Thursday, August 02, 2007

Scarlett Johannson For Louis Vuitton


Anonymous said...

damm she is hot. and to think most of the celebrity gossip websites keep calling scarlett an ugly fat pig. what does that say about all the women who aren't as good looking as scarlett?

Mistik said...

Having been given the name the whore of bagylon by my gay friends, I am as much of a bagaholic as anyone ... but why does LV think women would be interested in buying bags displayed like this? Guys, sure .... not to mention that as gorgeous as ScarJo is, the bags are seriously fugly...

Anonymous said...

airbrush, airbrush, airbrush

YahMoBThere said...

Airbrushed or not, she's still beautiful.

I wonder who she slept with to get this gig.

califblondy said...

Sorry, but I've seen much better pix of Scarlett. Hell, I even prefer J.Lo's LV ads compared to these.

Where's Miss Jay when you need him?

Donna said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but in the first picture, I had to do double-take because she really looks like a younger, thinner Anna Nicole Smith.

YahMoBThere said...

A little bit, Muccimooch. And if I squint my eyes I see a little Nicole Kidman going on, too, in that first pic.

Production Girl said...

I think she is gorgeous but these photos are not flattering. Just my opinion, lol.

Unknown said...

That patent raincoat is WICKED!

peawry said...

i think i'm the only one who can't stand her. she's such a phony baloney!

Caroline said...

Not feeling these pics. They sure went overboard on the hairspray, sorry Mr Ozone Layer.

Anonymous said...

I agree Production Girl - I think she looks better w/less photoshopping...

misterbunn said...

She looks like a chubby Brigitte Bardot


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