Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Random Photos Part One

He still looks like he's wasted out of his mind, but Jennifer looks almost normal at the LA premiere of their bomb.

Leah couldn't make it, so a substitute alien/minder had to step in. Talk about standing at attention. Hello.

I guess Mario wanted her to cut her hair.
What do you think Elijah Wood weighs? 60-70 pounds tops.
Don't you think the gossip world owes it to Hayden today to say just how spectacular she looks. Well maybe owe is a strong word. I mean she might not have licked the hands after the butt, but she was still feeling her own butt and she does lick everything in sight. Of course if I had a butt that would fit in one chair I would probably grope myself also so who can blame her.


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Yay! Elijah Wood!

  2. Hayden is a DOLL!!!

    "I guess Mario wanted her to cut her hair."

    LMAO! EL, you are the supreme shit-stirrer when it comes to EL, Tony and Mario.

  3. That 2nd girl looks like she is ready to Kick someones ass in her half foil workout suit!

  4. Mandjo, you're right! She looks like the younger version of Frau Farbissina from the Austin Powers movies.

  5. I wouldn't have said this last year, but Hayden has made a fan out of me. And I am SOOOO effing excited about the new season of Heroes!!!

    Enty... can you get some Season 2 scoop from the lovely Miss Larter, please??? What's the point in mentioning that connection here on the blog if you don't milk it for us??! Pretty please??

    (Oh, and more Zachary Quinto pics, if you don't mind terribly. Thanks.)

  6. I thought the second pic was Chestica channeling her chipmunk days.

    Elijah looks good. I know he's geeky looking, but I have a thing for geeks. One child actor that isn't completely looloo.

  7. Hez, I'm excited too! I didn't think i would get into that show, but it's so juicy. And i love how they do the story lines. And Sylar is kinda hawt.

  8. those aliens sure have some pointy boobs .. maybe tara reid should join the cult so hers at least point in the same direction ..

  9. I liked yesterday better with Dayanara Torres and Amaury Nolasco.

  10. LMAO Donna!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh....Too funny!

  11. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Sylar is hot, but Mohinder Suresh is the hottest thing on that show for me. When he speaks, heart be still.

  12. They're all kinda hot on Heroes. It's one of those shows where 99% of the peeps are hotties.

  13. Maybe Hayden was just trying to find out what flavor her edible panties were. Leave her alone.



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