Thursday, August 02, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which Sapphic starlet employed her lover as an "assistant" to explain why they always went out together?


Anonymous said...

If it didn't say starlet, I would've gone Latifah. (and no, I wasn't involved in the bridge collapse--i was on the other side of town)

Production Girl said...

I first thought of Britney Spears because you always hear about assistants with her. I am also to tired to think straight.

Pinky said...

Thank goodness DN. What a horrible tragedy.

Anonymous said...

hhhmmm, perhaps why Lilo blew up when her assistant quit and why she was chasing the asst and asst's mother?

Anonymous said...

I agree cali - "Sapphic starlet" immediately made me think of Lilo.

merrick said...

this is off the subject .. but I saw this pic today of matt damon and family and there appears to be a "nanny" now with the fam ... answer to the tj hooker bi .. could be ...;_ylt=Am1Gb1K_UBTL8AJ35Hy72yQPpxx.

Hotseat said...

this was the story i heard was in reference to jessica simpson and cacee cobb at one time

Unknown said...

off subject w/ya donna:

Does the one holding the stuffed animal (pic#1) look pregnant? In reference to this July 9 BI update:

#2 It turns out that our TJ hooker may be pregnant. Look for an adoption of a Hispanic child in about nine months from our celebrity couple as it seems that the wife knows about and is all for the relationship and impregnation.

Mother Campfire said...

Hmmm so why was I instantly picturing Sienna Miller? Whatever, it's Latifah, please. She's her payrolled 'trainer' remember?

Unknown said...

I think this is LiLo too.

d said...

This seems as good of a time as any to mention something I've been thinking about regarding these blind items.

Remember over the 4th of July weekend when ENT did many reveals?

Remember that most of the reveals were people many of us had never heard of, or the name was vaguely familar?

I'm just saying that all these tasty BIs are just as likely to be about starlets that aren't the Big Names either.

GammaGirl said...

I think this is LiLo too. Why else would she chase her assistant down the PCH like a maniac?

Britney might not be that too far off though either...girl goes through assistants pretty fast.

mooshki said...

Jessica Biel.

mandjo said...

Oddly enough, I did think of you dnfrommn, when i saw all the coverage on the news.

kissingjess said...

Anne Hathaway

Anonymous said...

Jessica Simpson and Ken Paves.


curious_cailyn said...

Hmmm... This may not be the answer, but don't you find it interesting that JESSICA BIEL's omnipresent "personal assistant" (Lindsay Ratowski) used to work for LiLo?? ...And that La Lohan totally lost her sh** when she saw them together at an event last December?!

Wonder if that intense ANGER was provoked by something a bit more personal than Jessica simply having stolen away her "employee?" ;-)

YahMoBThere said...

Cailyn, that would put a whole new spin on things! I definitely can see something like this happening, too.

Production Girl said...

oh damn Cali girl,

I was thinking of Lohan's scuffle while I pictured Britney S.

Lohan is who I meant to say. So yeah I agree with you, LOL.

Gwynnethe said...

Doesn't this harken back to the Drew Barrymore story about the first floor tennant wanting to be called "Chris" and how her "assistant" would answer the door?

Unknown said...

I Totally thought of Biel for this too. But then again, its probably alot of people in Hollywood.

b said...

when i first read about the lohan incident that's what i thought it was about - since she was so enraged - i also wondered if perhaps she had made a pass at the assistant and the girl quit for that reason

very likely that all of her assistants are required to have certain leanings

Queen Latifah is not a "starlet"
- this is someone young


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