Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Today's Blind Items--Jackass

Since there was a kindness earlier in the week I figured a jackass would be appropriate as well. I believe this is the first time a woman has been featured in the jackass section but it just shows that rude behavior is not limited to the men. What makes this one extra jackassy is that the celebrity in question was in a "safe" location. By safe I mean a neighborhood where there are no tourists and most people have more money than said celebrity. Also, it's one of my favorite people so that kind of sucks.

Of course this takes place at a Starbucks because celebrities save their very worst behavior for Starbucks and restaurants. So this gorgeous A list actress walks into Starbucks and says three words, and three words only. "Non fat latte." No size, no other instructions. Just those three words. When the barista asks a followup question, the actress puts her finger to her lips in a shhh motion, but says nothing. He tried again, and got the finger again. It was kind of like watching Austin Powers in front of your eyes except she wasn't actually saying anything. I guess he recognized her because he didn't ask for her name, not that she would have responded anyway.

She doesn't utter a sound or make any other noise as she pays for her latte and just ignores any and all questions or comments from the barista.

While she is waiting she positions her body in what well could be described as peacock or flamingo mode. She walked around the entire Starbucks thrusting her chest out and her head back like she owns the place. The three customers in the store started looking for hidden cameras because this was crazy as the actress just kept walking around in circles. It was like she wanted to put her very real beauty on display, but there was no one to display for. The place was practically empty and it's a very small Starbucks.

When her latte was ready, the server just raised the cup and our actress noticed it on her next pass through the store. She walked up, took the cup and then walked out of the store like she was on a runway.

As she left, one of the customers said "If I was going to do that I would at least make sure my hair didn't look like a rat's nest when I did it."


  1. I'll throw out Scarlett Johanssen and Kate Hudson since Enty has a crush on them.

  2. "peakock or flamingo mode" haha :D

  3. I don't know who the A-lister was, but that comment by the customer sounds just like Tracee.

    So, that's my guess for the customer. Tracee.

  4. There has been a female Jackass item previously - I think it was Nicolette Sheridan at the MAC counter.

  5. Yeah, I think it was Charlize Theron too cause I remember reading about an incident like this on the New York Post website. Sounds like she was on something.


  6. I think it's Scar Jo too. Just sounds like something she would do. And the comment about her very real beauty on display and her chest out just reminds me of her.

  7. You're right Hez. As usual. ;)

  8. Both Kate Hudson and Charlize have been photographed leaving the house with messy hair, ep. Kate, and either of them could easily have been stoned enough to act that trippy.
    But the "rat's nest" sounds like someone with a weave. The average bed head just can't compare to messy extensions.

  9. Charlize did the catwalk strut in front of a restaurant, for about 10 minutes not that long ago, the dining patrons were laughing at how retarded she looked prancing around in front of the window.

    I vote for a high Charlize.

  10. UMMM.....

    Does this refer to the picture captioned "celebrity revealed"?

  11. Hello Kitty-

    No-the "celebrity revealed" caption refers to the photo from the previous entry asking you to guess the celebrity showing her unders. It was Catherine McPhee, which he revealed. Of course, Catherine is not A-list.

    I love the Charlize Theron guesses. Sounds like her.

  12. I think it may be Scarlett as right now Charlize is on vacation with her boyfriend at some island.

  13. Hayden Panettiere?

  14. Isn't Scarlett still filming overseas with Woody Allen?

  15. Anonymous1:45 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous1:46 PM

    i'll go with charlize on this one. scarlett seems to always try and keep a low profile. and scarlett has been in spain for the last month working on that woody allen movie.

  17. Oh, honey, pleeeeezzze come to NY and try that act on our of our Starbucks staff -- you'll be wearing your latte on your way out the door -- with the rest of the customers in the packed store laughing at you. And I guarantee you: when asked? No one will have seem a thing. Except to criticize your hair.

  18. I'm going with Jennifer Aniston on this one.

  19. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I think J is right that Scar Jo is filming overseas. The reference to being in a safe area, rarely hit by tourists and where most people are wealthier than the A-list actress - that could be the Holmby Hills/Bel Air/Beverly Hills area. Are there other places that fit that descr? I'm thinking perhaps not in the NYC area - too many people walking past the wealthy skyscraper areas every day.

  20. Because of the Austin Powers reference I am going to suggest either Liz Hurley or Beyonce.

  21. Charlize Theron, it is reported, was discovered in a bank by an agent, She threw a fit when she tried to cash a check and was denied.

    I would guess her. She seems like the most pompous of asses.

    Too bad this wasn't captured for You Tube..

  22. Oh, and Lainie, your're right. Let her try that in New York. or Philly. She'd be a laughing stock.

  23. Which Alist actresses has Ent said he liked? Have to go through some previous random photos to see if he points anyone out.

  24. "safe"= Charlize was a safe cracker in The Italian Job.

  25. Pussykatt, Ent is no fan of Aniston, so it for sure isn't her.

  26. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Honestly the first person that came to my mind was Sharon Stone, but I don't think she's a-list enough. She's certainly crazy/conceited enough to do this.

  27. hmm..beyonce tends to have a bit of a peacock or flamingo walk to her. i mean she's got the chest and booty so i'm sure that even if she slumped she would still 'peacock' a bit. and she's naturally beautiful.
    oh shit, A list actress.. no not beyonce...i can't remember Ent's faves!! Molly Simms, Ali Larter, umm..thats all i can think of and i have no idea whether they'd fit...

  28. IM going for Eva Mendes
    El loves that Ho.

  29. Michelle Pfeiffer? For some reason I can see her doing the "shh" thing with her finger...

  30. You know, Julianne Moore was in a movie called "Safe" - but I don't think Enty's been giving us those kinds of clues anymore. We got too damn good at it. LOL

  31. Nicole Kidman's hair often looks like a rat's nest. How does he feel about her??

  32. What about Jessica Alba? She's probably A list.

  33. Twisted! I've just broke free and look what I're thinking of me! I would've made a comment if i was in the joint, but mine would've been:

    Man she must be working out the backed up shit in her ass. The walk, the need to get the coffee...yeah def. working something out.

    Anyhoo, I'm thinking...Kate cuz you know Dax is probably the reason her shite's backed up in the first place. ;)

    Hi everybody!

  34. charlize was just photographed in a bikini i thought (in belize?) is she back in the states filming?

    sounds very reminiscent of sharon stone though...freak!

  35. Geez people.

    Look at who is around town right now.

    Scarlett is filming in Barcelona and has been there for most of summer. Nicole is in Australia and has been filming there all summer.

    There were recent photos of Charlize on vacation somewhere in Europe but she could have just taken off there recently, could have been around LA before that.

    Remeber people, THINK before you guess!! We know where celebs are 24-7 thanks to the paps. It's easier and easier to place people when they're here in LA or NYC doing stuff he can report on in his BI's.

  36. Tracee, I should have known YOUR comment would have been better! And eeewwwwwww.......on Kate's possible plumbing problems (aka *ppp*).

  37. Think "barista" might be a clue? He writes it twice. It's Italian.

  38. I just have to add this. I don't get people saying, "Can't be her because she's in Barcelona" or "because she's in Australia". They do have Starbucks in both of those places, and the blind doesn't state where she was, other than in Starbucks in a rich non-tourist-y area.

  39. Thumbelina, no, that's what they're called.

  40. How about Heather Graham? She was in Austin Powers and according to her imdb profile (if it is to be believed) she practices yoga and Transcendental Meditation (maybe this was her quiet day) - though still no excuse for the bad behavior!?!?

  41. Twisty - I believe Enty's trying to say that it was in Beverly Hills, or Brentwood, or even Malibu. But let me add this, Beth, he doesn't say 'this happened today' or 'this happened this week' so I don't think looking for where celebs are right now is much help. Also, just because someone is filming in a far away country doesn't mean they don't hop on a plane on their days off. Just sayin...

  42. Anonymous5:03 PM

    if it was in a foreign country it stands to reason that there wouldn't be a lot of the Hollywood crowd around so how would Ent find out. the professional gossips have networks of sources and tons of people who send them tips and sighting information. Ent's gossip is supposed to be from his network of friends and associates in Hollywood so it stands to reason that this celebrity acted like a jackass somewhere locally.

  43. Some, I disagree that EL wouldn't find out. He said himself he has fans in other countries and they do email him.

    Pinky, you make sense, but of course, you're from the I don't think we should discount anyone based on where they were last week, either. Thanks for putting that better than I did.

  44. Off the subject...

    Rember the Blind about the B-list actress who was driving the cast & crew crazy while the A-list actress was just as sweet as could be? I think I figured this one out!! Jessica Simpson for the B-list acctress on the set of 'Major Movie Star'. Not sure who in the movie is considered A list, though.

  45. This blind could be about several celebs. Charlize is a good guess. As is Michelle Pfeiffer although I love her :( but Reese Witherspoon is the first one that I thought of.
    And BTW as someone who has worked in cafes this kind of behaviour unfortunately isn't limited to celebrities. Regular everyday people can act like a***holes too! And so many times I've just wanted to throw their coffee in their face...but I didn't!

  46. "safe" could mean outside the safety of your surrondings...perhaps on holiday, they do have Starbucks internationally.

  47. Abroad you have the most Starbucks in the City Center. Since you have so many turists there and a lot of great local coffee shops. Then, in the most european countries, the people hide their money and in most places you will not find an area in wich most people there make more money than a US B Movie actress. There are some places like Monaco or Ibiza but there a Starbucks? No-no. Maybe some place in London, because the mix of money and actors. The rest can be discarded. So its US.

  48. I think its kate .. she and dax are up in canada visiting the tokes, I mean folks .

  49. I read something recently, and I don't remember who it was about, but the woman in the item did this same thing - when someone tried to talk to them, they held up their finger in a "shhh" gesture and would not allow talking. Wish I could remember who that was, or where I read it. I'll have to give it some thought.

  50. How about Drew Barrymore? (and I'll confess I didn't go check to see if she was in town).

    I'm just thinking about that old blind where she was living in that building and she made everyone pretend she wasn't her, and had someone else actually speaking on her behalf at one point .....

    While I absolutely LOVE Drew (and I think Enty does, too), he identified her for that blind and that means she has her ... "moments".

    Maybe she was method acting or something ....

  51. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Ent should give us the location of this starbucks. then we could just give the place a call and ask which celebs have recently acted like jackasses in the store.

  52. Yes! I actually know the answer to a blind for once! It's Julia Roberts. She did something very similar to this once. She had been out shopping and a receipt fell out from her bag. A man nearby saw and picked it up and called out her name so he could give it to her. She whirled around and put her fingers to her lips to shush him - and I think she also didn't bother to thank him. This was actually published somewhere, I just can't remember if it was in a newspaper or online - but I seem to remember the source being credible. Plus, she has that home in Taos, NM or where ever, a small town that she purposely picked for its normalcy, or "safenesss."

  53. It's definitely ringing Charlize Theron sounding bells for me. I instantly thought of that story about the star parading up and down in front of a restaurant, but I forgotwho it was until I read the comments. The item I read about the restaurant spectacle also used the words 'catwalk/runway' which made me think of it. Also she aparently does have a reputation as a snotty cow, and I'm sure I've read her name in lists of allegded crack/cocaine addicts.

  54. lianne, I read your description of what Julia Roberts did, and I wonder if it was because she didn't want her name said out loud because then people would all come running over to ask for an autograph.

    Meaning, she was trying to stay anonymous more than being snotty. I could see, if you were that famous, that keeping your presence quiet would be advantageous.

  55. you know, maybe it *was* C. Theron...she is back in Los Angeles as of yesterday, if we are going to go with the theory that this BI is a super-freshly-recently occurred thing...her "rat's nest" may have been the result of a long cross country flight. God, what a freaky individual, whomever it is!

  56. d, that's what I thought of too. but the actress in this BI's "shush" was just plain rude! what was our barista supposed to be, a psychic?

  57. d, I see your point, and that's what I thought of initially when I read about the incident (because it's logical that a celeb would want to stay low profile at times), except that the article specifically made a point of describing how incredibly jerky she acted toward the guy. I so wish I could remember where I read this, but this was from at least a couple of years ago I think, so I just don't know. I may very well be wrong, but another blind was revealed where JR finagled this entire encounter with an actor to try to get him to sign onto a project with her - he refused but they had sex, which evidently was what she really wanted. She also had the studio foot the transportation costs for the whole thing. So, based on those 2 incidents (especially the first), it seems very possible to me that she's be the jackass in this blind. But ENT will be revealing this one next week, so we'll see.
