Thursday, August 02, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 Which A+ list actor has been making the time to help out another used to be A+ actor by doing a lengthy cameo in the former A+ listers new film?

#2 There is an A- film actress filming a movie with a B+ actress and they haven't spoken an unnecessary word to each other on the set of their latest movie. Seems the two don't see eye to eye on many issues and can't stand each other. The last straw was that the A- actress felt that the B+ actress was hijacking the movie by threatening to not do the part unless she got more money and perks than the A- actress. The B+ actress told everyone that she was the better actress, and definitely worth more to the film. The B+ actress didn't get the extra dough, but made a bad relationship even worse.


  1. Matt Damon is playing a cameo role in "Youth Without Youth", but I'm not sure this is it. Tim Roth stars, and I don't consider him to be a former A+ actor.

  2. when did we convert to the +/- system? you're making these bi's more difficult, ent!

  3. Going out on a limb. Is the A- Scarlette and the B+ Penelope Cruz, currently filming the Woody Allen 'Spanish Project'? I may have them turned around too, can't figure those two out...

  4. Melissa, I agree but in reverse -- the business people would have done an A-list deal with Cruz. But Johanssen is Woody's Muse-of-da-week (isn't this like her 3rd movie for him or something?) and is probably playing him to get the perks. Upside for her: next Allen project she'll automatically get A-list treatment as contract boilerplate, and then on all future non-indie films negotiated for her by her team. Oh, and she gets all the perks, too.

    Not too shabby for little Scarlett!

  5. My guess is Tom Cruise's new Nazi movie, and the cameo by ? hasn't been made public yet.

  6. #2 -- Kate Winslet and Samantha Morton. Shooting REVOLUTION ROAD up in CT and there have been lots of items about Morton's diva behavior whilte Kate remains humble and easy to work with.

  7. Oooh, that's right - totally forgot! Thanks Jen. :)

  8. Jen -- sounds like it's right on the money Tx. L.

  9. Good one, Jen!! I always thought Kate Winslet had class, so I'm glad to see blind items like this.

  10. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I've seen a couple of on the set pictures of Penelope and Scarlett and the rest of the cast of the Woody Allen picture and everyone looks like they are happy to be working together. I think Jen has the better guess for #2.

    Why is #1 even a blind? Friends helping each other out isn't something that has to be hidden.

  11. Anonymous1:44 PM

    don't have any thoughts to add on #1, but here's an interesting article on A-listers doing cameos.

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Seeing as this is a slow BI day, I'd like to bring up that old TJ Hooker BI.

    There's pics of Matt Damon and family on His mom, his wife, the two little girls and another lady, who looks pregnant. I'm not sure, but I think this also may be the same woman who was with them in Cannes.

    New photos:

    Cannes photos:

  13. I think we've talked about these pics before, Khemenu, and we decided that since the nanny doesn't look pregnant, we weren't sure Matt was the answer to the blind.

    We also wondered who the little girl is in the pics. Any idea?

  14. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The little girl is Luciana's daughter from previous relationship

  15. Ohhh...thanks, Cali Girl!

  16. #2: Cruise helping Redford in "Lions for Lambs"? Or does that not work since Cruise is the one who needs help? My other guess is Brad Pitt helping Gwyneth Paltrow in the Watergate film that I'm blanking on the title of now.

  17. JEN: according to IMDB....samantha morton isn't in revolutionary road. i stated a while back on another BI that my friend worked on the set of revolutionary road and kate winslet was a pain to work with....while others noted that samantha morton was possibly causing problems on her set of synecdoche.

    TWISTED SISTER: The pics of matt damon - the really little girl is his daughter with luciana. The girl who is like 9 or so is his stepdaughter - luciana had a daughter before they were married. Is that who you are talking about???

  18. LOL - cali girl typed faster than me!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Sad about Kate and Samantha having diva behavior. They're both such good actresses. Have you guys ever seen In America? She's amazing. And so is the movie.

  21. Oops, my guesses were for number #1, and I see that EL has also referenced Brad and Gwyneth below.

  22. #1-Nicole Kidman is "filming that Hitler movie" with Tom Cruise (per tmz)

  23. Jencrew, yeah, the little one in the dresses. I didn't know Luciana had a daughter until Cali Girl just identified her, too. Thanks for the scoop.

    Tomtyler, I think Gwyneth and Brad are still considered A+, so it's probably not him. Redford was A+, but yeah, Tom is a liability and probably needs the help, not Redford.

  24. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Seriously, in this pic:

    the nanny looks pregnant. It can't just be me.

  25. Nicole Kidman is not in the new TC film ... TMZ just said of Tom and Katie ... "The A-list fam is in Germany while Nicole Kidman's ex films that Hitler movie."

  26. Pinky, I really HATE hearing the Winslet is a pain in the ass, too. Haven't seen In America, but will add it to my list of must sees.

    Khemenu, she could be pregnant, or it could just be the way her body is. We'll have to keep looking for pics.

    So far, these ARE the only photographs of an actor with a nanny who looks like she could be from Mexico, though, so you may be right.

  27. Twisty - I think it was b:) that called you Twisty Ties, not an anon. I know that was a non sequitor, but I've been meaning to tell you that. Also been meaning to tell you I'm a Chicago broad transplanted to LA.

  28. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Bruce Willis has been doing cameos left and right in the last year or so. I think Die Hard 4 pushed him into A+ category.

  29. Thanks, Pinky - was it b:)??? Very clever, b:), I'm still lol'ing about that.

    Pinky, I lived in LA for a year and came back because I hated missing out on the four seasons. Come back!!! We need all the Chicago broads we can get! (said in my best Mayor Daley voice)

  30. Khemenu I agree, she looks pregnant to me. Her arms and legs look too thin for her to have a belly like that, and have it just be fat. It shows in several photographs that I've seen.

  31. FWIW: if you accept for a moment that Cruise is still A+, then Redford could totally be the former A+ actor.

    Same with Paltrow and Pitt - I'm not sure that Gwyneth could be considered A+ anymore. A list probably, but A+?

  32. Lions for Lambs stars Cruise, Streep and Redford, all showing at the top of the list of stars, so I'm not sure that would be a cameo role for any of them.

    Adding a + to the A listers sure does confuse the issue.

  33. HELLO!?!

    Sarah Jessica Parker (A-)and Kim Cattrall (B+) in the new SATC movie...

    any takers!?!

  34. Anonymous5:08 PM

    i thought kik cattrall had gotten equal pay with sjp other than that it's the best guess so far.

  35. Samantha Morton was a living nightmare on the set of River Queen, filmed in NZ and directed by Vincent Ward. Basically held the entire crew to ransom and held up production for literally months. Here's an article about it.

  36. regarding S&TC

    But they haven't started filming yet and the BV says they are filming now. Other then that, it is a very good guess.

  37. In America is a BRILLIANT flick and Samantha Morton is amazing in it althoughshe is rumored to be a handful. Her husband in that movie, Btw- is a new addition to the Bourne Trilogy in their 3rd film- his name is Paddy Considine I beleive.

  38. waaaaaaay off topic:
    I have come to the opinion that Nicole Richie should not be allowed to serve her time while pregnant as it is way too much risk, exposure and cost to our county of Los Angeles. She needs to give birth, hand the baby over, and go directly to jail, even if it is only four days. I'm pretty sure she will "GET IT" after that lesson. I actually think there is hope for Nicole, unlike Parasite or Britney. I think this would really seal the deal for her.

  39. Why is the first item blind???

  40. Kelly, wouldn't that be giving Nicole special treatment, which would probably result in a public uproar?

  41. on the topic of nicole - did you hear this am how diane asked if she had an eating disorder and she said never and then said the reason she is/was soooo skinny possibly had to do with drugs!

  42. Anonymous9:28 AM

    gah - was #2 written by ted c?

    Too many pluses and minues for me to keep track.

  43. Jencrew, I saw that on dlisted!! I guess she kept denying the eating disorder rumors and Diane Sawyer asked if her skeletal bod could have been from drugs and she said, "I think it possibly could have been."




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