Mel B. Is Stupid, Stupid, Stupid And Married
On June 6th in Las Vegas, Mel B married unemployed movie producer Stephen "I changed my last name so people would think I was related to Harry" Belafonte. Mel says she and Stephen have known each other for years but when Eddie broke up with her Stephen was there and things just kind of took off.
I bet they took off. Mel just signed a deal to get at least $25M and look who comes knocking. This guy is like Brittany Murphy's husband and guess what, from what I've heard there's no pre-nup. None, nada, zilch. Some sites have reported there is one, and some have said there isn't one. From what I understand this was a quick elopement and in California there are certain time and notice requirements which have to be met in order to have a valid pre-nup. These time and notice requirements were the main reason why the Britney and K-Fed wedding was delayed.
So when this marriage collapses, and it will, guess who is going to be richer than K-Fed if there is no pre-nup. Prior to the news breaking about the marriage, Mel was supposed to go on Ass Kiss King's show to hate on Eddie Murphy and give Gloria Allred a few more minutes of television time. After the news broke and perhaps some questions about Stephen's past would pop up, then Mel suddenly gets ill and cancels the television gig.
Congratulations to the happy couple.