Friday, August 24, 2007

Ted C. Blind Item

Mercurial Manfred’s quite the entertainer. All the the social boys 'n' girls live for the multitalented dude’s in-demand party offerings (and I don’t just mean the pretty dudes M.M.’s known for bringing along—hmmm, wonder if that’s been a very expensive endeavor on Mr. M’s part?). But not only does Manny know how to sex up a Hollywood do, he knows how to croon for his supper, too!

And most folks—more so in the Kathy Hilton set, not the fried-to-the-hilt Paris scene—who invite M2 are only too ecstatic to get the guy, after great cajoling, to finally agree to belt out a song or...16, as it sometimes turns out to be. I mean, it’s not everybody who gets Mercurial Manfred to perform at their private dos.

But honey-pies, gotta tell ya: These lucky hosts don’t feel so damn fortunate once they receive a little thank-you note, always beautifully written and composed, from M.M. the following ayem. 'Cause along with the lined note is always one very nasty little something:

A turd, you wonder? Or a guide for better party giving, perhaps?

No. Worse: a bill. Usually to the tune of several thousand smackers.

Good thing more than a few (select) folks are saying good riddance ‘bout M.M. these days, wonder why?


  1. elton john or barry manilow ..

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    This sounds like someone in the Barbra Streisand type set. Perhaps Tony Curtis or someone along those lines?

  3. I was thinking Michael Buble when Ent said "crooner," but he's not really that old.

  4. the name sounds like Freddy Mercury .. who, god rest his soul, was in Queen ...british ..queen .. gotta be sir elton i say

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    This line: "But not only does Manny know how to sex up a Hollywood do, he knows how to croon for his supper, too"

    makes me wonder if it's not a Jose Iber, or Ken Paves person.

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    And it aint's:
    Ricky Martin
    Mandy Patinkin
    Joey Fatone

  7. The "and it ain't" part is usually a clue. All three guys were part of ensembles that broke up. Mandy Patinkin has been in the news for leaving a show, if I remember correctly. So I'm thinking it's a person who was in a band/group and left for a solo career. I would say Robbie Williams, but he doesn't need the money, also, he's been tied to my bed for several weeks.

  8. Also ENT, if you are taking requests I would like to request a Robbie Williams post. Or a Stephen Dorff post... or both.

  9. Barry Manilow.

    His song "mandy" (Mandy Patankin)

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    How is Barry "multitalented"? Ted's truly are blind items since you can't understand what the crap he's talking about

  11. Annyone else give up on this one midway? I used to feel "slow" for not be able to decipher Ted's version of coherent speech but don't all entertainer's leave a bill...even if its just for tax reasons?

    AM I supposed to feel sorry that wealthy people don't want to play for entertainment?

  12. How is Barry 'multi-talented' - surely you jest, dnfrommn. He's one of the most prolific song writers of our time, a gifted musician, an amazing performer and apparently now we can add cheeky money grubber to the list.

  13. Isn't Barry doing something in Vegas now, and has been for awhile? He's made enough money to last several lifetimes so I don't think it is him.

  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    pinky, but it's all music. When I think multi-talented, I think actor/singer/director/waiter, etc.

  15. Dnfrommn- not that i don't think it takes talent to be a waiter......maybe dancer would fit in better there???

    i was thinking barry manilow as well when i first read this (well when i first got through the whole bi - had to reach each sentence a couple of times:)

  16. I think dnfrommn was making a funny, jencrew. dnfrommn, I see what you're saying. Don't necessarily agree, but I see :)

    If it's not Barry, then whomever it is probably plays the piano, so we should keep that in mind.

  17. Anonymous10:43 AM


    Oh wait....

    I think it HAS to be Manilow. He always looks so coiffed & tanned & botoxed, and he's an entertainer, and....well, yeah, I think it's him...

  18. I think Barry Manilow is right. Especially with his Vegas gig, I would call him an entertainer. And older women and men LOVE them some Barry.

    Thanks for deciphering Ted googety goo. I always tend to get lost in his Dr. Seuess vocab.

  19. Didn't we just see a pic at some Hampton party where some guy was at the piano that we didn't expect to be there? And there was a way older woman, gray hair granny type, in the pic with him? Does anyone else remember that? I couldn't find it on this site but I remember it.

  20. I saw a blurb in the recent past about Barry being broke...manager or accountant or something.

  21. I heard about Barry losing his fortune too, but then he said he built it up party at a time ;) (okay didn't hear that last part.)

    Gonna throw another name out there...Billy Joel, the piano man.

  22. But - Billy Joel bringing pretty dudes as party favors? I've never heard any gay rumours about him.

    I vote Elton (or 'Sharon' as his friends call him...)

  23. Peoples! Only two entertainers right now are known as crooners, and you missed one of them.

    Mer-cur-i-al Man-fred - 6 syllables

    Har-ry Con-nick Jun-ior - 6 syllables

    Harry is a multi-talented entertainer who has beautiful gay male dancers that does his shows with him. And he knows how to croon for his supper. The type of music he does appeals more to older people like Kathy Hilton than younger ones like Paris.

  24. That DO his show with him, not does.

    Multi-tasking makes me sound stoopid.

  25. Seems to me, the way it is written, that the multi-talented reference could be to the more erotic talents this individual brings to the party in addition to their vocal cords.

    Also the footnote about good riddance...these days leads me to think Merv Griffin for some odd reason.

  26. Barry Manilow did lose all his money maybe 10 years ago when he realized he had been robbed blind by his manager or someone in his inner circle. That is why he took the Vegas gig. I think this is Manilow. Especially with "Mandy" Patinkin in the "ain'ts" and the last name Manfred. seems pretty obvs, to me.

  27. Also, Barry's show is at the HILTON Hotel in Las Vegas.....gotta be him

  28. Twisted! So glad you've come out to play. We've..I mean, I've missed you! :)

  29. Aww..thanks, Tracee. Just for a little bit, 'cuz I'm swamped with work.

  30. Well I'm glad you didn't forget about us! I was worried that you had wiped your hands clean of this place. But no you've been working and making the dollars.

    Just tell your boss you need at least 1 to 2 hour CDAN break. I'm sure he'd totally understand. Ent will write you a hall pass too, I'm sure.

  31. I was hoping you would be back Twisted!

  32. Tony Bennett's a crooner, but I have no idea if he'd fit any of the other clues.

  33. Thanks, Mandjo - you're a sweetie!

    Hi Pinky!!!

    Tracee, I'm afraid I own the company, so it's the clients I answer to. Yeah, we need play time,

  34. OoOoh. Ya'll Twisted is ballin! Your new name should be Big Shot. :)

  35. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Ted also leaves a clue in the name in the form of double letters. For instance "Morgan Mayhem" is Lindsay Lohan (MM/LL) I think this could possibly be Burt Bacarach (or however you spell it).

  36. Tracee, more like Dip

  37. Harry Connick, Jr. That's a great guess too!

  38. Thanks, Pinky. I think he or Barry Manilow narrow it down.

  39. "he's been tied to my bed for several weeks"

    hee hee

  40. Engelbert Humperdinck.

    * "Am I That Easy to Forget?"
    * "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You"
    * "Release Me"
    * "The Last Waltz"
    * "Misty Blue"
    * "After the Lovin'"
    * "Quando, Quando, Quando"
    * "A Man Without Love"
    * "Spanish Eyes"
    * "This is My Song"
    * "There Goes My everything"
    * "Christmas Songs - Engelbert's rendition of Winter wonderland"
    * "Les Bicyclettes de Belsize"

  41. Well, because of the name, I'll go with Barry:)

  42. All of the "and it ain'ts" have made their careers as singers and actors. Therefore, I think that the person is more likely someone like Jamie Foxx (who seems to pick up a mic at every party he attends) or Harry Connick Jr. (who would appeal to the Kathy Hilton set).

  43. i'm in for the chronnick - there's no way barry manilow can 'sex up a hollywood do'. he's about as sexy as a tugboat.

  44. Ummm a crooner for the over 50 set...

    Julio Iglesias?

    Rod Stewart?

    Chris Isaak?

    I love Harry Connick Jr. and he is barely 40.

    But seriously don't you think whomever it is... is only getting invited cause they can sing?

    I find it hard to believe that the host would get a bill unless the singer felt like he was getting used... instead of being ask there simply as a guest for dinner.

  45. its either jamie fox or p diddy..perfect douche de jours.

  46. ....Ooooh, Circle Gets the Square, Twisted Sister!!!!!

    ....I think it IS Harry Connick, Jr.... I can see Kathy Hilton's crowd being of the age group where they're trying to be "hip" and "relevant" and so they have HC,Jr. at their parties and not, say, Tony Bennett. BI says: "all the social boys n girls" enjoy the cute party favors, so Connick (who is kinda fey, but also married) makes sense again: he'd bring along cute boys of any/all sexual persuasion (they would appeal to "..all the social boys n girls...")

    Check out the New York Times Sunday society page, there's a story about HC,Jr. playing some Broadway actor couple's wedding....
