Tuesday, August 21, 2007

They Asked The Wrong Question

Hayden Panettiere was recently asked if she liked the idea of dating older men. Like most 18 year old women who have their own money, she thought the idea was gross. She also said that old, fat men who have a blog should stop following her home. Anyway, I digress. The reason Hayden was asked this question was because of recent reports of Mario Lopez (34 lol) having dinner several times with Hayden.

Hayden responded by saying, "He's a good friend, a very nice guy, but I think he's a little old for me."

The interviewer asked the wrong question. The question isn't why Hayden isn't attracted to guys old enough to be her dad, but rather why was Mario eating dinner with you and your family several nights in a row?

Happy Birthday Hayden! Now Stephen can hit it without worrying about making you mad and having you call the cops.


  1. There was a blind about a "Dina-Lohan-esque" mom who was dating someone famous. Hayden's mom & Mario?

  2. Exactly parisss. That blind item is starting to make sense.

  3. Jeez, Is the Dad that clueless? They said he was in attendance before!

  4. all of the items about the lopez dates have always included mom, dad, junior and hayden .. I smelz a rat!

  5. ooooooo Nice catch parisss! That's perfect! Now I gotta go find that blind. ~Stacey

  6. This stage mom has been given some harsh treatment in the press as of late. Nothing like white Oprah, but still quite bad. It seems that her reputation for enjoying many different suitors has come to an end though. In one of the most shocking love matches in recent history she has hooked up with this A/B male film and television actor who has always been known as a womanizer. Seems that ever since these two lovebirds hooked up a few months ago they haven't spent more than two nights apart. Right now they are keeping it hush hush because of the child's career and also the actor kind of enjoys his reputation at least in public. He must really like our stage mom though because he's cut back over half his public appearances just so he can spend time with his new lady who is actually older than our actor. But not by much.
