Thursday, August 16, 2007

She Who Doesn't Tip Could Learn Something From Mr. Pitt

Even though Brad Pitt has more kids to feed, (I was going to say mouths, but Angelina eats so little she may count as a minus) does jury duty, is forced to be with Angelina, and at one time had sex regularly with Juliette Lewis he still finds the time to be a generous tipper. Brad and the brood visited the Field Museum in Chicago on Saturday afternoon and were given a private one hour tour. Contrast this to the two hours the CNTLB spent at lunch ordering the entire staff around.

At the end of the hour in which Brad and the brood pretty much entertained themselves, Brad tipped the security guard who had remained after work for one hour was given $300 by Brad.

No matter what you think of Brad's taste in women or men (that is if you believe those stories about Brad and George) at least he's a generous guy.


  1. -swoon- He's generous and hawt. And he takes care of his kids?! Brad you're back in my spank bank.

  2. So this is the hint for yesterday right? Oh I wish.
    Anyway fathers who are really into there kids are the sexiest men ever, a good tipper is just icing on the cake.

  3. You've just got to love this! That's showing appreciation for other's time. It's only right and it's only fair. If I made that money I would be a big tipper too!! And you know that was serious money for the security guard.

  4. I read somewhere that he was the same when he was with Jennifer - so kudos to him for consitancy and appreciation.

  5. " is forced to be with Angelina "

    Where ever did you get the idea he's forced to be with his SO and family, could you actually be that stupid ?

    It's nice that he's considerate of someone's time, or overtime.

  6. i believe that was sarcasm dear.

  7. *brain implodes at the grammar*

    that said, good of Brad to think of the regular joes and all they do.

  8. OMG..this is the answer to a recent ENT blind item...where an A list celeb went to Tijuana for some fun and wound up getting a local girl pregnant..the wife unit doesn't mind at all and we would see an adoption in a few months of a Hispanic baby. Thanks ENT!

  9. Mmm, Brad is not Ange's husband. But we'll soon see more cracks in their 'arrangement'.

  10. Why more "Cracks" in their arrangement? I'm curious...
