Friday, August 03, 2007

Random Photos Part One

Mena Suvari goes for the Britney look. I wonder if she did herself.
I'm not going to speculate as to why Marisa Tomei needs to look at drama books, but...
I think the bag with the skulls is a nice touch.
Rob Schneider in another Adam Sandler movie. I hope he brought his kneepads to thank Adam properly for giving him a career.
If you are filthy stinking rich and need a date, Uma is your lady.
Bruce and Scout out alone for the evening.

I'm shocked that some British tabloid didn't do an up close and personal with Courtney's leg because it looks nasty even from a distance.
I believe Victor Garber was the only guest when Ben and Jen got married.
So when Nicole says she's eating every hour, I guess it means she takes a bite of a Subway sandwich every hour?
Seriously Matt. Get an entourage, you are embarrassing yourself.
Although they looked like they just had some boring singer sex, Nicollette Sheridan and Michael Bolton are actually emerging from Koi. No doubt all the diners next to Michael were complaining about stray chest hairs in their sushi.
One of my favorite couples in LA. The actor and party planner extraordinaire Keith Collins and Jill-Michele Melean who is one of the funniest people around.


  1. Bruce looks like Ed Norton from the Honeymooners, circa 1955.

    I'm probably the only one who thinks that Nicolette Sheridan and Michael Bolton make a cute couple. I'm mushy that way.

  2. I love MATT DAMON ..he was on my favorite morning radio show today and seemed like a real down to earth guy .. able to laugh at himself ..I dunno .. nothing wrong with carrying your own stuff .. i do it all the time when reginald my butler has the day off ..

  3. Donna --

    My butler's name is Reginald, too. Is yours British like mine? I bet they're brothers . . .

  4. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I actually think mena looks good with a shaved head. I wish britney had just been bald for a while. The wig/extension thing was so chicken shit.

  5. I can't believe I'm typing this, BUT Michael Bolton looks like he's gonna kick someone's ass and then serenade them to death. And I'm pretty sure the curtains don't match the drapes.

  6. Victor looks like baby daddy to me.

  7. Then again, I thought Pene was pg...

  8. Haha!!! Now that's a MANLY man.

    The curtains don't match the drapes? Is that what the saying is?

    Tracee, where the heck were you yesterday? I hope work isn't cutting into your online time. That would require looking for a new job.

  9. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I'm guessing the guy behind violet is Vic's man. VG has been rumored to be gay forever.

  10. Sista! Gurl boss man had me grinding yesterday and it didn't help that my computer at work blanked out completely. Just one of those days and I missed all the fun. :(

    That's okay it's friday, the rain has passed and celeb gossip is in the air. -sniff sniff-
    What more could a girl ask for? :)

  11. Tracee, that stinks that they're making you WORK while you're at work!

    I'm standing on a table holding a "Free Tracee" sign for you.

  12. Don't chase me out of here, but Michael Bolton is hot. I'm not saying I could listen to him sing all night, but I could let him do something else all night. I hate to admit it, but Nicolette looks hot. Damn ho, with that bod! Perfect SoCal summer dinner ensemble.

    I'm must be crazy from the heat today because I think Mena and Courtney both look pretty good. Unfortunately, that tat on Pink's leg ruined my run on crazy compliments today.

  13. Sista, I'm willing to take cash donations as well to relieve my bruden. you can donate at

    Because my gossip is a terrible thing to waste. ;)

  14. Thanks, Enty, for the Mena picture. She wears it well...certainly better than those hideous bangs she was sportin' awhile back.
    Too bad Brit couldn't have just owned it and held her bald head high.

  15. LOL @ the rob schneider caption!

  16. Tracee, I just made a donation to your great organization. Yes, for only .24 a day, I have sponsored Tracee, so that she can hop online and post here without worry of being chastised by gurly boss man.

    .24 should do it, yeah?

  17. nice outfit for dinner at an upscale restaraunt Nicolette.
    Michael's open shirt is pretty cheesy too.

  18. Vic Garber actually married Ben and Jen. I love that she is so close to him and still catches up. He's handsome too, didn't know he was rumoured to be gay.

    I wish Bolton would keep his shirt buttoned up, it's gross.

    And seriously, why the hell would you wear your shirt like that to dinner???

  19. Tracee said...
    I can't believe I'm typing this, BUT Michael Bolton looks like he's gonna kick someone's ass and then serenade them to death. And I'm pretty sure the curtains don't match the drapes.


  20. Victor Garber hasn't been rumoured to be gay, he's out and I think even married to his partner.

    And btw.: He wasn't just a guest at Jen & Ben's wedding, he married them - like Joey did with Phoebe+Mike and Monica+Chandler in Friends, hehe.

  21. jill michelle melean looks an awful lot like krista allen...



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