Thursday, August 09, 2007

Michael Lohan Throws Lindsay Under The Bus

When Michael Lohan started spouting off yesterday about how Lindsay was exposed to drug dealers and other criminals from when she was 15 and constantly being tailed by police when she moved from NY to LA, he did two things.
#1 He basically threw his daughter under the bus. No one has ever brought anything like this up in public and no one was likely to because of the stigma of being associated with drug dealers and criminals. It was done, it was over and it was six years ago. Michael Lohan is so desperate for publicity that he said, "you know what. I have some good dish on my daughter that the tabs will love and I will get another day of being in front of the media." This is his daughter. I don't care if she used every drug on the planet, f**ked a million guys and knew every criminal in the world. It's your kid and you should do everything you can to protect that child, not throw out fresh meat for the media. It's disgusting.

The second thing the asshole did was just confirm that he and Dina are really horrible parents. If throwing the kid under the bus isn't enough, you have to remember that Lindsay was living at home under their roof when all this started. Her parents had the power to stop it. Her parents should have said, "you know. Our daughter doesn't need to be hanging out with drug dealers and other criminals. I know her career is important, but she is only 15. Maybe we should move to the middle of nowhere and get her back on the right path and to make sure our other young kids also don't follow the same path." Instead, Michael and Dina just let it happen. Hell for all we know they might have been joining her or using with her.
(The top photo is Lindsay on her 18th birthday. The other two are when she was 15.)


  1. I missed what Daddy Dearest said yesterday, link anyone? please?

  2. Without being taught necessary life skills, she didn't stand a chance.

    Mom and Dad didn't care because she was their main source of income. Her mother lives vicariously through her, yet I can't help but think there is resentment mixed in there as well.

    Then she was thrown into an industry that doesn't care (not that it is there job to care). "Stars" are used to getting what they want. This ended up just being a continuance of what Dina and Michael started.

    AD: "Lindsay won't come out of here trailer until we get her an eight ball?"

    DIRECTOR: "So, have a PA get her an eight ball!"

    Her "friends" and the sycophants didn't care as long as they got what they wanted. (How much does Samantha get paid for info?)

    Hopefully, her people have her locked away somewhere. Word on the street is that she is house hunting in places like Montana, Idaho and New Mexico.

    I hope it is true and she spends a year in seclusion thinking about things and getting herself sorted out.

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    she could get a house in Bogotá, that would make it easier for her to get a volume discount.

  4. jesus even in that 18th bday pic she looks all kinda coked out..coke bloat and ice cream anyone? Or just the line for you?

    eye roll.

  5. Lindsey is an adult child of at least one alcoholic. She really needs some long-term treatment -- not only for her own substance abuse -- but from the trauma of being a child of those two seriously sick and stupid people.

  6. does this mean aaron carter was a drug dealer and a criminal?

  7. The fashion police certainly should have thrown them all in the slammer for the looks in that last photo.

    If the deacon is right and she's looking to move somewhere like New Mexico, that'll be the first sign of real intelligence I've seen from her in a long time.

    And because it always amuses me, I remind everyone again of this awesome bit of trivia: LiLo's breakout role as a child was on the soap Another World, where during exactly the same period another "troubled" star got her start...

    That actress? Anne Heche.

  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    That guy with her and Aaron Carter...he doesn't look real.

  9. We can yammer all we want about how bad her parents are and it won't change a thing. LL has to find her own way to live and quit blaming everyone around her. Get rid of the human garbage that hang off her and tell her how great she is and to PARTY ON!

    She isn't anywhere near greatness and she can't party on. Doesn't she have a day in court comming up soon?
