't married that Cuba would be an excellent guess considering the crap he's been making - (Snow Dogs or Boat Trip anybody??)

  42. I was thinking Billy Zane...or Sean Penn...what have they done lately worth mentioning?

    Both have had their fair share of relationship problems.

    Penn is sticking in the forefront of my mind because he is fickle when it comes to doing movies, always has been.

    But, then I like the CGJr. guess. Tell me has he had bad relationships? Is he rumored to be someone who swings both ways?

    I guess...I shouldn't be guessing.

  43. Cuba Gooding Jr turned down the lead role in Amistad. Check out this website, very handy: www.notstarring.com

    Dunno about the STDs, bad relationships and drugs, though.

  44. d!!! That's a great site! Thank you! (stepping away from the exclamation point...)

  45. I never considered Cuba, but he fits!
    I've heard rumors that he swings both ways and infidelity but nothing about STD's

    His movies have gradually gotten worse ("Daddy Day Care 2" Comes out soon!)so its interesting that he even had the opportunity to turn down a "life changing role"

    I'm befuddled...

  46. Grant was offered the role of Gilderoy Lockhart in the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets film, but turned it down. He said that he later regretted this decision

  47. My first thought was Cuba Gooding Jr, too.

  48. what about Cuba Gooding Jr??

    He won an oscar, was promising in boyz in the hood, and then started doing bull sh*t films like the boat cruise one and the sell out comedies he's doing now?

  49. Hi. I've been visiting this site for a few months but this will be my first non-anon post. I've only posted a couple of anon posts (and I play nice).

    The one that sticks out to me is Christian Slater, so I looked him up.

    He only made $250k for Interview with a Vampire which would have been around the time his career was at a high.

    He turned down the lead in The Crow. Anyone know if they are making a sequel to this movie?

  50. Hi. I've been visiting this site for a few months but this will be my first non-anon post. I've only posted a couple of anon posts (and I play nice).

    The one that sticks out to me is Christian Slater, so I looked him up.

    He only made $250k for Interview with a Vampire which would have been around the time his career was at a high.

    He turned down the lead in The Crow. Anyone know if they are making a sequel to this movie?

  51. I'm still sticking with Vin Diesel.

  52. Definitely Vin Diesel. He turned down the Fast and Furious 2 and now he's begging the studio to let him have a role in the fourth movie. Either him or the long shot-Chris Tucker. HUGE after Rush hour one and literally hasn't starred in anything else but the franchise in 10 yrs.

  53. Jeff Goldblum? The last major film he was in was Lost World: Jurassic Park in 1997. I don't think he was ever "A List", but certainly on the verge of in the mid-90s.

    Turned down the "Scarecrow" role in Batman: Triumphant, a film that was never made about 10 years ago. Cillian Murphy got the role of "Scarecrow" in 2005's Batman Begins, and is only rumored to be reprising that role for 2008's Batman: Dark Knight. Cillian Murphy has also been quoted as saying that he doesn't want to be typecast into any more villain roles. So perhaps if he isn't cast, the role would be offered to Jeff Goldblum again?

    As for the drugs and abortions, etc., it was rumored that he and Nicole Richie had been an item a year ago. Not that Nicole Richie ever had an abortion, but any association with celebutards is bad association.

  54. I don't know 'bout the drugs, but there have been lots of gay rumours about Vin (and he's always pinged my 'dar anyway). And if that's true about the Fast & Furious sequels, he fits the clue "have a shot at the role he turned down" better than any of the others mentioned.

    Kudos, mnemonix.

  55. yeah i can't believe some of these guesses: russel crowe, christian slater? wtf these actors were popular or a list like almost two decades ago.

    it has to be someone current.
    i'm going with vince vaughn, rumored to be teh gay, dated maniston to promote the break up, has done a lot of shitty comedies, etc

  56. hmmm how about cuba gooding jr.? if he isn't the answer to this blind item, he definitely is to one of the previous ones....

    (see below)


  57. What about that role he still thinks he has a shot at, and that could turn things around for him. Could it be anything else but Bond?

  58. DiCaprio is shooting a movie w/Kate Winslet, directed by Sam Mendes. Sean Penn directed a movie that's about to come out. Owen Wilson is still acting in studio movies.

    Cuba would be a good guess if he didn't have 4 movies either in production or post (thanks, imdb).

    My immediate thought of someone turning down a life-changing role is Alec Baldwin, who turned down the Jack Ryan role in Hunt for Red October that went to Harrison Ford (who reprised it in Patriot Games and was replaced by Ben Affleck as a younger model in Sum of All Fears). But of all the Baldwins, I don't remember hearing that Alec has drug problems, just those pesky anger issues. He's also got a nice little TV career going at the moment.

    What's Luke Wilson been up to? Or Billy Crudup?

  59. http://jonathanjaxson.blogspot.com/

    just found this about cuba

  60. Ew.

    But still, Cuba's in American Gangster, which is pretty high profile.

    Maybe the answer is buried somewhere in this site: http://www.notstarring.com/

  61. Jim Carrey was the first guy to pop into my head for this one... he used to be box office gold, his crown has certainly lost its shine.

  62. Hmm, from that notstarring site...

    Featured 2009 Trivia:
    Jim Carrey in The Jetsons?
    Jim Carrey was Barry Sonnenfeld's choice for the role of George Jetson when he was considering the project in 1990s.

  63. Excellent guess.

    And this:
    Ripley's Believe It Or Not
    The studio canceled this big biographical movie when director Tim Burton's proposed budget apparently reached $150 million.

    There's a story on the Carrey fan site from June with an update:

    "Jim had ideas that facilitated a change in plans. In December they hired Steve Oedekerk to re-work the script. The movie was finally looking to move forward with planned filming set in early 2008 and an early 2009 release. Now it may be pushed back even further.

    According to the site, Paramount Pictures is currently seeking for a new director to replace Tim Burton. It is unknown yet if Paramount will be trying to replace him with a top-tier director, or a cheap no-name guy to save budget."

    1. If it goes through DWorks they'll go for a classy director. If it goes through Paramount they'll go with the no-name guy.
    2. "Ideas that facilitated a change in plans"? Jim's veering close to Russell Crowe territory here.

  64. Totally Matthew McConno'gay' - he definitely seems to swing both ways, and what's he been in lately to justify his press?
    Plus, dude lives in a trailer.

  65. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Yeah but I dont think that Matthew Mconno'gay' fits the line where he says "had so much potential to be A List" - He just isn't that good of an actor IMO... I like the Cuba guess and I like Christian slater guess - as far as Carrey - I dont know - again, is he really right now considered B list? And he seems to put out a lot of movies so doesnt that discount him based on the "he works much less than you would think" comment...

  66. Totally Vin Diesel. Good show femconsult! I hope he does well. I always thought he was sooooo hot.

  67. What about Chevy Chase? He can be considered A list by name. He turned down the lead role in American Beauty. That would have been a career changing move. He definitely took the money and ran for a while. He may have felt that he missed his chance to have a Bill Murray type career ironically since Bill Murray replaced him on SNL.

  68. There is absolutely no way that it is Vin. I definately would not say the he is A list name recognition.

  69. Anonymous7:01 AM

    alec baldwin didn't turn down the role of jack ryan in the hunt for red october he played jack ryan in the movie.


    That was my 1st and immediate thought. He still has a-list name recognition, lots of talent (or at least did), but has had tons of bad bad press and doesn't seem to be working much - has had loads of bad press, assault, dui, bad high-profile relationships, weapons, you name it

    turned down the lead in the crow...
    back in the 90s (and 80s) he had some magnificent roles

  71. Small pet peeve Ent: STDs not STD's.

    I like the Keanu guess. Where's he been lately?

  72. Christian Slater actually makes me think of the BI about the 80's star trying to sell his house with all the problems. I could totally see him going to get his gun and thinking the cops were out to get him - wasn't he arrested once for wigging out at a party and screaming the Nazi's were going to get him?

  73. Matt Damon has made clear that he will no longer be playing the role of Jason Bourne after this one, but I have heard that the movie will have another sequel.

    Who was the Bourne Identity offered to before Damon?

  74. this screams Cuba Gooding Jr. after jerry mcguire he has done shit. his career just scream H.A.M. - hot ass mess.

  75. I'm going with Vin Diesel. Not sure about the last line, but he's hoping for another shot at the Fast and Furious movies.

  76. You're right, some - my bad. Baldwin turned down Patriot Games. Not that this is him.

  77. What about Val Kilmer?

  78. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Wouldn't have originally guessed Cuba Gooding Jr. . . BUT, heard on E News he turned down a chance to be in the first Daddy Day Care movie, but took Eddie Murphy up on the chance to be in the sequel.

    So . . . ?

  79. I think I'm with tina and tomtyler on this one...Keanu Reeves....

    what was the part he turned down and now wants, though? Has to be something that hasn't been made yet, if he's still jockeying for it....the Sinbad movie? The actioner that's the sequel to the 1958 movie? Is that still slated for development?

  80. What about Heath Ledger? I know, I know, he was in Brokeback Mountain, but not much else. He turned down the lead in Spiderman, and yesterday enty captioned his picture as "you remember when everyone thought Heath Ledger was somebody?"



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