Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This Would Be Bigger Than Lisa Marie And Michael Jackson

Britney Spears is all lined up and ready to perform at the MTV Video Music Awards. Well everyone in the world knows that unless Britney sits in one place and lip syncs that the performance isn't going to be that great. I don't care what kind of magic she and Criss Angel are doing in that hotel room, or how many trips they make to get outside the bun, it's not going to work.

MTV knows that and MTV is ready. Justin Timberlake and Britney will be together again, for one night only. People will be so distracted by the pair performing together that no one will realize until the 48th rerun MTV shows that Britney stunk up the joint. BUT, it won't matter that she stunk the place up because all anyone will be talking about is the two of them performing. No one will give a crap that she sucked or got drunk and passed out afterwards or that she took off her clothes when she got backstage and wandered around like that all night. In the words of Tripper Harrison, "It just doesn't matter."


  1. Count me amongst the sheep who would be blinded by this sort of scene. I would LOVE if this really happened.

  2. Is Justin that desperate though? His career is on such an upswing and they haven't appeared publicly together in over 5 years. I hope its not true.

    If it does happen, I might get nostalgic but I would also love to see Jessica Biel bitchslap Brit.Even if she isn't "really" boinking JT

  3. girlfriend is too chunky now to even begin to recapture some of her prior "magic".

  4. "chunky" is the LEAST of her problems

  5. I still think everyone will watch!
    (admitting they watched is the question)

  6. I hope Cameron Diaz is going to be there with John Mayer and maybe throw in Jessica Simpson as a presenter. How about Nick Lachey holding Vanessa's hand cruising the red carpet? K.Fed. and Chriss Angel enjoying a fellas night out at the MTV awards? And whatya know, we might have ourselves a show worth watching again!

    JT really doesn't need the Brit sh*t, but WTH, maybe he really cares and wants to help out an old friend???

    Ya, you're right, probably not. It's just another attention-getter.

  7. Don't forget Jason Alexander and Shar, since she's so famous now!

  8. Personally, i still don't see it getting that far. I think she will get booed off the stage as soon as she comes out. just my opinion.

    i think alot of people will watch but if she messes up, she is done.

  9. . . . Yes! Let's give another shout-out to Tripper Harrison! I loved that movie.

  10. He's going to expose her breast.

  11. No No No Jessica is going to get p'd off and there will be a fight between her and Brit. There will be an "upskirt" and Jessicas' left n*t will be exposed!!! (Sorry)

  12. I haven't watched the MTV awards in 3 years, but this has me rethinking it. I mean MTV hasn't had to use there censor bar in years and I'm guessin they're practicing 24 hours to prepare for Brit titcooterstinkhole reveal.

    YAAAAAY Trainwrecks! It's the hallmark of MTV now. Videos were sooo 1996.

  13. Niiiiice! A Meatballs reference! Good one Ent! Stacey

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I would def watch the train wreck that is Britney - it's not a question of if she would derail, but when and how bad. I would be so surprised to see JT do this though. As others have pointed out, his career is red hot right now, if he pairs with her and she inevitably is a catastrophe, his performance would be affected/tainted as well. He had such a bad thing with Nipplegate, can't imagine he'd want to take any chances with another potential disaster.

  15. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Well supposedly she cared so much about Justin, maybe the thought of performing with him will keep her straight.

    And a big SHAME YOU to MTV for exploiting this girl's descent into madness.

  16. So did we decide whether or not she is MV?

  17. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Justin Twat...i mean Timberlake would do anything to get a little extra attention, such a douchebag

  18. Yeah he's going to milk this for all it's worth. Being the 'sensitive' guy in a boyband all those years gave him plenty of practice.

    And I don't care what anyone else says, he's not cute. If he was pumping your gas, you wouldn't even look twice at him.

    As for Britney..ugh. Not enough time to type up thoughts on her.

  19. since when a size 6 chunky?

    some of you old broads are rutheless. she's had two kids and been through so much and all you worry about is how "chunky" she is. disgusting.

    besides jt and brit will never perform together and she will not be performing at this years vmas.

    its just mtv trying to hype up the awards. justin is rumored to be performing with madge.
