Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Melanie Griffith Hates Dogs

An encounter with a canine co-star quickly brought out the animal in Melanie Griffith. The actress was holding the tiny dog in her lap for a scene in her fall CBS comedy when Melanie erupted.

"In her shrill, childlike voice, she kept shouting "shut up" at the little dog," an insider told The ENQUIRER. "The cast and crew thought the dog was just the sweetest thing, and it was shocking to hear her yell at such a helpless animal."

Melanie went toe-to-paw with a paltry Pomeranian, which was wearing a tuxedo for its appearance in Viva Laughlin. The 50-year-old star was dressed in black for a graveyard scene, but the somber atmosphere was shattered by the little dog growling at a horse on the set. The aggravated actress soon joined the fray.

"At first, Melanie sounded like she was yelling at a person, but the crew soon realized that her persistent "shut up" were aimed at the dog," said the insider. Melanie's mom Tippi Hedren - who nearly got pecked to death in the Hitchcock classic The Birds runs an animal sanctuary.

"Tippi's dedicated her life to rescuing animals, and her daughter Melanie couldn't even be nice to a dog for a few hours of shooting," said the insider. "Melanie didn't even bother to learn the little guy's name. She just kept referring to him as "hey dog."


  1. Poor thing really needs to cover those legs. We're the same age and my legs look waaaaaay bettuh.

  2. Listen I know she is 50 and I am not trying to be mean but cooooome on. You can't be wearing those horrible shorts with those legs. E-gad's! She has the legs of a 90 yr old! No I take that back. A 110 yr old.
    -The Lawnmower-

  3. What the hell happened to her legs???

  4. Does anyone know what's going on with her legs?? She really needs to retire the shorts -- those days are long gone.

  5. Smoking, ladies. Smoking.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. __-__=__ is right! Smoking is disgusting and will turn your skin crepey and gross. It's no better than heroin - junkies need their fix and smokers are slaves to a little paper tube - not to mention they're paying some billionaire CEO for the privilege of killing themselves. SMOKING is WEAK!

    I quit smoking eleven years ago this summer and even pushing forty, my getaway sticks still look fierce in this miniskirt! (And guess what? No wrinkles around the mouth, either!) Suck it, Melanie, you old sea hag.

    PS: Being a sour faced dog hater probably ages one a fair bit, as well.

  8. Absolutely right Hez! Smoking + dog hate = fug! I'm 50 and my legs are still good to go - and I'm sure your's will be too!!

  9. A little self-tanner goes a long way.

  10. Anonymous11:53 AM

    OH YES let's STONE her because she doesn't like dogs. Good lord.
    Those legs and that cigarette on the other hand...yep, let's just stone her!

  11. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I'm sorry but I am NOT buying the ciggarettes caused the 90 year old lady legs... rant away on it but seriously - not the cause....

  12. drug and alcohol abuse in addition to the smoking turned those legs old. Can you imagine what her insides look like? Rotten, I'm sure.

  13. Ye-ouch Hez. Giving smokers a spanking. It stings a little, but I'll get over it. It's a nasty habit. I admitt it.

    Her legs are scary, but c'mon that bitch is addicted to plastic surgery and no one mentioned a leg lift or something. Or girl could pop a squat here and there. Those legs are Britney's destiny. Amen.

  14. Okay, I admit it I smoke and my legs still look a hundred times better than that! From her hair to her toes, that poor woman just ain't aging well. I almost bought a pair of shoes like she's wearing (just for comfort walking in New York), now I am so glad I didn't! Yuck.

    I think all that worrying about Antonio cheating has caused her veins to pop. Wasn't that a BI a while back?

  15. What is with the dog hating? Did he come on to Antonio? Lady has MAJOR problems.

  16. Not those pics again!!!!!That's Scary:(

  17. Just goes to show how much Photoshop is every celebrity's friend.

    How rational is it to yell "shut up" at a dog? Okay, if you owned the dog, maybe but Mel's little yellfest just makes her look stupid.
    Mel babe, hand the dog back to the handler and have another drag on your cancer stick why doncha?
