Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Quentin Tarantino Made Flight Attendants Cry

When Quentin shows up for a flight being pushed in a wheelchair, you know it's going to be long flight. When his wheelchair is being pushed by his "wife" Tiffany Limos and Quentin is complaining of severe back pain, you might as well just call in sick.

During a flight from the Philippines back to LAX, Quentin complained loudly and often to the flight crew about his back and demanded that his First Class seat wasn't good enough and that he wanted instead to find a place on the floor of the airplane to sit, lay down, and have his meals brought to him, or he would be willing to sit in a flight attendant's seat.

His demands and complaints got so bad at one point that the flight attendants began crying and passengers from Business Class began intervening including a member of the Philippine Congress.

If this had been a US carrier, Quentin's plane would have been met by federal agents, but since this was Philippine Airlines, they dealt with Quentin as well as they could and then just kicked him off the plane when they landed and told him to never come back.


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    yeah he a douche bag, this is exactly the kind of behavior you would expect from this guy.

  2. On the other hand, being photographed near a Zune logo and helped by a girl whose main claim to fame is being sandwiched between two guys, having her crotch rubbed and stroking a cock in a Larry Clark movie proves he can't be the A-list director with a complete blog about actresses he's interested in...

  3. Great filmmaker, but he is a bona fide douchebag.

  4. This kind of behavior and his refrences to Limos as "the wife" makes me think he's definitely the director in Enty's Poland story.

  5. Often genius comes in the form of a complete assh*le. Quentin is no exception. Then again, he's not world famous for his congeniality.


  6. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Pinky...I think I'm with you on that..

  7. I thought so all along Pinky!

  8. Tiffany Limos did that Ken Park movie years ago. And if you are going to focus on the sex you didn't get the point of the movie. OLD NEWS. She is apart of the President Arroyo's Film Council, it is part of the government. She was in charge of the Cinemanila Film Festival this year. The youngest in government.

    Quentin Tarantino, he is another case. A brat. A spoiled, rich brat. I hope that Limos doesn't ever invite him back to Manila ever again!

  9. Hey guys, I just happened to overhear the boys talking about this, and I think Mr. Tarantino was having a pain-killer problem! Alot of people act like a-holes when "stoned" on an opiate painkiller. If he does it regularly, well then...someone should get him off the opiates!! (More rehab)
