Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Paul Dumped Jen Because Of Drugs

Will Jennifer Aniston ever find love? Her latest romance, with British model Paul Sculfor, is now over, leaving her brokenhearted – and without a man again. Star has learned exclusively from a close friend of Sculfor that the recovering cocaine addict dumped Jen, because he feared getting sucked into the drug – fueled world of Hollywood celebrity.

After three drug-free years, Sculfor found himself tempted again by the demons he’s battled, and he decided to turn his back on Hollywood – and Jen. “Paul genuinely cared for Jennifer,” a friend tells Star. “But everywhere he turned, he was haunted by the temptation of drugs.”

While Sculfor never intimated that Jen does drugs, the source says he believed they are common within her circle of acquaintances. And having none through an intensive, six-month rehab for cocaine, he was afraid of a relapse.

While Sculfor’s London rep denies that the pair broke up due to pressures on him, “Paul had several heart-to-heart talks with Jen and told her it was best for both of them if they parted,” says the friend. “It was Paul who decided to end it.”

Although pals say that Jen is reeling from the breakup, her predicament is nothing new – and losing ex-husband Brad Pitt, was the cruelest blow.

“I think Jen feels that no man in her life can ever match Brad, and it’s causing all of her relationships to fail,” says a source.

Another insider notes that Jen is constantly talking with her therapist and girlfriends about Brad!

“She can’t move on,” says the source. “She knows she screwed up by not starting a family with him. She kicks herself every day.”

That’s a big source of pain for Jen, say insiders. “The closer she gets to the big 4-0, the more she fears she may have missed out,” says another source. “She believes that if she doesn’t have a baby in the next year or so, it might be too late for her to conceive.”

Meanwhile, Jen’s career doesn’t seem to be faring much better than her disastrous love life. “Jennifer is doing a lot of smaller movies because Hollywood doesn’t see her as a major leading lady,” says an insider. “She can’t open a movie on her name alone.”

Jen’s next project is Management, in which she plays a down-on –her-luck salesperson, opposite Steve Zahn. Ironically she’s also considering doing a film based on the best-selling self-help book He’s Just Not That Into You, which is scheduled to start filming in September.

Jen’s not too sure where to go from here, says an insider, “It may be time for her to make a move to New York ,” the source suggests. “A change would do her good – and who knows, she may just find Mr. Right!”

Could Brad still be in the picture? Pals point out that she’s still close to her former mother-in-law, Jane Pitt – and Brad and Angelina are having problems. A source reveals, “Jen and Jane still speak often, and Brad’s family is still there for her!”


  1. sob sob sob ..didnt she cheat on brad with marky mark when making rock star? if so, then dumbass, what did she expect? She and her druggy friends (i guess they are talking about the cox/arquettes) will just have to console themselves by smoking a few fatties around the campfire on the beach singing "kumbaya"

  2. its pretty much well known that Jennifer is a big cokehead and MJ user.

    pretty obvious she wouldn't make it in films, she doesn't have the acting chops or the charisma to be an A list film star. she should go back to tv sitcoms where she belongs.

  3. Good for Paul for taking precautions to ensure he doesn't relapse. I really respect that.

  4. I agree - good for him.

  5. Didn't we decide that she was going to be the down-out-actress to pose for Playboy?

  6. On a side note --- I'm going to my plastic surgeon tomorrow (reconstruction due to breast cancer) and I'm gonna ask him what work Michelle Pfiefer has had done *sniker* as she lives in the same area as him. :D

  7. bravo to you alison for beating your cancer and for having such an upbeat attitude! cheers!

  8. thanks! I may go for double d's.


  9. Alison, from one *big c* sister to another, congrats on getting through it and wishes for continued good health.

    Double d's? Some double d's are having breast reduction done. Are you sure you want to go that big?

    Of course, I can understand why you'd want to stay away from all things

  10. Thanks! No - I was kidding. I'm going to probably stay with my "bashful b's" :)

  11. why doesn't courtney just dumped david so her and jen can live happily ever after and I don't have to read another one of these bullshit stories about jen-jen's "heartbreak"

  12. Oh duh me, Alison! Be sure to let us know what the doc says. Inquiring minds want to know.

  13. I was sympathetic to her after the Brad fiasco because no matter what, no woman deserves such a public humiliation.(that is, unless you are a woman whose habit it is to steal other womens' men)I've been hopeful she will work it out with VV and Paul. Now, I'm just plain tired of her. This latest humiliation tells me one thing-she needs to get out of Hollywood and go live in a normal town. She is so rich, she could live literally like a queen in a regular town. Plus, she might get away from the drugs and meet a guy who does not care that she's not the most exciting girl in H'wood. In his town, she would "reign supreme" ya know? Big fish in a little pond kinda thing.

    Get going, Jen.

  14. Thank you for having a blog that is refreshingly free of the Poor-Jennifer-Aniston Fan Club. If you have ever seen the E! Message Board, then you know what I am talking about.

    I never heard that JA was a cokehead, but I did hear that JA really, really likes to smoke pot.

    I agree with you, Mocha, JA cannot make it in films and she does not have the "it" that is needed to be an A list film star. Really, the "it" that had the industry signing her into movies was Brad P"it"T.

    JA is a very good sit-com actress and she was great with the ensemble of other sit-com actors. I wish JA well, but I am really, really sick of the poor-Jennifer-Aniston routine.

  15. Wait - twisted - are you saying you're a cancer survior too? If so, congratulations!

    Don't mean to highjack this thread. :(

    I'm no longer a fan of Jen. I use to be, but no more.

  16. Thanks, Alison, yes, I had nonHodgkins lymphoma, but luckily the subset that can be cured, we caught it early and I kicked its And my hair is all back now, too, which is the most important thing, yes?

    I don't mind Jen. I hate Angelina, but don't mind Jen at all.

  17. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Hmmmmmm, for Jen? I'd do a Colombia of cocaine!!

  18. I agree with mocha. She's one of those people who is likeable on the small screen, but generally dull and flat on film. If she can't bear going back to sitcom-land, she should stick to smaller character roles where she plays a "Jennifer Aniston-type" part.

  19. I've gotta agree with everyone...Jen's great with ensembles and pretty much playing some sort of character akin to Rachel Greene - she really should stick to roles like that and by jebus find herself a new pr spin - I always thought she came off as pretty classy, but she's sliding into pathetic territory.

  20. Wow TS! Great news! and Congrats! I can't wait for my hair to grow back and chuck this wig!

    Yeah - As Jen progressed thru Friends, her timing got better as well as her acting skills. BUT I still think she is a bit self-absorbed.

  21. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Good heavens, there are lots of men out there. Hollywood men aren't the only men. I could see her married to a successful CEO or something like that.

  22. ^where are they?! :(

  23. Yes, where are the non-Hollywood sucessful men? That's what I'm looking for!

    And as for being a JA fan. I loved Friends, but I'm not rushing out to see any of her movies. Perhaps she should stick to the small-screen.

  24. Maybe I'm wrong but I think Brad and Angie really seem happy and this will be a long term relationship. But ya never know...



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