Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Today's Blind Items And A Note About Girl 27

So before I begin I wanted to make sure all of you know about the film Girl 27. Some of the longer blind items I write often talk about coverups of potential scandals and what the studios will do to protect their investments. Girl 27 is a documentary about Patricia Douglas who in 1937 was lured along with 100 other underage girls to a party given by MGM. At that party she was raped. MGM tried to hush her up and cover the story up. Patricia refused to be silenced but paid a horrible price. She basically remained in hiding for over 60 years. When you begin to doubt some of the things you hear in Hollywood and that they sound too outrageous, just remember her story and what studios will do to protect their investments. It's only playing locally here in LA, but look for it in art houses in your town or when it comes out on DVD.

After that, I think we need something light.

This stage mom has been given some harsh treatment in the press as of late. Nothing like white Oprah, but still quite bad. It seems that her reputation for enjoying many different suitors has come to an end though. In one of the most shocking love matches in recent history she has hooked up with this A/B male film and television actor who has always been known as a womanizer. Seems that ever since these two lovebirds hooked up a few months ago they haven't spent more than two nights apart. Right now they are keeping it hush hush because of the child's career and also the actor kind of enjoys his reputation at least in public. He must really like our stage mom though because he's cut back over half his public appearances just so he can spend time with his new lady who is actually older than our actor. But not by much.


  1. gotta be haydens "momster"

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I'm thinking Hayden P's mom...

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    and Jeremy Piven!

  4. With what guy? Jeremy Piven?

  5. Def. Haydens mom and i really like the Piven guess

  6. Brit's mom has taken a lot of flack lately. Obvs no one could be bashed as much as Orange Oprah, but i haven't heard much about hayden's mom. She def looks like she could be trubs, though.
    I'll have to go find the pix of her little brother's movie premier, the mom was there with some dude.

  7. Brit's mom has taken a lot of flack lately. Obvs no one could be bashed as much as Orange Oprah, but i haven't heard much about hayden's mom. She def looks like she could be trubs, though.
    I'll have to go find the pix of her little brother's movie premier, the mom was there with some dude.

  8. remember the pic of hayden hugging her tv dad .. i cant remember his name .. could the guy be him .. sorry for being so vague but I am having a minor chestica momemt ...

  9. There's a big pic of Hayden's mom here:

  10. uh duh......

    Lindsay Lohans mom. she was in talks to get her own talk show...she even said was considered the "white oprah"
    of her friends because she always was giving advice.

    whatever her daughters a coked up, celebrity whore who thinks nothing can touch her...I think she should worry less about her "love" life and focus on her dumbass daughter who deserves to go to jail for a LOOOOONG time and if she doesnt well then... dont even have words. I hate lindsay BLOhan.

  11. jcolette, EL discounts Dina Lohan when he writes, "This stage mom has been given some harsh treatment in the press as of late. Nothing like white Oprah, but still quite bad."

    See what happens when you start a post with "uh duh"???

  12. I agree with Hayden's mom guess. She's been out and about with her daughter a la Lohans. Although I pretty sure she was pictured with someone at some event. Was is Piven?

    Man Ent, that Girl27 sounds good. Guess I'll have to wait for the dvd.

  13. Are we sure Hayden's parents are divorced? I just looked at some bio's of hers and it doesn't look like they are. Anyone know?

    Can't wait to see Girl27. It just further illustrates that Hollywood has always been a sleazy power machine.

  14. whoops. I guess I just want that whole family to actually wake up and stop being morons!

    okay so now I have no idea who it could be....

  15. There are no "art house" movie theaters where I live, so I hope there are more details about this movie and/or stories about the old Hollywood machine. Ah, those were the days.

    I prefer the old trashy news like Lana Turner's boyfriend getting stabbed to death or Elizabeth Taylor cheating on Eddie Fisher versus Brit's latest trip to rehab. BFD.

  16. jcolette, could be mom Duff as April said. I really can't find anything saying that Hayden's parents are divorced, nor can I find any harsh treatment because of her many suitors.

  17. 'Child's career'

    What about Dakota Fanning or someone younger like that..i dont think EL would refer to Hayden as a child star..she is almost 18. Is Billy Ray Cyrus still married?

  18. I'm happy ent brought up Girl 27. Old Hollywood gets romanticized too frequently, it was unbelievably sleazy. Its also absolutely fascinating...

    On the BI, I like the Mom of Hayden P guess but I'm not ruling out Lynn Spears...

  19. I see what you mean Jax. But besides Hayden's and Britney's mom I can't recall any other stage moms that have gotten flack in the past. Duff's mom I've never seen or heard. Dakota's mom got some flack for letting her be in that movie where Dakota's character gets raped...what's the marriage status there?

    It's hard to keep up who's married or see the moms and never see the dads.

  20. the movie comes out on dvd in october and in some independent theaters now.

  21. Pisly, I don't think it's Tori because she really isn't a child and she doesn't have a career.

    We keep thinking in terms of girls, maybe it's the mom of a boy?

  22. My thinking is that "child" refers to what any parent might call their offspring, regardless of the "child's" age.

    But in Tori's case, she doesn't really have much of a career that needs to be protected, does she?

  23. hayden's mom has been forecasted as the future dina lohan. i think it's hayden's mom.

  24. there are also stories on how she goes out to clubs with hayden and steven and i dont' ever recall seeing a pic of her dad with them so even if they are married........i doubt that would stop her!

  25. Hayden's mom is not only pimping Hayden but also the little brother. He's in two movies right now. I know for a fact that any mother who makes a star out of their child is an extremely aggressive and driven person. It is no easy task and is brutally competetive. i wouldn't put anything past her.

  26. Perez has a posted a couple of entries about Hayden's mom recently.

  27. IMDB says Hayden's mom used to be an actress. I bet that's why she's whoring out her kids — she's living her dreams through them.

  28. Kelly, my neighbor is a stage mother and all she does is work on her two kids "careers". If they're not doing a play, they're doing commercials and if they're not doing those they're modeling, etc. Everyone always has to hear how the older one tried out for the latest Will Ferrell movie or the Queen Latifah flick. The poor kids are exhausted.

    This could be about Joe Simpson. He's a mother!

  29. I put Girl 27 on my Netflix queue because I just don't have the time to get out to the movies often. Netflix says the documentary is being released on DVD October 27th.

    Hayden's mom is a good guess, but I also like Lynne Spears for this.

  30. its says on imdb that hayden parents are still together

  31. Either Lynne Spears or Haydens mom-seems to be the popular opinion.

  32. Thanks, knm, everything I found says Hayden's parents are still together, too, but some people think that doesn't matter, which may be true. If she's so worried about her daughters career, maybe they don't want to divorce. Or maybe it's just a marriage of convenience with each one going their own way. Wouldn't be the first time that happened.

    Or it could be Lynne Spears, but good lord, the only person responsible for screwing up Brit's career is Brit.

  33. judging by the pictures of Parasite and Quincy Jones, I think we have an aswer to yesterday's #1 Blind

  34. It could indeed be Lynne Spears. She is a more visual Stage Mom to Jamie Lynn these days than she was with Britney in the past.

    Are Brits parents divorced?

  35. Aren't they trying to say Jamie Lynn is pregnant too?

  36. Chickenrotini, yes on the divorced status for Lynne Spears.

  37. Okay, I checked out the pics of Hayden & Mommy at Perez and I just wonder who'd want to do her. I wasn't that impressed.

  38. Keep in mind we are talking Perez here..he slags everyone most without reason. If i had a 17 year old daughter who was a celebrity and part of that IS going out and being seen..i'd be right next to her the whole time. we gotta give her mom props for bothering to care...just becasue she's there doesn't mean she's cutting lines up on her Mac compact for Hayden ala Dina Hohan...IMO.

  39. Duff's mom was definately a momager although with a liiiittle shinier rep than the other 2 moms are getting, first for Haylie, and then Hilary's career almost accidentaly happened upon them. She was a makeup artist when younger and then somehow thought herself qualified to manage her daughters careers. I remember hearing/seeing several articles about how she almost lost Hil a job/paycheck or two because she kept pushing for more perks or more money, but I beleive she wisened up about her proper place when the time was prudent. This is Probably why ol Hillary is grasping at what career she's got while she's got it.

    I do think this BI is about Hayden's mom tho.

  40. Beyond the obvious three there are no more ideas coming. I think its a little too obvoious for a BI. Maybe the other way round: whois the male who reduced his appearances so drastically? And this since "a few month"?

    I have no idea :-)

  41. Girl 27

    What happen NEL?

    Step on a few toes??

    You sound full of fear.

    What you must do is meet your adversary face to face.
    And in your best Al Pacino voice state "this isn't 1937 and I ain't no fuckng 13 year old girl.
    Get some balls NEL but if you had some you would have your own practice by now right sissy???

    Just like all the rest this will be out of my hands so......... Peace be with you and the horse you rode in WITH.

  42. Does this Girl27 smack of an old BI; something about old hollywood and something bad happening at a party to a young girl. I think the consensus was James Caan, but if these two items are related the guess needs to be a bit more dated.

  43. diage, what are you talking about? why so hateful? we're just playing w/ BIs here, calm down.

  44. I am now very intrigued about Girl 27, and I am very well versed in the lengths that Hollyweird goes through to protect investments and false images of their celebrities. It's really disgusting, but very interesting.

  45. Okay, I should have taken my shoes off so I could count with my fingers AND toes...still this story sounds familiar, yet I'll bet there are many old stories and they all sound alike.

    Simone, do tell!

  46. Deb, kind of sounds familiar in that something bad happened and they covered it up, but in the blind your thinking of, I think someone died. This young girl was raped and actually challenged the studio, then went into hiding until she died.

  47. Thx Twis for the clarification...I certainly look forward to this movie.

  48. diage860, CDAN is a fun place to post... so please stop being hateful!

    There is no need for that kind of stuff, especially in BI posts!

    p.s. In big law firms, it's hard to get to the top. it takes YEARS to become signifigant. (Im sure most people know this) Opening your own practice is costly, and you may lose clients when/if you do. I should know, my father did it and is not making as much $ now!

  49. Does the blind necessarily state the child is a girl?

    Otherwise, I like the Lynn Spears guess, but she has gotten pummeled in the press, mostly by her daughter. Plus she was out partying a PURE the other night (like who cares?)

  50. Ice Angel, no, it just says child. I threw that question out yesterday, saying we might be limiting ourselves by thinking in terms of a girl only, but got no nibbles. Can you think of any mother to a boy this could be referencing? I got nuthin'....

  51. This has got to be Dina Lohan (aka "orange Oprah"). As Ent says ... Nothing like white Oprah.

  52. Anonymous9:15 AM

    But the only child actor mother that I can think of (other than Dina) in the news lately is Lynne Spears - I like that guess myself...

  53. Karyn, Dina isn't known as orange Oprah, she's known as the white Oprah because she called herself that. (gagging here just typing that...)

  54. Hey Twisted...yeah...I've got nothin.

    But I never see any press about Lynne Spears dating around or anything. If anything, the press for Lynne seems to be very sympathetic.

    I'm stumped here.


    It's got to be Leslie Panattiere or however they spell it.

  56. "Twisted Sister said...

    Karyn, Dina isn't known as orange Oprah, she's known as the white Oprah because she called herself that. (gagging here just typing that...)"

    Actually Perez Hilton has started calling her Orange Oprah... from what I assume is over her obsession with her orange spray on tan.

  57. I think it could be Lesley Panettiere as well. she gets alot of bad press on the perez hilton site. Also, lynne spears is divorced so if she were dating, I don't see how that would affect her daughter's career. If Haydon's parents are still married and her mom is seeing someone else, that would be more of a scandal.

  58. And what about this, mmmmmhhh!!
    Could it be?

  59. I agree with Kat. Not only for link that kat posted from x17 (mario and lesley sure looked cozy if with her husband there) but for this as well (from popsugar)"

    Hayden's 18th Birthday isn't until Tuesday, but she's obviously going to milk it for all she can (as she should) starting with a Thursday night dinner at Dolce with friends. And that apparently includes Mario Lopez who has been spending a lot of time with Hayden's mother these days.

    Also, another point, Lynne Spears does not live in LA. She spends most of the year in Louisiana.



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