Thursday, August 02, 2007

Random Photos Part Two

I would say Nicole Kidman is wearing a lot of bling, but Kanye West has said white people can't use that word anymore. I'm just glad he's there for us.
I'm glad to see Amy finally changed shirts. How is that Blake always is wearing new clothes and shoes and Amy has been wearing the same shoes and shorts for about a month.

You're just big everywhere, except...
Hard to think of him as Harry Potter when he looks like this. Better than that naked on a horse thing.
This seemed like a great idea to Lily Allen when she was drunk.
Who would ever have thought that Amy Winehouse would start a fashion trend?
Now Paris just needs to get a skanked up loser boyfriend and then marry him. Well actually she's already the trendsetter in the skanky boyfriend department. Somehow she just hasn't married any of them that we know about.


GammaGirl said...

Best collection of random celeb photos EVER!
Lily Allen is such an effin mess!

Profetissan said...

EVERYONE s been wearing the ballerinas shoes for two years now in Europe

Anonymous said...

At least Paris's shoes are CLEAN

Anonymous said...

Except for the stray crabs

Unknown said...

Amy Whinehouse is just the most unattractive thing out there. Those legs! Eat a sandwich! Eat a cart full!

Okay, so I confess, I don't know who is Lilly Allen or why I should care. Why the panda suit?

Unknown said...

funny, I think Kidman is wearing too much tulle, rather than too much bling...

YahMoBThere said...

Huh. I wonder if it's okay with Kanye West if we use the word "tulle", 'cuz, ya know.....he is one.


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