Thursday, August 09, 2007

Random Photos Part One

Hopefully LC can play nice with Audrina and if not, I know someone she can play nice with or even mean. I can do both. I'm versatile that way.
It's possible that last night every woman in Miami was hit on by these two.
Kind of reminds you of the Britney/K-Fed matching outfits when they got married.
Sienna sporting her new Wonder Woman bracelets.
Bridget is giving birth to a Conehead.

Speaking of Coneheads.
Yes, Carson. That is a woman and she's taking off her clothes. You don't need to run away. Don't be frightened. It's okay.
She looks good. Purse is going to get stolen, but she looks good.
I take back the whole boob job thing with Kate. This is her earlier in the day before the premiere. I think she actually looks better in this than what she wore to the premiere.


  1. #1 - I like Lauren. Not like YOU like Lauren, Ent..

    #2 - EWWWWWWWW.....

    #3, 4 - who cares

    #5 - Alright Ent - as a former Pregnant female, I have to say she looks beautiful and NORMAL!!! I'd like to see YOU carry around a beach ball that weighs a ton in your abdomen....

    And I really don't care about the rest of the photos...

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Brett Ratner kind of looks like Gimli the Dwarf from Lord of the Rings or something. And I think Michael Bay actually looks kinda hot in that picture. Mel's husband has really pretty eyes in some pictures, but in this one he looks like a murderer.

  3. Is it just me or does sienna look baked? not just from the sun hahaha...
    That or she's realizing kim porter is going to beat her ass any day now.

  4. So I take it Carson Daly IS gay, after all? Does anyone know?

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Is that CLAY? I swear I don't even recognize him anymore.

  6. Heeeheee!

    Seriously, Tom Brady must be a scientologist, his sperm is loaded with alien genes.

    And Carson is queen, but you know he's dying to get into those pantyhose. Look at the excitement in his face.

  7. That's what we're all hoping for B Love.

  8. #3: oy, it's Mr. & Mrs. Skankoramma. Looking for a new parking place for their trailer?
    What, WHAT made her think it was a good idea to marry this guy?

  9. That dress that Kate is wearing is from Target! dr's appoint was cancelled today due to the Bill Walsh private memorial. :(

  10. Holy canolli, Alison, are you in the SF area? Stay home! They're expecting thousands of people to be in attendance.

  11. God, i wonder how much $ Audrina's rich daddy forked out to get her the role of "Lauren's best friend" Obvs, more than Heidi's daddy could afford.

  12. TS - this was the private memorial held at Stanford U. yesterday.

    I'm glad their are going to be a lot of people there for him. He thought no one would show.



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