Thursday, August 09, 2007

NY Post Blind Items

#1 WHICH very eligible divorced man has his friends in a quandary now that he's engaged to get married again? The friends are afraid to tell him his fiancée is a gold digger who's still seeing her broke boyfriend on the side while waiting for her wedding day .

#2 WHICH aging supermodel is ensuring her picture still gets taken, despite her bad behavior and spiraling demand, by having an affair with the head of a major photo agency? The sex is so strong, friends say, the agency owner is thinking of leaving his loyal wife of several decades.


  1. Howard Stern for #1

  2. 1. Charlie Sheen
    2. Janice Dickinson

  3. since this is the nypost... i will say #1 is ron perelman - billionaire and currently "dating" gina gershon who until recently was dating a broke musician. i am not certain that ron and gina are engaged but since he's had somewhere near five wives, he obviously does not stay single for long

    janice sounds right on for #2 to me too

  4. and everyone can attack me, but ENT is not writing this's definitely a woman...i've been reading this blog from day one and the tone has so obviously's almost boring some of the snarky commentary that "ENT" makes now...ok...charge....

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    The same old rant, so I'll give the same old reply: smooches -- but you keep reading nonetheless.

    Back to our BIs: Does anyone really think that Janice can provide "sex (that) is so strong"? [shudder]

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    yeah a lot of the posts seem like they are written by a woman but many of them still have the same tone as the original posts so i think Ent has gotten himself a helper which would explain how he can post so much and still be a lawyer.
    thats if he really is a lawyer in Hollywood and not some faker from suburbia. personally thats why i want DS to post a short little video on you-tube saying that she is ZX. that would either prove that Ent really is someone in Hollywood and not some suburban faker or that DS has read this blog and thinks it would be a good laugh to play along and mess with us. as much as i enjoy this blog i always find myself wondering if it is really is just a put on and i have been suckered.

  7. Anonymous3:13 PM

    how about charlie sheen, he's a rich famous actor and to a lot of chicks thats got to make him really eligible?

  8. Smooches, I'm not charging. The tone has changed, but I keep reading anyway. And i like a little snark. But maybe we had some influence on why the blogger changed. Either way, it's still better than most gossip sites out there. So unless this place goes completely zonkers, i'm staying. Anyhoo...

    I think #2-Naomi Campbell

    #1-I was gonna say Eddie, but Tracy was married to Babyface and i dunno if she had a boyfriend between them. Ron Perlman sounds about right.

  9. As a longtime reader, it seems like the writer decided to get some legal help to start posting some of these more recent legal opinions we've been getting (custody, defamation, etc.). The legal viewpoint was obviously absent during some of the times it would of made sense for "ENT" to comment/opine with his legal opinion.

    Twisted Sister, weren't you the one posting on e!online's board (under a different name) a while back complaining about the credibility of Ent and this blog? Why the change of heart and daily, repeated commenting now (and attacks on people who rub you the wrong way, like that guy a while back?)

  10. Anonymous3:29 PM

    whatever happened to Jeeze?

  11. Jerry, I did post on eonline, but never put down this site, although I did put down the Anon's posting here. I do recall someone there being very strong about her thinking this whole thing was a scam, but I can't recall who it was now.

    And, uh, if you were reading all the posts, you would have seen that the guy attacked me first, and also attacked a lot of other people. What's up with you guys who think it's okay to come on here and call people stupid bitches? It's not.

  12. Thanks, Pinky. I'm glad to see someone sticking up for me. I'm getting a little tired of the shit stirring that goes on here, and it's always from the males, have you noticed that?

    I just looked back at my posts on eonline and see that I said I found one of EL's blind items confusing, until someone straightened me out, and then I posted that I thought he didn't do a good job of adding hints to the blind items, a complaint I've made here, too. Big whoop. That was really some campaign to discredit him, wasn't it?

  13. They're just jealous you get to carry Ent's baby in the basement Twisted Sister. :)

  14. LMAO, J!!!! I think you're right. Either that or it's the same bitch from eonline who is here hassling me under men's handles so I don't suspect it's her.

  15. Aw, see - you let Jerry (or is it John) get to you. And clearly Jerry/John is a hateful, self-aggrandizing, twit, and not good enough for you to waste a single moment of thought.

    Feeling warm and fuzzy, Jerry?

  16. What about Elle McPherson for number two, she was known as the Body, right?

  17. You're right, Pinky, but you know how we Italian/Irish women from Chicago are. We can be as sweet as pie, but the minute some dipshit tries to knock us down, we're kicking them in the balls, just to remind them that we know where their brains are located.

    I don't know about Jag/Jag, but I'm sure feeling warm and fuzzy now.

    Thanks Pinky and j.

  18. Yup, I thought Ron Perelman and Janice too.

  19. I would never think it is okay to call people "stupid bitches," and I don't support that. I don't see where in my comment I suggested that I condoned it. Honestly, I didn't obsessively study your interaction (and I am not motivated to go back and look it up). Whatever the insult, though, there is a major OVERREACTION, just like what just happened now. Read back over the names I've been called by you and others, just a bit ago - nitwit, hateful, self-aggrandizing, my brains are in my balls (how do you know if I am a man, by the way? I'm not, this came up in my husband's name!). What is with that when all I asked is why TS (previously EmmieP on e!online) is such a faithful, regular commenter now on this blog - what changed her mind to be such an attack dog for this site? Don't want to say, don't have to, TS, sorry to ruffle your feathers. Guess I hit a nerve.

    My main comment was how ENT has shown some legal chops, unlike before, and so I gave my opinion that the writer has decided to
    research/consult with someone, which helps fit the premise of the blog.

  20. dnfrommn...i wasn't trying to start anything...i was just making a general i not allowed to voice my opinion without a rabid dog nipping at me?

  21. and yes, i keep reading...duh..isn't that obvious?

  22. Whoa, whoa. Do we need a mediator? I think there is a little confusion over the Jerry/John thing. Jerry -- while I think what you said was a little sharp, I don't think that you were necessarily rude. However, a few weeks ago (give or take), I believe there was a John posting extremely negative comments about TS and a few others. Is that what you guys were referencing?

    I just want the yelling to stop. :)

  23. P.S. By the way, Twisted Sister, I am not the "Bitch," as you called her, from e!online as I have never posted on there. (It's ok for you to call someone a bitch, I guess!). I was reading the message board about a month ago and was shocked when someone ID'd the frequent commenter Emmie P. as you on this board. Then I noticed how "you" kept questioning Ent's credibility in various ways. Now you are here commenting constantly and jumping in to attack people at times.

    I am not whoever you fought with on that board, but you seem to fight with people frequently.

  24. Ladorabelle, yes, that was the John we were talking about, and thank you for confirming you saw the nasty things he posted to me and others.

    Jerry, once again, you're shit stirring by claiming that I kept questioning EL's credibility in various ways over on Eonline. You're a liar and are posting that just to try and discredit me.

    And anyone who says he didn't read all of the interaction between John and me and others, yet feels compelled to comment on it, is not too bright. You're trying to make it sound like I'm a trouble maker, and I'm not, but I also don't take kindly to people who call me out for no reason, just as you have done here.

    Your innocent act while you call me out for things I haven't done is wearing thin. If you don't like my being here, ignore me. That's certainly what I'm going to do with you and your posts - UNLESS THEY PERTAIN TO ME. Got it?

  25. She's from Chicago, Jerry. We're plucky.

    And quite frankly your comments toward Sister DO seem hostile. And when someone attacks a regular poster, someone who adds a lot to the site, it gets me all riled up.

    And yes Ladorabelle, I was referring to John who was quite rude.

  26. TS and pinky--

    Glad to be of help. I figure, if my twin three-year-olds can learn not to accuse each other of things they didn't do, maybe there is hope for the internet.

  27. Pinky, bwaaahhh!!!! You've got that right. Thanks for your help. I love the fake bright eyed innocence of people when they accuse someone of terrible things and then sit there saying the accused is overreacting when they take offense to it. It's just b.s. to get away with being a steamroller without any provocation.

    Ladorabelle, suffice it to say your twin three year olds are no doubt much better raised than a lot of people one encounters online.

    And good lord, you must have a lot of energy!

  28. Hey - on the Ron Perelman front, I don't think he's engaged.

  29. There needs to be more hints like movie names or shows, or initials or something!

  30. Anonymous7:11 PM

    1. Less infighting, more guesses please - pretty please?

    2. Doubt this is Janice. This aging supermodel is still getting her picture taken. Janice gets her pic taken because she has a show. It sounds like this aging supermodel is just starting to wane in popularity, but it still getting major jobs via the affair.

    Think of the bonafide supermodels (beyond Ms. Self Proclaimed) with bad behavior Who's star and looks are fading, but they still land big accounts now and then? Kate Moss . . Naomi Campbell . .

  31. #2 is Elle MacPherson.

    I'm liking the Howard Stern guess for #1. He talks about his fiance like a man wearing blinders. I don't believe for a moment she's some sweet homebody.

  32. Looks like there's a clique being led by the sexist twisted sister, who seems to have a problem with men posting on a gossip blog.

  33. I agree, justind, and I am not even a man! (My husband's name on the account came up instead of what I thought was going to!). I explained that in my earlier post but she kept calling me a man, so maybe she didn't see it.

    I can see where my question to TS made her defensive, but in response to her calling me a liar, I invite people to look at the message board for The Blind Vice, under the "Is it me?" thread started by her as "emmiep" re: Entertainment Lawyer.

    She does question the credibility of him, but it was back in Jan., and, to be fair, I didn't see too much else except some complaints about Ent's hints. I went back and did a quick perusal until I was sick of looking - I don't have some mission against TS, I was just really surprised to see her openly questioning this blog when I have seen her as "TS" really jump on the bandwagon and rudely attack and name-call readers who questioned it similarly themselves on here.

    Do any of the other readers, who don't comment constantly, find the comment section here to resemble a dictatorship government?! If you don't tow the party line, you are resoundly attacked and shamed until you leave, and others don't dare chime in for fear of being ousted. Get rid of "free speech" (the anons and others who don't want a personal commitment through an account), and play along with the comradery and don't question anything that doesn't make sense (like that person who asked what happened with VW - that was ignored completely. Yet Ent will immediately comment in the comment section on someone correcting him or something as banal as someone wanting to see a nude picture). Doesn't make sense, but don't question it, at least too openly. Dictatorship. Theocracy.

    Since I won't comment again since I am shunned (this is akin to going out in a blaze of gunfire (!), does anyone else find Ent's "self-depreciating" humor annoying? His posts are now more mean than funny (he calls it "snarky"), and ever since the anons are blocked and I read TS, Pinky, Tracee and Hez's repeated, relentless, oftentimes crude references, jokes and back slaps, I lately check off with the same feeling: Boring. It's like reading a group of eighth grader's notes to each other, where they try to impress each other with crudeness and immature references to sex and laugh too hard about other people.

    Anyone? On second thought, don't answer that, unless you want to be called out by name and ostracized until you dare not comment again! I am going back into hiding, and will be at Dlisted (where I never even read the comments because I don't feel the need to - I like the content itself) and Lainey's, for it is no longer safe to comment on here! (Heavy on the sarcasm, but true!).

  34. I am really feeling the Howard Stern guess. Here's why...

    -Based in NY


    -Very eligible (women are constantly throwing themselves at him; he's loaded)

    -Friends could be in a quandry b/c they work for Stern and would be afraid of saying anything bad about Beth O for fear of being fired. Perhaps they planted the item in the post to give Howard a hint in an anonymous way?? The comics on the Stern show occasionally make jokes comparing Beth O to Heather Mills, but are quick to claim they are "just kidding."

    -Although Howard and Beth originally announced they were just going to remain engaged, they only recently changed their minds and are now planning an actual wedding

    -Howard has mentioned that Beth O is still friendly with some ex of hers who is a struggling actor type

    -The post doesn't identify what the subject of the blind item does for a living. Maybe that's b/c, if they mentioned radio or hosting, it would be entirely obvious.

    -Although she plays the sweet, innocent, dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks blond to the hilt, Beth O strikes me as very manipulative. After his divorce, Howard made it abundantly clear that he never wanted to get married or have any more kids. Beth O then got Howard wrapped around her finger by constantly saying that, like him, she would never want to get married or have kids. She bided her time and then, slowly but surely, talked Howard into getting engaged by saying that they didn't have to make it official; they could just remain engaged. Now, she's gotten him to consider marriage by saying that, if they did get married, she'd stick by her pledge not to have kids and would sign a prenup. But, when pressed on the issue of kids by others, says she could actually change her mind about kids later.
    What happens if, oops, there's a hole in the condom and she gets pregant. Then, notwithstanding any prenup, Howard's on the hook for serious child support payments for at least 18 years.

    -Recently, Beth O was a guest on the Stern show with Dr. Keith Ablow. She came off like a total golddigger. In particular, she was bragging about how, before Howard, she dated and even lived with lots of rich guys. The girl was in her early to mid 20s when she met Howard...and yet managed to rack up a roster of these type of men.

    I hope it's not Howard, but it very well could be.

  35. "Do any of the other readers, who don't comment constantly, find the comment section here to resemble a dictatorship government?! "


  36. he yo .. twisted sister, you have another italian/irish sister here in philly who feels the same way, mess with me once, shame on me, mess with me twice, shame on you!

    you rock!

    just had to add my two nickles here .. i think its howard stern too .. who i used to love .. but once he got divorced, he just wasnt as funny any more ... and for the model, sounds like janice, but i have seen christie brinkley pics alot recently ...

  37. Jerry wrote:

    I can see where my question to TS made her defensive, but in response to her calling me a liar, I invite people to look at the message board for The Blind Vice, under the "Is it me?" thread started by her as "emmiep" re: Entertainment Lawyer.

    Oh, no. Let ME invite everyone to look at this thread I started at eonline back in January. You can find it here, and this is what it says:

    Is it me, or does the Entertainment Lawyer not make sense? He goes on and on about how he can't say too much or else people may be able to identify him, and then he posts that he's asked Kindness 2 if he could tell us who she is, and says today that L. Lohan has given her permission to tell us that she was the subject of two of his blind items.

    This makes NO sense to me. If people in Hollywood knew he was posting in a blog all of their dirt, he'd be out of business in no time. He wouldn't be afraid of having his identity discovered and then let on to two people what he's doing.

    It's fun to read and guess his blind items, but something doesn't quite fit here.

    Oh, yeah, I see what you're saying with that example. You're right, that's probably what he meant.

    However, it did sound like he came out and asked Kindness 2 if he had her permission to reveal who she was, especially when she said she would think about it. That means at least one person knows who he is and what he's doing, which still doesn't make sense to me.

    Not that I won't race there in the morning to see what he has to
    Thanks for all of your replies - I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one who is finding it difficult to connect all of these dots!"

    Now I ask you - does this equate to Jerry's charges that I was constantly questioning EL's credibility???? And yet, NO APOLOGY for the lies she posted yesterday. Isn't that interesting?
    And she says she's not a shit-stirrer OR a liar.

    Then Jerry wrote:
    She does question the credibility of him, but it was back in Jan., and, to be fair, I didn't see too much else except some complaints about Ent's hints. I went back and did a quick perusal until I was sick of looking - I don't have some mission against TS, I was just really surprised to see her openly questioning this blog when I have seen her as "TS" really jump on the bandwagon and rudely attack and name-call readers who questioned it similarly themselves on here.

    MORE LIES! I never jump on people who question things here, I only jump on people who invoke my name as a means to discredit me. You come in a forum and mention my name and lie about me or call me a bitch and I'm going to react to that. You're not taking any responsibility for your actions.

    More from Jerry:
    Do any of the other readers, who don't comment constantly, find the comment section here to resemble a dictatorship government?! If you don't tow the party line, you are resoundly attacked and shamed until you leave, and others don't dare chime in for fear of being ousted. Get rid of "free speech" (the anons and others who don't want a personal commitment through an account), and play along with the comradery and don't question anything that doesn't make sense (like that person who asked what happened with VW - that was ignored completely. Yet Ent will immediately comment in the comment section on someone correcting him or something as banal as someone wanting to see a nude picture). Doesn't make sense, but don't question it, at least too openly. Dictatorship. Theocracy.

    Well, now WHO is complaining about this site and EL?

    And even more complaining by Jerry:
    Since I won't comment again since I am shunned (this is akin to going out in a blaze of gunfire (!), does anyone else find Ent's "self-depreciating" humor annoying? His posts are now more mean than funny (he calls it "snarky"), and ever since the anons are blocked and I read TS, Pinky, Tracee and Hez's repeated, relentless, oftentimes crude references, jokes and back slaps, I lately check off with the same feeling: Boring. It's like reading a group of eighth grader's notes to each other, where they try to impress each other with crudeness and immature references to sex and laugh too hard about other people.

    See? More complaining about this site and EL. And even MORE calling out people by name, the huge mistake you made to begin with. You don't like reading our posts? Skim over them. I happen to enjoy Pinky and Tracee along with a lot of other posters here. If you don't like this, I don't know what to tell you.

    And this last missive:
    Anyone? On second thought, don't answer that, unless you want to be called out by name and ostracized until you dare not comment again! I am going back into hiding, and will be at Dlisted (where I never even read the comments because I don't feel the need to - I like the content itself) and Lainey's, for it is no longer safe to comment on here! (Heavy on the sarcasm, but true!)

    Are you really this dense? First of all, I called you NO names in my posts above. Secondly, you're not connecting the dots. Of course it's safe to comment here, but you posted about a specific person (me), made incorrect accusations and even LIED about things you said I was posting at eonline, and then wonder why people are unhappy with you. And to top it all off, you come back and kind of backpedal because you couldn't find all those posts you accused me of leaving, and you don't even have the decency to apologize.

    Yeah, crawl back under your rock until you figure out badly how you fuck up when you do stupid things like that. You act like a twelve year old who goes up and kicks someone in the shins and then cries like a baby when you get kicked back. GROW UP!!

  38. Yo, Donna! Any Italian/Irish from Philly (!!!) gets it. Thanks for the 'yo', my I/I sistuh!

  39. Oh, wait, I did call you a liar, but that was after you accused me of name calling. And you know what? You really ARE a liar.

  40. I guess it is Howard but I am surprised. Especially after he said he wouldn't get married again, etc.

    I enjoy this blog and find the comments very entertaining. And, if I don't, I just scroooooooolllllll.

    It's fun to think a lawyer is writing it, but if not, no worries because it's still fun. If DS is ZX, good. And if not, no worries.

    It's just the internet. It's here for entertainment. It's not serious, really it isn't.

    And I can appreciate someone else being snarky. It keeps me from being snarky many times and it also improves my snarkiness. Who could ask for more?!?!?!?!!?!

  41. Maybe Chad Michael Murray for #1. His fiancee was an extra on his show...I could see her being a gold digger.

  42. Yes, but Chad Michael Murray has no friends.

  43. Anonymous7:13 AM

    hahaha lol justind... ever since the divorce from sophia bush, mostly everyone thinks chad is a jerk

    also, i thought that once the anons were gone, the fighting would stop, but i guess not...

  44. Well, Nat, I thought the attacks would stop once the anons were gone, but I guess not....

  45. #1 is not Howard Stern. First of all, his friends like Beth more than they like him, and secondly, he'll have the most ironclad pre-nup ever written. Beth is the best thing that ever happened to him. As far as perks garnered from being with him...she deserves everything she gets. He has got to be exhausting to be around.

  46. EL what would the chance of developing a discussion part of your site. This constant personal discussion is boring and takes away from the fun of guesses. I don't really care who likes who, and dread having to drudge through it to get a few good guesses.

  47. Sorry if someone's posted this already (I'm at work and won't have time to review this wonderful thread until lunch!) but I don't think it's Tracy and Eddie; Tracy co-founded (and was probably the brains for it) Babyface records with her husband; she has at least a lot of money, but also enough sense not to deal with a broke-ass musician boy on the side.

    If Gershon is Jewish, there's a very real chance Perelman wants to marry her -- based on his track record! let's all sit back and watch.....

  48. Tracy Edmonds has $$$. I've heard she's quite the beeyotch, but girl does have dough.

    Hey - maybe it's Ted Turner. Isn't he dating some married chick, and the husband sent some email around to co-workers about her leaving him for Ted?

  49. -rubbing the morning crust from my eyes-

    Haven't had my first jolt of caffeine today, but did I just get called out for being crude? I am. I admit it. Never denied it.
    Twisted, pinky and everyone here has been fun to talk/comment with. I can't believe everything that happened since I last visited the site yesterday. That really sucks! Not just for Sister, but for people who come to partake in gossip.

    I haven't seen anyone attacked in weeks. And I haven't seen any posters picking fights just to pick fights. I think Jerry is MOM whose a man that uses his wife as cover. Is that a BI?

    Now that it's confirmed that I am nasty, crude and filthy, you folks have convinced me that Howard Stern is #1. I loved him, but you guys are right he has chnaged since Beth. And I don't think she's all that cute...they both looks a little like horses.

  50. I'm glad #1 isn't Howard. And #2 is Naomi? That sounds about right.

  51. On every comment board in every blog (including highly-educated politcal types) you will find these personal assaults. It's like 13 y/o bullies on MySpace. The fact that you are not face to face makes it very easy for most people to say things they would never say in real conversation. However, it does really bring down the whole site. WE ALL need to monitor ourselves and maintain our own personal dignity.
    Everyone gets very defensive, and that is understandable, but you don't have to "cross the line"

  52. Turner's made it clear he doesn't plan to marry ever again; the woman's already aware she's one of several women in his life. It's just that he treats them each so well that they're fine with it.

    Gotta tell 'ya, after the creep she was married to even this situation will be an improvement. (Google for the details, and don't have any coffee in your mouth; it's a hoot.)

  53. One way everyone could help things stay on track here is to stop commenting on what's already taken place. Your comments aren't doing anything to stop the attacks and are only keeping this whole thing alive. Plus, I really don't appreciate reading further comments implying I crossed the line (WTF?) in defending myself after I've already been beaten up.

    I've never understood the mentality that allows people to ignore the attacker and criticize the defender anyway, but the bottom line is, if you find the whole thing unpleasant, don't keep talking about it.

  54. I am fairly new (at least in posting comments) and haven't found anybody to be hostile at all... this isn't high school, we are all mature adults (at least I think so - lol) if you don't like what somebody says just ignore them!

    I would love to see ent comment on this =)

  55. For #1...I have no clue

    For #2....find the married shooters first, then google their work. Photos credited to the guy-half (or to their agency) should give us a clue, if a particular fading model keeps popping up....

  56. #1...charlie sheen

    #2...tyra banks? she just moved to NY for a guy right?

  57. Ted NEVER bothered to make it clear to me - guess I can cancel my subscription to Bride magazine!

  58. Omigod people its GOSSIP for fucks sake..and for all you non regs who come here to stir the pot GROW UP and go back to your sad life.

    This will NOT become another Perez where some assholes gotta come in an ruin for everyone just to feel self important by bullying people for no good reason.

    You're not anons anymore and if it keeps up Mommy will have to report your ignorant asses to the mediator for banning.

    CDANS lets band together and keep this a POSITIVE enviroment!

  59. jax, i am fairly new to CDAN, but it has become an addiction .. and I have enjoyed every bit of it .. i agree .. you regs are the people that help us newbies figure out what the hell is going on and I appreciate it ...positive thoughts peeps .. positive thoughts ...

  60. there are so many aging supermodels that it would be hard to guess #2. Christie Brinkley, Stephanie Seymour, Tyra Banks, Helena Christenson,Lauren Hutton, etc. The list is long. #1 sounds like Howard Stern or Charlie Sheen.

  61. Since this is a relatively dusty blind item post, I'll continue it here.

    TS: Really dear, get your head out of your ass and then get some perspective. It's the comment section of a gossip blog, you don't need to get this riled up.

  62. OKAY,'re making my gut hurt here...where's the FUN??? I come here daily, twice most days and usually come to enjoy the play in the sandlot!

    I am for me...I have my own opinion...I will not get pulled into or loved ones live outside these wires...can't this be a happy place and each be thier own individual?


  63. I have to say people like Jerry and Justind do take most of the enjoyment out of reading the blog.
    Way to go Guys!
