Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Today's Blind Items--Extra Juicy

This fairly recently divorced B list actor/actress couple had a fairly long separation because there were a few issues that needed to be ironed out before the divorce could be finalized. The first was a confidentiality agreement for both sides. For her part she had to agree not to share any details of his abusive behavior or ever imply or indicate that it was a factor in their divorce. For him, he had to sign an agreement which promised to never reveal who he caught her in bed with (A/B list actress with A list name recognition) and under what circumstances (someone watching). The main sticking point to the negotiations was which story was worth more or would damage a career more. Eventually the actress and her A list bed companion coughed up about $1M with the majority of that amount coming from the A lister.

I wish I had more information on the person watching. I think I know who it was, but don't know for sure and so don't even want to make a blind until I'm confident.


  1. I'm thinking Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Esposito. Just a guess.

  2. Yeah, but would that really damage Denise's "career"?....

  3. Christina Applegate and Jonathan Secchwhatever. Other gal is Paltrow.

  4. good call spasuzy...their divorce lasted FOREVER

  5. The other gal may be Diaz....hmmm

  6. Recent Hollywood Divorces:

    Denise & Charlie
    Brit & K-Fed
    Pam & Kid Rock
    Sara Evans & Manager
    Reese & Ryan
    Heather & Richie
    Kate Hudson & Chris Robinson
    Carmen Electra & Dave Navarro
    Jude Law & Sadie Frost
    Hilary Swank & Chad Lowe

    Of all these, the only actor/actress combo is Denise & Charlie, Reese & Ryan, and Jude Law & Sadie Frost.

    Denise is believable, and did the settlement come slowly? Don't believe it to be Reese & Ryan for a second. Jude Law & Sadie Frost....2 years to settle, and it just finalized late last year....

    I am going against the popular choice of Denise & Charlie, and going to say Jude & Sadie.

  7. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Spasuzy, that's exactly the couple I was thinking of. There were rumors of a fling on her part (but with a guy, I thought) while she was in a Broadway play or something. Didn't GP live in NYC around that time? and JS seems like he could be the broody type.

  8. Christina Applegate and Jonathan Secchwhatever...forgot about them. His settlement was reported to be 1 million...I just didn't remember it taking a long time to settle. That is a good guess.

  9. WOW Juicy w/ a capital J. The Applegate -Secchwhatever guess is great. hmmmm wonder who the watcher was?? You know Ross the intern is very tight with Gwyneth.... just saying.

    I KID... I KID!!! Seriously, I love Ross!! ~Stacey

  10. I just want to know the last career that was harmed by the husband being a wife beater or the wife cheating on him with a woman. It seems to me that kind of stuff just makes them all the more popular.

  11. Isn't Christina really good friends with Drew Barrymore?

  12. Christina is good friends with Nicole Eggert! Remember her? Possible source for the BI?

    Also very good friends with Gwynth. Was Drew the one watching?

  13. rebecca romijn and john stamos?

  14. i dont think its christina .. he received 1.5 mil and she kept 7.5 mil .. the bi says the money came from the a list g.f of the b list actress ... hmm.. seems like we are missing a piece of the pie here ...

  15. This from Hollywood.com:

    HOLLYWOOD - Supermodel Kate Moss and actress Sadie Frost are reportedly more than just
    close friends--and allegedly enjoy numerous drug-fuelled romps together.

    Just saying....

  16. i would go with Christina Applegate if only because apple = juicy

  17. Anonymous1:55 PM

    /B list actress with A list name recognition

    Kate Moss isn't an actress.

  18. So now we know the REAL person Apple Martin was named after...

  19. So now we know the REAL person Apple Martin was named after...

  20. Jude & Sadie
    Sadie w/ Sienna Miller w/ Kate Moss Watching.

    I can be swayed on the Sienna guess..

  21. Doesn't it sound like there were three people involved? The actress who got divorced, the actress she was caught with and then a 3rd person watching? Or am I reading that wrong? Also, is Gwen considered A/B actress? I would think she would be more A list only. And who would be watching them? Another woman or another guy?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Divorced woman (B List): Christina Applegate
    Caught in bed with (A/B list actress with A list name recognition): Jennifer Aniston
    The watcher: Vince Vaughn

  24. I'm going with Christina Applegate. Gwen is A/B list with A list name recognition.

  25. My mind first went to Rebecca Romijn lettuce and John Stamos. Don't know about the woman or the watcher, yet.

  26. Puleaze people Fisticks Paltrow is way to sactimonious to be caught doing anything of the sort..lol.

    Chrsitina, Jonathan Schaek and Angelina Jolie.

  27. I really, really, really hope it is not Dermot Mulroney and Catherine Keneer(sp?)! Well, I don't know if they are divorced already (he filled in june, right?) but they had a looong separation.
    But I'm sure it's not them, Dermot is no abuser... I hope.

  28. Actually im going to go with Jonathan Scaek, Christina Applegate and Cameron Diaz and JT watching.

  29. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I'll take the butler in the library with the candlesticks. :-)

  30. i will say christina applegate and jennifer anniston while paltrow watched of vice verse but they share the brad pitt bond or either brad watch now thats juicy.

  31. The divorcing/ed couple is Christina Applegate and Johnathon Schaech. The bedmate is likely Julia Stiles, but that could be the watcher as well.

  32. My gut INSTANTLY said Christina Applegate and Jonathan Schaek.

    Their divorce has taken forever to finalize.

    He got a little over a million in the split. She ended up with a lot more. This suggests to me that she had way more money going into the marriage, they probably had a hardcore prenup so she kept the majority of the assets, and he got an extra mil for the confidentiality.

    Also, Christina is supposed to be a little slutty.

    As for Jonathan, wasn't he the subject of one of Ent's early BIs implying that Heather Locklear was thinking about dating him but, when she heard he was supposedly a wifebeater, she ran for the hills?

    As for the A lister and the watcher...I'm thinking Diaz and maybe Barrymore.

  33. I like the Christina & Cameron guess with JT watching.

    WHere are the Gwyneth Paltrow and Julia Stiles guesses coming from? I have never heard of anything like that.

  34. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Christine, you have a great memory! Had forgotten about that BI, but I think you nailed it.

  35. i agree with satine. mulroney and keener whose really "good friends" were pitt and aniston. aniston is def B-list with A list recognition and has the money ($1M per episode for friends???).

  36. I thought Drew Barrymore has confessed to being bi. If so, I doubt she'd be a "watcher".

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This is definitely Christina Applegate and Jonathan...I'm stumped on the bedmate and watcher.

    I think that Diaz as the bedmate and JT as the watcher is the most likely scenario (they have been separated for at least 2 years...JT and Cam were still together then)

    I can't wait to figure this one out!

  39. on a different note... did Ent link Linda Cardellini to Alyssa Milano in his comments because Linda C. is the real answer to the BI about the gay actress who isn't out but won't "stoop to having a beard"? Everyone was guessing Alyssa...

  40. Could this be John Stamos/Rebecca Rominjn (sp)?? Their divorce was unexpected....


  41. Good sleuthing on the Heather Locklear BI, Christine! I definitely think it's Christina/Jonathan, and now I'm pretty sure that CAMERON and J.T. are the A-list actress and "Watcher"... Here's why:

    A) Cameron is definitely an "A/B list actress with A-list name recognition."

    B) She and Christina are known to be good friends.

    C) Re: "who paid how much" of the $1 million payoff... Although Christina has money, Cameron has a LOT of it. She'd have just as much to lose if Jonathan didn't keep his mouth shut, so it makes sense that she'd fork over the majority of the $1 million herself. (Cameron's also known to be GENEROUS, so she wouldn't want her less-wealthy friend to be stuck paying for their mutual screw-up.)

    D) I think the "Watcher" is much more likely to be a MAN than another woman. For one thing, I doubt Christina or Cameron actually "lean" that way, so the romp was probably for kicks and to titillate the guy. Which would also explain why Jonathan would be so PISSED. Guys' egos are much more wounded when another GUY is involved...especially a way richer, more famous one! (If Christina was just w/ Cameron while another woman watched, he might not have minded!)

    E) Christina & Jonathan separated in November 2005, (with Jonathan filing for divorce on Dec. 5, 2005.) Now guess who happened to be in NEW YORK seeing Christina in early November? Check out: http://www.wireimage.com/SearchResults.aspx?igi=147084&s=christina%20applegate&sfld=C&vwmd=e

    Yup -- J.T. attended Christina's NOVEMBER 2, 2005 Broadway performance of "Sweet Charity." Cameron isn’t in the photos, but she was definitely in New York at the time. She & JT were photographed the NIGHT BEFORE at the Nov. 1 Gwen Stefani show at Madison Square Garden.

    Anyone else think we have a winner?

  42. I thought it was kind of common knowledge that Johnathan Schaech is gay. I figured they were bearding for each other, but couldn't understand what all the hold up was with the divorce. Did she not have a pre-nup?
    Since the actress she was witnessed with is described as A-list that makes me think Paltrow or Drew B.
    But Enty calls Eva whatever-her-name-is A-list so I guess it could be anyone from Jessica Simpson (she was in her music video) to longwhoria (they are also friends.)

  43. this is TOTALLY Christina Applegate/Cameron Diaz! The divorce took years and was final like 2 weeks ago....

    Hey Ent,

    Tell us if we are right!!!!This seems to be the consensus

  44. More mud under Cameron's shoe:

    Wasn't there another BI a while back about an actress that never smiles suddenly all smiles since she found joy in a little lesbian love with a friend? If I'm not mistaken general consensus was Cameron and Dru, right?

  45. http://www.wireimage.com/SearchResults.aspx?igi=118506&s=applegate&sfld=C&vwmd=e

    Source: 59th Annual Tony Awards - Audience and Backstage

    Taken: June 5, 2005

    Cozy, yet, stiff? I just happened across this picture and thought the body language was odd. I could be off though.

  46. Hey Cailyn - can I hire you if I ever need a detective?

    Cyn - all this "bearding" and "watching" and such is making me queasy.

  47. I know it's too late to post, but something else I remember seems to corroborate the Christina Applegate guess. Didn't she have a broken ankle a few years ago? Could have something to do with the "abusive behavior"? I hope not, but just putting it out there.

  48. Major props to curious cailyn for closing the loop on this one. I'm calling this one solved.



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